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The F*%K Thread


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Why do people rake the fuckin' leaves, in the first place? I never understood that........they're fuckin' preeeeeeeetty.


Well, I can't speak for every-fuckin-body else, but when my yard is covered in fuckin' leaves, I have trouble finding the fuckin' doggie bombs, if you catch my fuckin' drift...

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I can fuckin' relate. A few mornings ago I had to retrieve my fuckin' trash can lid from my fuckin' neighbor's yard. Fuckin' wind...

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The rain has fuckin' stopped...fuckin' :woot:


The sun's actually out now, but of course everything is fuckin' soaked right now so going outside is not exactly a fuckin' option.

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The rain has fuckin' stopped...fuckin' :woot:


The sun's actually out now, but of course everything is fuckin' soaked right now so going outside is not exactly a fuckin' option.




I have a fucking burn pile that's needed fucking burned for months.

I've fucking put off doing every weekend and this week I said I would do it, but with all this fucking rain like you said doing anything outside isn't an option.

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Why do people rake the fuckin' leaves, in the first place? I never understood that........they're fuckin' preeeeeeeetty.


Well, I can't speak for every-fuckin-body else, but when my yard is covered in fuckin' leaves, I have trouble finding the fuckin' doggie bombs, if you catch my fuckin' drift...

:rofl2: fucking doggie bombs

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:rofl2: fucking doggie bombs


Fuckin'-A right brother... I'd rather get them off my lawn than find them later with my fuckin' shoe when they're all nice and fuckin' fermented. Fuckin' ewwwww....!

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:rofl2: fucking doggie bombs


Fuckin'-A right brother... I'd rather get them off my lawn than find them later with my fuckin' shoe when they're all nice and fuckin' fermented. Fuckin' ewwwww....!

Or when you fucking find them after a looooooong fucking rain!!! :puke:

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No posts in the fuck thread for 2 days.


What the fucks going on here, does nobody have any thing to fucking complain about.

I was sooooo fucking bored I kept going to the Uninteresting Thread -_-

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My son has a fucking cold too. How much has it got to fucking suck to be four years old and sick on fuckin' Halloween? I hope he's feeling fuckin' well enough to at least visit some of our fuckin' neighbors for trick-or-fuckin-treats tonight. I don't want him to be totally fuckin' skunked.

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My son has a fucking cold too. How much has it got to fucking suck to be four years old and sick on fuckin' Halloween? I hope he's feeling fuckin' well enough to at least visit some of our fuckin' neighbors for trick-or-fuckin-treats tonight. I don't want him to be totally fuckin' skunked.


When's your son's birthday? I fuckin' noticed that up until very recently you had been referring to your "3 year old". I only ask 'cause my daughter just turned 3 on the 5th.


Kids are pretty fuckin' resilient, I know my daughter would just push on through it as long as candy's involved... <_<

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My son will be four on November 17th, so he's not quite fuckin' there yet, but it's close enough that I figured I can start calling him a four year old.

He's still sleepin' right now, we'll see what kinda fuckin' shape he's in this morning... I'm betting he'll be bouncing off the fuckin' walls and itchin' to put that fuckin' Superman costume on...

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My son will be four on November 17th, so he's not quite fuckin' there yet, but it's close enough that I figured I can start calling him a four year old.

He's still sleepin' right now, we'll see what kinda fuckin' shape he's in this morning... I'm betting he'll be bouncing off the fuckin' walls and itchin' to put that fuckin' Superman costume on...


:lol: Yeah, I'd put my fuckin' money on that bet too. Good luck tonight brother. :drink:

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:lol: Yeah, I'd put my fuckin' money on that bet too. Good luck tonight brother. :drink:


You too Pete... hope you can steal a couple of fuckin' Kit Kats out of the kid's bag when her back's turned... :)


Well, The Boy is awake and despite some lingering fuckin' sniffles he's already asked when we can start trick or treating. He wasn't too fuckin' happy to hear that we're gonna fuckin' wait till Mommy gets home from work later this afternoon. I guess he figured we were gonna be knockin' on fuckin' doors all day long. Sorry kid, reality fuckin' sucks.


Oh, and I have a truly terrifying Halloween activity planned for a little while from now: I have to go to Town Hall and pay my fucking property taxes. Any of you who live in New Jersey know what a fucking horrific thing that is. :(

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Oh, and I have a truly terrifying Halloween activity planned for a little while from now: I have to go to Town Hall and pay my fucking property taxes. Any of you who live in New Jersey know what a fucking horrific thing that is. :(


Dude, you have my most sincere fucking condolences. Fuckin' greedy bastards... <_<

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Dude, you have my most sincere fucking condolences. Fuckin' greedy bastards... <_<


I would fuckin' sooner face the combined evils of Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, and Pinhead than the fuckin' tax collector. :yikes:

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I had to train a fuckin' new girl at work last night. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate training. I'm a fuckin' doer.....not a watcher.


And I have another new one starting Friday night. Somebody just fuckin' shoot me now! :bigboom:

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I had to train a fuckin' new girl at work last night. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate training. I'm a fuckin' doer.....not a watcher.


And I have another new one starting Friday night. Somebody just fuckin' shoot me now! :bigboom:




It never bothered me to fucking train people.

I used to train new managers for one of the companies I used to work for and most of the time found it to be a rewarding experience.

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I'd rather be the fuckin' trainer than the fuckin' trainee.

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I'd rather be the fuckin' trainer than the fuckin' trainee.


Yeahhhhhhh........guess I'm just afraid I'll tell / show her the wrong fuckin' way to do things. -_-


And...I'm fuckin' shy...

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