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Geez , how good are the West Indies ???????????????????.

It's nearing the end of day 3 of the first Test and Australia have a 500 run lead and 8 wickets still in hand. :lame:

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Not very!!!! I can see a Whitewash a comin'. Even after day 2 their heads went down and seemed to say to themselves 'We ain't got a hope'. Hopefully they will pick up and give the Aussies a bit of a game. This one is finished already though. Never write a team off after one test match eh Dave??:lol: But at this rate a battering is in the pipeline I fear.

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Not very!!!! I can see a Whitewash a comin'. Even after day 2 their heads went down and seemed to say to themselves 'We ain't got a hope'. Hopefully they will pick up and give the Aussies a bit of a game. This one is finished already though. Never write a team off after one test match eh Dave??:lol:    But at this rate a battering is in the pipeline I fear.


The crowds at the first 3 days have been shocking and that does not look good for the rest of the series.Make no mistake , the only thing the Aussie cricket supporters are waiting for now is another crack at the Pom's on our turf and unfortunately that is a long way off :angry: .

You should have seen Warne bowling yesterday , they did not have the slightest clue where the ball was going.It was awesome to watch.

Jez , you say never write a team off after one Test match :lol:<_<;) .There is a big difference between the Pom's and the Windies :drink:

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380 run belting :lame: Not looking good for an interesting series.


By the way , did anyone happen to see the Rugby League Test between the Aussies and the Poms :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to be a real good side to win in Pakistan , especially when the pitch and conditions may not suit :lol:

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Should have won this one after the 3rd day. Should have got a much bigger lead than we did. I don't rate the Pakistan side as much as I used too, and not being funny, but they're heads were right down until Kanaria bowled on the last day. He was the difference I think We didn't bat well 2nd time, and were only 20 odd short, so I'm not particularly worried. We will bounce back on Sunday i'm sure.

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Another cracker Test against the Windies. :lol: .

Windies 1st Innings , all out 149. Australia near the close of play on day 2 were 1 for 252 when i last heard :lame: .

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No contest mate - I was watching some of it last night/this morning.


This is not good for the game when you have contest's like this :lame: .

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Dave - The Windies bowled really well today I thought, looked at least like they had a little bit of passion in them, then they had to bat again and decided to get 'Un Passionate' again!!!!!Game over.

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Dave - The Windies bowled really well today I thought, looked at least like they had a little bit of passion in them, then they had to bat again and decided to get 'Un Passionate' again!!!!!Game over.


You are correct Jez and what also pissed me off was the way the rest of the top order for Australia batted except for Hodge.Most of them got themselves out with stupid shots and it just seemed to me that arrogance played a big part in it. :drink:

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Dave - The Windies bowled really well today I thought, looked at least like they had a little bit of passion in them, then they had to bat again and decided to get 'Un Passionate' again!!!!!Game over.


You are correct Jez and what also pissed me off was the way the rest of the top order for Australia batted except for Hodge.Most of them got themselves out with stupid shots and it just seemed to me that arrogance played a big part in it. :drink:


Another thing that pisses me off with the Australian selectors is they stick with people who are out of form for way to long and the Ashes series was a perfect example of that.

Now it seems Clarke is the one they are going to stick with even though he has done nothing for so long now and they are going to keep playing him , hoping he will eventually make runs and by keeping him in would have to be at the expense of Hodge or Hussey.It is time Clarke went back to State level to try and regain form and earn his selection in the Test team , not have it handed to him on a silver platter.Clarke is one who is very full of himself and now needs to deflate a large amount of ego he carries around with him and do the hard work and earn respect with results

Both Hodge and Hussey should have been in the Ashes team and why they picked Symonds in this Test side i will never know.He is not a Test player , never has been , never will be.

You may be able to carry a few against crap teams but they were shown up badly against the English by sticking with people who were out of form or simply not good enough against good opposition. <_<

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They obviously listened to what i had to say. :soapbox:

You have to earn respect and a place in the team <_<

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Looking dodgy for the English team. Really struggling against The Pakistanis. 100 odd for 3 already, and 350 behind still. We need Bell or Pietersen/Freddy to let rip with a ton or more pretty quickly, otherwise this game is a goner aswell.

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Yeah! Bit off really and just Not 'Cricket'. The little F**ker has been banned for the last test and the 2 one dayers, so at least that's something. Were making a good push of it today, so hopefully will get near the 460 we need. At the mo we have 385, so are getting there. I can see a draw coming, which will leave the last test as the decider. Here's hoping.


Cheers Dave




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Yeah! Bit off really and just Not 'Cricket'. The little F**ker has been banned for the last test and the 2 one dayers, so at least that's something. Were making a good push of it today, so hopefully will get near the 460 we need. At the mo we have 385, so are getting there. I can see a draw coming, which will leave the last test as the decider. Here's hoping. 


Cheers Dave



                              :drink:      :drink:


Your boys did well today so a draw it will be and then i hope you whip those cheating bastards :butt: 's in the decider.

Never liked the Paki's , they are as straight as a dogs back leg. Always have been , always will be. <_< .


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We ain't doin' so well today pal. Talk about make a meal of it. Should have got them out for around 200 and made a real go of it. 20-4 at one stage, but the recovery by Pietersen/Flintoff hopefully seems to have enabled us Wangle a draw. (And I mean Hopefully at this present Moment!!!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things a bit quiet on the English cricket scene :whistle::lol: .

Does not seem to be much said lately except from Jez ;)

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Not much to be said Bud except F***ng Dire . Was watching the end of the debacle early this morning and was nearly crying into my coffee. Completely outplayed in this one i'm afraid. Thought at one stage we would manage the draw, then the 'Collapse' (understatement of the year) happened. Should have won the first test when we had the chance. Hopefully the one dayers will be better.

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We absolutely hammered New Zealand today in a one dayer but then again , so does everyone else :lol: .

The South Africans arrived today. I don't really know what to expect from them :unsure: .Not quite up to speed on their recent form :drink:

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:wtf: 642 runs in a one day game and a 2 run victory to the Aussies.What a game!!!!!!. That will really piss off the sheep enjoyers' :fu::lol:
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Dave - Watched some of the highlights - it was a great game. England played well today aswell - Record score of 327 in a one dayer in Pakistan. I thought they were going to catch us at one stage, but we won by 40 odd runs in the end. Some good batting by everyone today so 1-0 up.




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:wtf: We made 330 odd today and the Sheep enjoyers made that with an over to spare.

It looks like the scores of 270-280 are no longer going to be enough.Another very entertaining game that was great to watch :tumbsup:

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