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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.


Maybe two if your fucking lucky!

That would be a fucking bona-fide bonanza!! :bananamac:

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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.


Maybe two if your fucking lucky!



Or just spend the ENTIRE sunday morning fucking :nyanya:

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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.


Maybe two if your fucking lucky!



Or just spend the ENTIRE sunday morning fucking :nyanya:

HA!! Like that'll fucking last past one week!!! :nyanya:

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I'm just gonna say fuck again....

You can only fuck again if you fucked once already.

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Thanks guys... I feel fuckin' worse for my five year old than for me... he loved that fuckin cat too... but the poor lil' fucker was old and sick and it was time for him to go. We probably fuckin let him hang around longer than we should have just for the kid's sake (we didn't wanna fuck up his fuckin Christmas) but we finally did what was best for the fuckin kitty. Still can't help feeling fuckin terrible about it tho.

Oh, fuck mate. Sorry to hear about your kitty. It's amazing that no matter how much you know it's coming and think you'll be okay when it happens... still sad as fuck when it actually happens. I released some man-tears back into the wild a few months ago when my kitty died. :( All the best to you and your son, brother Keith.

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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.


Maybe two if your fucking lucky!



Or just spend the ENTIRE sunday morning fucking :nyanya:


Ahh - A girl after my own fucking heart :headbanger:

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Thanks guys... I feel fuckin' worse for my five year old than for me... he loved that fuckin cat too... but the poor lil' fucker was old and sick and it was time for him to go. We probably fuckin let him hang around longer than we should have just for the kid's sake (we didn't wanna fuck up his fuckin Christmas) but we finally did what was best for the fuckin kitty. Still can't help feeling fuckin terrible about it tho.

Oh, fuck mate. Sorry to hear about your kitty. It's amazing that no matter how much you know it's coming and think you'll be okay when it happens... still sad as fuck when it actually happens. I released some man-tears back into the wild a few months ago when my kitty died. :( All the best to you and your son, brother Keith.


Thanks Brother G... the little guy was almost fuckin' philosophical about the whole fuckin' thing today... he sez "Maybe there's a little boy or girl in Heaven who needs a kitty. Lester can be their kitty so he'll have a new friend and won't be lonely." Then he asked me to go thru the photo album and find a picture of Lester that he could hang on his bedroom wall so "He'll always watch over me." ... it was so fuckin' beautiful and sweet that I fuckin' cried again. He's a sensitive little guy. Must get that from his mother. ;)

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talk about not a fuckin dry eye in the house. :crying:

Fuckin' got that right!! :crying:

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Thanks guys... I feel fuckin' worse for my five year old than for me... he loved that fuckin cat too... but the poor lil' fucker was old and sick and it was time for him to go. We probably fuckin let him hang around longer than we should have just for the kid's sake (we didn't wanna fuck up his fuckin Christmas) but we finally did what was best for the fuckin kitty. Still can't help feeling fuckin terrible about it tho.

Oh, fuck mate. Sorry to hear about your kitty. It's amazing that no matter how much you know it's coming and think you'll be okay when it happens... still sad as fuck when it actually happens. I released some man-tears back into the wild a few months ago when my kitty died. :( All the best to you and your son, brother Keith.


Thanks Brother G... the little guy was almost fuckin' philosophical about the whole fuckin' thing today... he sez "Maybe there's a little boy or girl in Heaven who needs a kitty. Lester can be their kitty so he'll have a new friend and won't be lonely." Then he asked me to go thru the photo album and find a picture of Lester that he could hang on his bedroom wall so "He'll always watch over me." ... it was so fuckin' beautiful and sweet that I fuckin' cried again. He's a sensitive little guy. Must get that from his mother. ;)


We take the loss of a pet very hard and the reason being, they are more fuckin' loyal to you than a person ever will..... Well that's my fuckin' opinion anyway.

Reading your post Freddy, your boy is growing up fast and is displaying a very impressive way to look at and deal with the situation. Be very proud of him :tumbsup:

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Reading your post Freddy, your boy is growing up fast and is displaying a very impressive way to look at and deal with the situation. Be very proud of him :tumbsup:


Thanks Dave... indeed he is growing up fast... too fuckin' fast if you ask me... but he's handling this situation a lot fuckin' better than I had anticipated...

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I'm just about ready to start fuckin' packin' for a few days down the Island :banana: .

Plenty of :chug: sun :chug: sand :chug: surf :chug: swimming :chug: BBQ's :chug: relaxation :chug: and last but not least, some more :chug:

Hopefully that 5-6 metre Great White has moved on to another State by now and is not waiting for me to be on his menu :yikes:

The only white pointers I want to feast my eyes on are what's on the sand :tits: , not in the fuckin' water :lol:

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Reading your post Freddy, your boy is growing up fast and is displaying a very impressive way to look at and deal with the situation. Be very proud of him :tumbsup:


Thanks Dave... indeed he is growing up fast... too fuckin' fast if you ask me... but he's handling this situation a lot fuckin' better than I had anticipated...

Glad to hear your son’s coping with the loss so well, mate. Sounds like he’s doing better than I do even today! lol.


And Dave, have an awesome time on Phillip Fucking Island! Hope the temperatures keep up nice and high and it doesn’t hurt too much when the shark eats yo- uh, no one. And stuff. :)

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Reading your post Freddy, your boy is growing up fast and is displaying a very impressive way to look at and deal with the situation. Be very proud of him :tumbsup:


Thanks Dave... indeed he is growing up fast... too fuckin' fast if you ask me... but he's handling this situation a lot fuckin' better than I had anticipated...

Glad to hear your son’s coping with the loss so well, mate. Sounds like he’s doing better than I do even today! lol.


And Dave, have an awesome time on Phillip Fucking Island! Hope the temperatures keep up nice and high and it doesn’t hurt too much when the shark eats yo- uh, no one. And stuff. :)


Serious mate, I will be shittin' fuckin' bricks when I'm in that water and I will ensure there is alot of people in front of, behind and to the side of me at all times.

They scare the fuckin' shit out of me and the eyes will be glued to the water looking for that fin and the head will be turning like a spinning top :yikes: ......That's when I'm in the water up to my fuckin knees.....wait till' I go out deeper :lol:

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:lol: I never bother thinking of sharks… it’s not worth the hassle. If you’re really that unlucky that out of the millions of people that come and go to the beach, the fucker picks you to eat… well, mate, I guess you can only have a slight chuckle to yourself as he tears you to fucking shreds, and at least try to see the funny side of it?
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Mate, I wish I could have that fuckin' attitude but whilst in murky deep water and very few people around, that's all that runs through my little mind.

I fuckin' believe that they are always lurking very close by, just like a New Zealander with gumboots around a flock of sheep.

This is what happened last time we were there. The day after swimming at another beach another fuckin' monster was spotted right where we had been swimming.... I tell you mate, these fuckers are harassing me big fuckin' time.

:unsure: Where is Vic Hislop when you need him :lol:

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