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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Dearest Eric:


Home with a sick baby and a hyperactive five year old today. Have mercy on my soul.

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Hey Eric:

Mental note: babies don't like nasal aspirators.


Can't say as I blame'em tho.

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


If the hills really do have eyes, why have I never seen a hill in a zoo? Come to think of it... maybe I have. Is that why they're there?


Hill gazer

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Dear Mr B and friends...

ABC 123 knick knack Patty Black Give that Frog a Loan

Enter through the out door drive on the parkway park on the driveway

upside down inside out spin me right round too shy shy....


The iso ward confinement team

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


If I were a jockey I'd be a smaller man.



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Mornin Eric.


Micky Momo is an attitude.

Micky Momo is a mellow mood.

You can Momo drinkin' lemonade

You Momo soakin' in a marinade.

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Good Morning Eric Von Brittingham,


*scuffle breaks out*


*Tear runs down handsome but scarred face* Does anyone... *Wipes tear from handsome cheek* ... know how to remove a Von from your ass?



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Chaplain: Let us praise Eric Brittingham. O Eric...

Congregation: O Eric...

Chaplain: ...Ooh, Your hair is so big...

Congregation: ...ooh, fluffy hair so big...

Chaplain: ...So absolutely huge.

Congregation: ...So absolutely huge.

Chaplain: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.

Congregation: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.

Chaplain: Forgive us, O Eric, for this, our dreadful toadying, and...

Congregation: And barefaced flattery.

Chaplain: But You are so strong and, well, just so super.

Congregation: Fantastic.

Humphrey: Amen.

Congregation: Amen

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Artistic Freedom has been restricted for the moment and I must now conceal these words.



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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


Water go down de hole.


Ella-lator go up, ella-lator go down.


My toot-toot came back!!!



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O Brittingham of Cinderella please tell us....

apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


The Flock of the Rock.

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Dear Eric Brittingham,


Can you please arrange to record a "modern rock" album so people can finally embrace it and realise it's nothing more than just a new version of what they already enjoy?



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Mornin' Eric Brittingham.


Television. The idiot tube. Helps to raise our children as fools. Watch the news, see what they want you to see.



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Mornin' Eric Brittingham.


Television. The idiot tube. Helps to raise our children as fools. Watch the news, see what they want you to see.




Flashing pictures on my screen

Shown too quickly to be seen

Does not register in my conscious mind

Propaganda of another kind

They're Fucking with me subliminally

They're Fucking with me subliminally...???

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I think I typed something similar in a wrong thread. I apologise for this and ask you to spare my life.



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