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Heart postpone tour due to Ann's cancer diagnosis

Captain Howdy

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From what she said, she is hopefully clear of it and the treatment (chemo or radiation I would guess) is more of a precautionary measure to stop it returning.

Treatment depends on the type of cancer, but it was obviously a tumour of some sort if they operated to remove it.

Its kinda like when I had mine. It wasn't a tumour, but after clearing it with chemo they did a stem cell (bone marrow) transplant to act as way to help stop it returning seeing as it was blood based. From what I can gather, Eril Gronwals leukemia was treated similarily as that is blood based as well.


Sounds to me like they caught Anns early, thankfully.

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  • Posts

    • intelligent post as always. Agree 100% Still waiting for your Suno attempt though 😉😂  
    • The Mother of a friend of mine has a little white fluffy miniature poodle named Lily. That's all you need to know... ...don't judge me.   https://suno.com/song/b9df1df1-e90b-4eed-9764-9ca3bad9bf88
    • That's a fun way to use it and yeah, your comments about this acting as inspiration are spot on. It makes you wonder if this tool has been used for "inspiration" by the industry already.  Way before we all had access to it.
    • Falling Down in Misanthropolis - Robby Valentine
    • Was listening to To Be With You yesterday and for shits and giggles whacked the lyrics in and selected "hard rock" and then "reggae" Here's what it spat out. https://suno.com/song/ec4a3b9d-a2da-4dd2-820f-16c3276be5ed https://suno.com/song/c830e49e-4b89-494c-b352-11d247bd3ff9 Made me realise that at the very least this is gonna act as inspiration for bands to create alternate versions of songs that vastly deviate from what they created.
    • Will put that to my wife. Reckon she'll come to that party 😁
    • Yeah the doom and gloom pronouncement was hella premature. There are a number of excellent releases thus far in 2024.
    • So nearly four months after my last post I now have 12 new releases for this year with two others due this month (one is in transit from Korea). Not all of the releases i have bought have been great, but I don't think anything was awful other than maybe Bon Jovi, but that was expected. So far its: Mick Mars Crazy Lixx About Us The Warning Lipz Sebastian Bach Judas Priest Bruce Dickinson Gun Maverick Durbin Bon Jovi   On the way is new Rolling Quartz EP and new band Nek! is due the end of the month. Oh and Ghost's soundtrack album is due in less than two weeks. I also have Terrorvision on preorder towards the end of the year.   There are several other new releases I am keeping an eye on as well, but really depends on how many older albums I pick up (and there has been a lot so far this year). As said before, why all this fucking doom and gloom only three months into the year was going on is beyond me. Just because bands "you" like are not releasing, does not mean that bands other people like are not releasing as well, especially if you have a wider variety of musical tastes. Hell, while I have always been a Priest fan I have never been a massive fan, and their new album fucking blew me away and is still my album of the year and I never would have expected that.
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