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The F*%K Thread


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Fuckin' mis-interpretation time again.I meant Fuck multiplied by two..... :whistle:


And who's gonna first to fuckin' post "I fuckin' knew that"


Cos you fuckin' didn't.... :whistle::whistle:


Of course I fuckin' knew that. I was just being a fuckin' wise ass. That's my fuckin job around here remember??


I fucking new that as well!!



I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<

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I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<


Fuckin'A, it's a fuckin' epidemic!!


But now that I have that flick on my fuckin' mind again I'm gonna have to fuckin' try and find some fuckin' time to squeeze in a fuckin' viewing this weekend!! <_<

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I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<


Fuckin'A, it's a fuckin' epidemic!!


But now that I have that flick on my fuckin' mind again I'm gonna have to fuckin' try and find some fuckin' time to squeeze in a fuckin' viewing this weekend!! <_<

Me too, but I've got two fuckin' kiddy birthday parties this weekend... :(


Fuckers... <_<

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I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<


Fuckin'A, it's a fuckin' epidemic!!


But now that I have that flick on my fuckin' mind again I'm gonna have to fuckin' try and find some fuckin' time to squeeze in a fuckin' viewing this weekend!! <_<

Me too, but I've got two fuckin' kiddy birthday parties this weekend... :(


Fuckers... <_<


Fuckin' A, this is getting eerie...cuz I got a fuckin kiddy birthday party tomorrow too. What are the fuckin odds?


One of yours wouldn't happen to be at the NJ Children's Museum in Paramus would it? Cuz then this would go right over the top into full out fuckin' SCARY!!!

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I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<


Fuckin'A, it's a fuckin' epidemic!!


But now that I have that flick on my fuckin' mind again I'm gonna have to fuckin' try and find some fuckin' time to squeeze in a fuckin' viewing this weekend!! <_<

Me too, but I've got two fuckin' kiddy birthday parties this weekend... :(


Fuckers... <_<


Fuckin' A, this is getting eerie...cuz I got a fuckin kiddy birthday party tomorrow too. What are the fuckin odds?


One of yours wouldn't happen to be at the NJ Children's Museum in Paramus would it? Cuz then this would go right over the top into full out fuckin' SCARY!!!

Nah, but that sounds more fuckin' fun than the one I'm going to... smack in the middle of suburbia, not a metalhead to be a found fuckin' anywhere... :blink:

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Nah, but that sounds more fuckin' fun than the one I'm going to... smack in the middle of suburbia, not a metalhead to be a found fuckin' anywhere... :blink:


Actually it's probably going to be a little fuckin' awkward... the birthday kid in question belongs to a couple of friends of ours that we fell out of fuckin contact with about five years back, we got an invite to the kid's first fuckin' birthday out of the blue...so we haven't seen them in a long time and have never met the birthday child... gonna be fuckin weird. :blink:

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I also recorded X3 off fuckin' HBO... and haven't found the fuckin' time to watch yet... <_<


Fuckin'A, it's a fuckin' epidemic!!


But now that I have that flick on my fuckin' mind again I'm gonna have to fuckin' try and find some fuckin' time to squeeze in a fuckin' viewing this weekend!! <_<

Me too, but I've got two fuckin' kiddy birthday parties this weekend... :(


Fuckers... <_<



:lol: I am in complete fucking envy mate - have a Speckled one for me.

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Fuck,fuck,fuckety-fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck a duck, fuck a duck. Sheer fucking poetry :bowdown:

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I have a strange fuckin' compulsion to fuckin' shout out....


"I fuckin' lurrrvvveee youuuuuuuuu "


Who the fuck are you talkin' to?

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I have a strange fuckin' compulsion to fuckin' shout out....


"I fuckin' lurrrvvveee youuuuuuuuu "


Who the fuck are you talkin' to?

Fuckin' no-one in particular..It's the fuckin' "in" thing to fuckin' do !!!!!! :whistle::whistle:

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I have a strange fuckin' compulsion to fuckin' shout out....


"I fuckin' lurrrvvveee youuuuuuuuu "


Who the fuck are you talkin' to?

Fuckin' no-one in particular..It's the fuckin' "in" thing to fuckin' do !!!!!! :whistle::whistle:



Not in the Fucking UK Brother Ian!

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I have a strange fuckin' compulsion to fuckin' shout out....


"I fuckin' lurrrvvveee youuuuuuuuu "


Who the fuck are you talkin' to?

Fuckin' no-one in particular..It's the fuckin' "in" thing to fuckin' do !!!!!! :whistle::whistle:



Not in the Fucking UK Brother Ian!

But where does it fuckin' come from then Jezster ??

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Thank God I don't have any fuckin' kids!!!

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It's fuckin' F.A.Cup day !!!!!!!!

So I take it that you're going fucking shopping instead???

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It's fuckin' F.A.Cup day !!!!!!!!

So I take it that you're going fucking shopping instead???

You're fuckin' joking Chris...Fuck shopping ...

Yes I am fucking joking!! Got your fucking fruit shoots all ready??

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It's fuckin' F.A.Cup day !!!!!!!!

So I take it that you're going fucking shopping instead???

You're fuckin' joking Chris...Fuck shopping ...

Yes I am fucking joking!! Got your fucking fruit shoots all ready??

Fuckin' hopefully !!!!!!!!

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