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Eclipse - Megalomanium ll

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On 9/18/2024 at 4:00 PM, Mafisen said:

It's about his father, who passed away 10 years ago. 

You know, the more I listen to this song, the more it resonates with me. My dad is getting up there in age and we don't have the best relationship but we've had some great times and I wouldn't be the man I am today without him. It's not often I connect with an Eclipse song like that.

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19 hours ago, Eric3 said:

You know, the more I listen to this song, the more it resonates with me. My dad is getting up there in age and we don't have the best relationship but we've had some great times and I wouldn't be the man I am today without him. It's not often I connect with an Eclipse song like that.

Agree.  That song also hit me as my Dad passed a couple years ago.

Dive Into You Is Another that grabbed me.

Agree also about not usually connecting with Eclipse songs like that.  I mean, most of their stuff is just 3 minute, light hearted type romps.

That's one thing that elevates this album above some of their others for me.

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Yeah, I'm just going to be an echo in this chamber. It's amazing what one bad album can do in a great band's discography, but I didn't like the last album at all and as a result I wasn't expecting anything from this, assuming it was more or less just the same sessions as the last album. I believe that's what they said in that interview; that it was more or less all recorded at the same time? I watched the interview when it was released, but have the memory of a smacked fish. Maybe there was a part in it where they mentioned that they put one group of like-minded songs together for part one (the shit ones), and then a second group of songs (evidently, the good one) separate for the second album? I dunno, maybe there was something like that in there.

Either way, like most others, for me this is the best album I've heard from Eclipse in a while. I don't think I got a single keeper off the last album, and leading up to it, there'd been about 4-5 keepers per album, I think. But for me, this one's pretty much all keepers. Well, I'd leave 'Divide & Conquer' and 'The Spark' off the list, but the rest is all very nice. It's not completely mind-blowing, but it's a very good album and definitely their best for a while. 

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Don't get all the hhate for Megalomanium.

The Hardest Part Is Losing You - absolute killer song
Got It! - is a great song, but I get why it wouldn't resonate with others
Anthem - love the vibe opf this song. Aptly named

Other keepers off the album
Children Of The Night
Hearts Collide
The Broken

One Step Closer To You


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    • I downloaded the eps from a torrent. I suggest using a VPN when downloading anything from a torrent. 
    • Don't get all the hhate for Megalomanium. The Hardest Part Is Losing You - absolute killer song Got It! - is a great song, but I get why it wouldn't resonate with others Anthem - love the vibe opf this song. Aptly named Other keepers off the album Children Of The Night Hearts Collide The Broken One Step Closer To You Forgiven  
    • Yeah haven't found anywhere to watch it..and I'm not paying a sub for a month to Paramount+ for 3 eps  
    • In terms of the time thing, I often find myself just dropping something quick to have the thrill of something new to listen to the following day in my car at work. I just thought of the first two lines of this chorus in the shower last night, and penned the song (kind of, on my way to unexpected sleep) in about 20mins afterwards. And that's how I find I mostly do it these days. 9/10 times they're pretty throwaway songs and I definitely find the most "worthwhile" songs actually resonate in some way with you... but every now and then one of the "throw-away" ones come out pretty cool. Though this was pretty irritable, to be fair.  I penned this one and then typed in 5 different prompt variations, always hinting at something more uptempo, and of the 10 versions of this song I only have two up-tempo ones. Most of them were completely unprompted ballads. In the "early days" I found the reverse, that you really had to make sure you typed "ballad" to get a slower version of the song. Now I don't know the prompts to use to make sure I get an uptempo song because typing "uptempo" doesn't even work, lol.  Anyway, this was the tune I fell asleep on last night and finished this morning as I was doing school lunches. Pretty content with the final cut. Was catchier and far more hard rock riff driven in my head, but it's a fair crack; https://suno.com/song/aa5e5c87-032e-471c-997a-287da1df5a42  
    • 'Live Today'.    
    • Haha, I have the artwork for my album 'The '99 to '01 Sessions' on my laptop as we speak. Still tossing up whether to bother or not. I keep re-listening to the songs and second guessing, lol.  But yeah, the pasting your final lyrics into Suno and creating songs is super quick and easy. It's finding the time to write lyrics and even the aftermath, sorting the winner from the rest can be quite time consuming. But yeah, when and where do you find time to write lyrics is the main obstacle. Especially when we are just doing it for fun... hard to justify spending too much time on this stuff. I have 11 from this year that I'm pretty content with. Still hopeful, though, that others will push them out of their slots for my final 2024 "album." Yeah, I'd love that feature. To select a particular voice from one of your stand-out tracks and just say "use this one every time." Yeah, the [brackets] I find best for prompts such as verse, chorus, bridge, solo, instrumental, breakdown (which it never does, lol) etc.  The (brackets) are best for backing vocals, I found.  I used to do a lot more prompts in [brackets] but especially on [pre-chorus] I was constantly finding it would repeat the pre-chorus twice in the first verse before the chorus and it was pissing me off so much, especially on otherwise good cuts. I found that when I started removing the [pre-chorus] there have been far, far less un-requested repeated sections within verses.  Yeah mate, I use re-use prompt feature all the time. But like you say, sadly, it never re-creates the song as it was, but a completely new version. I agree that there is surely a day not too far away where you can tweak final versions of the song without creating a different one altogether. If and when that day comes I will rejoice heavily. I have my 14 favourite songs I'm thinking of putting in my 'The '99 to '01 Sessions' album but I am not even remotely kidding that there's probably at least 5 things about every single song that I would change if I could. Whether it be a particular ultra-cringe lyric, a mispronounced word (read, should be red, mis-spelt or not), a non-plural word that should be a plural (time instead of times), accidentally typing ti instead of it... all these tiny little things which stick out like a sore thumb and are so minor and seemingly easy to fix, in light of the technology at hand, yet for now you just have to grin and bare it, or completely re-do the whole song, which, 9.5 out of 10 times then loses the magic of the "original." But will I hold off and await this progression, or just release my scraps as a moment in time? Still deciding. 
    • You know that you can use the "re-use prompt" option to bring up the lyrics for a particular song, tweak them and then generate another song? Of course, it won't be the same song, which is annoying, but I reckon that will be a possibility down the not too distant track.
    • I've found that you can include many bracketed prompts on the lyrics page to have more control over the finished product, from the type of voice to certain musical segments.  It makes the lyrics page look ugly, but you can remove them with the "edit displayed lyrics" option. Keep it simple with the "Style" options, but use heaps of brackets amongst the lyrics to sculpt it the way you want it.  
    • Yeah, I've written 5 tracks so far that I'm very happy with. When I get to about 10 or 12, I'm gonna seriously muck around with artwork and try to present them as an album. I agree with Glen, that finding the time is the hardest thing. Cheers to both of you for posting your tracks, I wish more members would embrace this.    
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