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5-6 metres is pretty fucking big. I seriously wouldn't worry about it, though. I never hear stories of swimmers being eaten by sharks... only the poor fuckin' surfers sitting out there serving as a delicious barrier between shark and swimmer.


It's probably just a cardboard one, left over from 'Jaws' or something. You do know sharks are a myth, right?

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5-6 metres is pretty fucking big. I seriously wouldn't worry about it, though. I never hear stories of swimmers being eaten by sharks... only the poor fuckin' surfers sitting out there serving as a delicious barrier between shark and swimmer.


It's probably just a cardboard one, left over from 'Jaws' or something. You do know sharks are a myth, right?


Trust me, I use a surf mat and do go out :unsure: ......used to go out a long way, past all the swimmers because I used to love pretenting they were fuckin' skittles when you caught a big wave and see how many you could clean up on the way in :lol: .

Thanks for letting me know sharks are just a myth.....I'll remember that when a metre high fin is heading srtaight fuckin' towards me at a great rate of knots :yikes::lol:

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5-6 metres is pretty fucking big. I seriously wouldn't worry about it, though. I never hear stories of swimmers being eaten by sharks... only the poor fuckin' surfers sitting out there serving as a delicious barrier between shark and swimmer.


It's probably just a cardboard one, left over from 'Jaws' or something. You do know sharks are a myth, right?


Trust me, I use a surf mat and do go out :unsure: ......used to go out a long way, past all the swimmers because I used to love pretenting they were fuckin' skittles when you caught a big wave and see how many you could clean up on the way in :lol: .

Thanks for letting me know sharks are just a myth.....I'll remember that when a metre high fin is heading srtaight fuckin' towards me at a great rate of knots :yikes::lol:

Oh, wow. Fair enough. Sorry mate, but based on that info you'll be first to be picked off by that hungry fucker. Let's just hope I was right all along and they are myths. Cardboard teeth won't hurt much.

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My fuckin' footie clubs time is nearly fuckin' up... :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:


Thank Fuck for that. :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:

We'll still fuckin' haunt you matey boy....



Fuckin' nearly forgotten already.!! :whistle:

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My fuckin' footie clubs time is nearly fuckin' up... :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:


Thank Fuck for that. :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:

We'll still fuckin' haunt you matey boy....



Fuckin' nearly forgotten already.!! :whistle:


Fuckin' :rofl2: .

But also feelin' a fuckin' little bit sorry for Ian because like us Victorians {even though what we call football, is not soccer}, your footy club is a big passion and a huge part of your life and you don't want to see your club, ridin' off into the fuckin' sunset, never to be seen again........ To some, footy is a religion. Does not matter what code it is.

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How much fuckin' shopping can one woman fuckin' do ?? :unsure:


As much as your fucking credit card can fucking take!

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How much fuckin' shopping can one woman fuckin' do ?? :unsure:


As much as your fucking credit card can fucking take!


Then she reaches for the fuckin' notes and coins in her fuckin purse, then after that she searches the bottom of her fuckin' handbag for any other stray coins. She will then ask the kids if they have any fuckin' money in there pockets and for a last resort, will keep her eyes to the ground of the shopping centre to see if anyone has dropped fuckin' some.

Women + Money + Shops is a fuckin' deadly mix :yikes:

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Fuck, I'm depressed.


We had to have our older cat put to fuckin' sleep this morning. :crying:


I miss the fuzzy little fucker like you wouldn't believe. :crying:


Fuckin' R.I.P. Lester!!!


I'm gonna go fuckin cry now.

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Fuck, I'm depressed.


We had to have our older cat put to fuckin' sleep this morning. :crying:


I miss the fuzzy little fucker like you wouldn't believe. :crying:


Fuckin' R.I.P. Lester!!!


I'm gonna go fuckin cry now.

Ah fuck, man I'm sorry. Putting a pet to sleep is fuckin' traumatic to say the least.

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Fuck, I'm depressed.


We had to have our older cat put to fuckin' sleep this morning. :crying:


I miss the fuzzy little fucker like you wouldn't believe. :crying:


Fuckin' R.I.P. Lester!!!


I'm gonna go fuckin cry now.

Ah fuck, man I'm sorry. Putting a pet to sleep is fuckin' traumatic to say the least.



it tis fuckin indeed. sorry about your kitty Keef.

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Thanks guys... I feel fuckin' worse for my five year old than for me... he loved that fuckin cat too... but the poor lil' fucker was old and sick and it was time for him to go. We probably fuckin let him hang around longer than we should have just for the kid's sake (we didn't wanna fuck up his fuckin Christmas) but we finally did what was best for the fuckin kitty. Still can't help feeling fuckin terrible about it tho.

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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.

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Only a solitary fuck today...


Always starty Sunday off with a good Fuck I say!!!

Sunday is a perfect day for a fuck.


Maybe two if your fucking lucky!

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