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66 mustang

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"Transformers" (2007)

I mentioned in another thread a few days back that I have been intending to re-visit this one for some time, even though I wasn't particularly impressed when I first watched it a few years ago.


Well, I got about an hour into this flick last night and I was so bored that I actually turned it off, which is something I rarely, if ever, do. OK, so the movie has a nice slick music-video kinda look, lotsa stuff blows up, the special effects are insanely good, and Megan Fox looks fabulous of course, but the "story" (was there even a story? If so I couldn't find it amongst all the clanging metal sound effects) was utter nonsense...


Seriously folks, I made it all the way through "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" for Christ's sake, but I wasn't able to watch the last half of "Transformers." I think that says a lot. Time will tell if I even bother to go back and finish it.


If nothing else, this experience has shown me how, errr, "out of step" my taste in movies has become when compared to the so-called "mainstream."


Screw this movie. Next time I'm in the mood for giant robot action, I'm reachin' for "Robot Jox" (1990), which is 10x better yet probably cost less to make than whatever the "Transformers" crew paid for Megan Fox's hairdresser.



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Watched the second half of "Transformers" last night... and it was just as ridiculous as the first half.


So...um, yeah, not a fan. :whistle:

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Watched the second half of "Transformers" last night... and it was just as ridiculous as the first half.


So...um, yeah, not a fan. :whistle:


I loved that film. Great easy watching action film with nice special effects. Yeah it's a silly story, but many action films are no better.



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Watched the second half of "Transformers" last night... and it was just as ridiculous as the first half.


So...um, yeah, not a fan. :whistle:


Then you have to avoid the second one. :)


Oh, I plan to. This is the second time I've given this movie/franchise a shot, and it's left me cold both times.


Though I gotta say, my 8 year old watched the last half of it with me and since he knows the characters and their back stories way better than I do ("Oh cool, Daddy, watch this! Ironhide's gonna kick that guy's butt!" :rofl2:) he enjoyed it much more than I did. :lol:

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  • My Little Pony

Battle Royale I & II

A little disappointed. I think people over-hyped it. I was expecting more gratuitous, gory violence. Oh, well.

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Battle Royale I & II

A little disappointed. I think people over-hyped it. I was expecting more gratuitous, gory violence. Oh, well.


So when are you gonna watch a quality movie, like, say, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?" :lol:

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  • My Little Pony

Battle Royale I & II

A little disappointed. I think people over-hyped it. I was expecting more gratuitous, gory violence. Oh, well.


So when are you gonna watch a quality movie, like, say, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?" :lol:

Heh heh. Maybe this weekend. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to make a serious beer run before, though.

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'Bum Surfers' ; what a piece of shit. Shameless piece of shit. The sad thing is I think it was actually trying to be a kind of sentimental small town story about a group of young surfers and their journey through youth. But it wasn't. This f*cking idiot loses his surfboard in the surf one day and then, along with his buddies and the shaper of the board, he goes on this quest to find it. What then follows is some of the most pointless, jummbled and awkward script writing you will ever see. The two girls are sexy but victims of the horrible "plot" and the lead guy is a dead ringer for a young Jon Bon Jovi. Even the surf sequences are brief and shithouse. I got nothing positive to say about this disaster.

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'Bum Surfers'


:yikes: With that kinda title, I would've thought it was one'a them... y'know... all dude pornos.

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'Bum Surfers'


:yikes: With that kinda title, I would've thought it was one'a them... y'know... all dude pornos.

Yep, I too was all like wtf about the title. I didn't actually think it's be a surf movie, but more about dudes who, uh, "surf" inside other guys' anuses. And to be honest it was about as bad as I imagine a all-male porno would be. :lol:

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  • My Little Pony

'Bum Surfers'


:yikes: With that kinda title, I would've thought it was one'a them... y'know... all dude pornos.

Why do you think he picked it up, to begin with? And why do you think he was so dissapointed?

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DESPICABLE ME cute, liked it:)

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"Burnt Offerings"

...a '70s flick from Dan Curtis (of TV's "Dark Shadows" fame), in which a family rents a creepy old house for the summer and then slowly (VERY slowly) become affected by the place (and by the mysterious old lady who supposedly lives upstairs, but is never seen) in various disturbing ways.


