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The F*%K Thread


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This is fucked. Stayed up till about 2am last night watching the tennis (can't say for sure as I was drifting in and out of sleep for fucking hours) and I have to get up for this shit. One little fucked up Monday at work, then a public holiday tomorrow followed by the rest of the fucking working week. Nice fucking timing, Australia Day.

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This is fucked. Stayed up till about 2am last night watching the tennis (can't say for sure as I was drifting in and out of sleep for fucking hours) and I have to get up for this shit. One little fucked up Monday at work, then a public holiday tomorrow followed by the rest of the fucking working week. Nice fucking timing, Australia Day.

I fucking feel for you bro,not that it will fucking make you feel better but i managed to get today off and i agree fuckin' shit timing.

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This is fucked. Stayed up till about 2am last night watching the tennis (can't say for sure as I was drifting in and out of sleep for fucking hours) and I have to get up for this shit. One little fucked up Monday at work, then a public holiday tomorrow followed by the rest of the fucking working week. Nice fucking timing, Australia Day.

I fucking feel for you bro,not that it will fucking make you feel better but i managed to get today off and i agree fuckin' shit timing.

Wasn't too bad in the end mate. We ended up shutting at midday so I snuck a sneaky surf in this afternoon. How the fuck it was about 5-6ft yesterday and it's already gone back down to 1-2ft today I'll never know, but as they say - a terrible, terrible surf is better than the best day ever in the office. And there was a big turtle swimming out there too, which was pretty cool. Never seen that at all on the northern beaches here in Sydney.


Anyway, so it was a bit of an unexpected score for the fuckin' day. Plus we have tomorrow off! FUCK YEAH! BEER!

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Fuckin` work tomorrow, great! :crying:


2 fucking weeks off for me :bananamac:

Jez you lucky fucker,wish it was fuckin' me.Enjoy the time off you fucker.



Just got up after a lovely fucking nights sleep (for once). Now what shall I do, fucking music, fucking movies to watch and beer to consume. Happy fucking days ;)

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Thank fuck, Hewitt and Stosur got their arses kicked in the tennis and are now out :bananamac:

Now the Australian media might be able to focus on some real talent and not just have page after page in the newspapers on these two highly over-rated twats :lame:

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Our fuckin' SKY "froze".........

That fuckin' sucks.

It still fuckin' has,and I can't reach the fuckin' plug.........

Grab someone to help you the fuck out,what about a neighbour?Not one of those fuckin' twats of Neighbours from Australia,i can't believe we unleashed that fucking shit on the world.

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Our fuckin' SKY "froze".........

That fuckin' sucks.

It still fuckin' has,and I can't reach the fuckin' plug.........

Grab someone to help you the fuck out,what about a neighbour?Not one of those fuckin' twats of Neighbours from Australia,i can't believe we unleashed that fucking shit on the world.

I still fuckin' can't.........

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Thank fuck, Hewitt and Stosur got their arses kicked in the tennis and are now out :bananamac:

Now the Australian media might be able to focus on some real talent and not just have page after page in the newspapers on these two highly over-rated twats :lame:

I actually like Hewitt and it's sad to say it, but you watch the big name guys these days and sadly Hewitt just does not have a style of game that can mix it with these guys. Yeah, he hang in till the last second and no one could ever question the fight in him... but most the dudes on the tour just smash the fuck out of that fucking ball, and Hewitt doesn't have the firepower to mix it with them, imo.


Anyway, shame to see Nadal succumb to injury last night - that was quite a fucking contest. And I was going for him too.


Our fuckin' SKY "froze".........

That fuckin' sucks.

It still fuckin' has,and I can't reach the fuckin' plug.........

I thought you said pug.

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