Atmospheric but ultimately pretty dull flick that is kinda like a lower watt, less intense version of "The Shining," which came along a couple of years after this.



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"Burnt Offerings"

...a '70s flick from Dan Curtis (of TV's "Dark Shadows" fame), in which a family rents a creepy old house for the summer and then slowly (VERY slowly) become affected by the place (and by the mysterious old lady who supposedly lives upstairs, but is never seen) in various disturbing ways.


Atmospheric but ultimately pretty dull flick that is kinda like a lower watt, less intense version of "The Shining," which came along a couple of years after this.




Sounds interesting. It's also the name of a Testament song, so it can't be bad!


I'd be really interested to see a list of your top spooky films; as mentioned before I'm not into blood and gore, but I love a good scary flick.

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Sounds interesting. It's also the name of a Testament song, so it can't be bad!


I'd be really interested to see a list of your top spooky films; as mentioned before I'm not into blood and gore, but I love a good scary flick.


Ehhh, it was OK but not much more than that. It seems to have a bit of a cult classic status, but I guess said "cult" is likely made up of people who first saw it as kids. I could see how it would've been a bit scarier if I'd seen it when I was younger (and therefore was not as much of a jaded prick...haha).


Top Ten Spooky Films? Geez, I'd have to think that one over but a couple off the top of my head would be "The Others" w/Nicole Kidman (the first film to actually raise the hair on the back of my neck in YEARS), the original "Amityville Horror" from '79 (though time and repeated viewings have dulled its impact of course, that flick still scared the goddamn POOP outta me when I was a kid!), the original "Omen" flick (still my favorite "Satan" movie, I even like it better than "The Exorcist")... I also have vague memories of an early '80s movie called "Ghost Story" w/John Houseman that I haven't seen in many years but it blew my f*ckin mind when I was a teenager...


Then of course there's Kubrick's "The Shining" (which "Burnt Offerings" resembles more than a little bit; apparently Stephen King has admitted to being a big fan of the novel upon which "Burnt Offerings" was based)... classic creep-o-rama (even though I can barely stand to look directly at Shelley DuVall...hahahaha)!!

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Top Ten Spooky Films? Geez, I'd have to think that one over but a couple off the top of my head would be "The Others" w/Nicole Kidman (the first film to actually raise the hair on the back of my neck in YEARS), the original "Amityville Horror" from '79 (though time and repeated viewings have dulled its impact of course, that flick still scared the goddamn POOP outta me when I was a kid!), the original "Omen" flick (still my favorite "Satan" movie, I even like it better than "The Exorcist")... I also have vague memories of an early '80s movie called "Ghost Story" w/John Houseman that I haven't seen in many years but it blew my f*ckin mind when I was a teenager...



That film sounds right up my street, another one for the 'to see' list...

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I also have vague memories of an early '80s movie called "Ghost Story" w/John Houseman that I haven't seen in many years but it blew my f*ckin mind when I was a teenager...



That film sounds right up my street, another one for the 'to see' list...


I haven't seen it in a good 20 years (at least) but from what I remember of it, it's a good spook story. Based on a novel by Peter Straub. I have no idea if it's even out on DVD, if so I've never run across it. Here's a trailer I found on YouTube tho:



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I also have vague memories of an early '80s movie called "Ghost Story" w/John Houseman that I haven't seen in many years but it blew my f*ckin mind when I was a teenager...



That film sounds right up my street, another one for the 'to see' list...


I haven't seen it in a good 20 years (at least) but from what I remember of it, it's a good spook story. Based on a novel by Peter Straub. I have no idea if it's even out on DVD, if so I've never run across it. Here's a trailer I found on YouTube tho:




It's on DVD, but not cheap. Cheesy trailer, but I'd still like to see the film.

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It's on DVD, but not cheap. Cheesy trailer, but I'd still like to see the film.


Well, yeah, it does look cheesy (keep in mind it was made almost 30 years ago now) but in a cool way. And how'bout that cast of old timers? Geez. If that movie had been made in the '40s it would've had the cream of Hollywood leading men in it!

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