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Dealers Recommending Discs To Customers

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all you dealers out there i am wondering if you are honest enough to tell a client that a disc they are asking about really sucks or do you go for the throat (shok paris nod) and just say yeah its rippin (dream disc nod). i personally have ran into both in my buying days. who does everyone feel confident buying off of without ever hearing any tracks?



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Mertz, it all comes down to ones taste. Just because they might say it's good or bad does not mean it is.Just have a look on this site with some peoples comments on some of the albums you might think are classics and you will be guaranteed that some clown will say it's crap or some album you think is shit , there will be somone who says its a classic.

If you take a gamble on buying CD's from the sellers advice or even the peoples comments on the album from this site without really looking into it , you will win some and probably lose more.

There are some people on this site with very good taste and some with none whatsoever so a tip i would give you is to go to the comments on your favourite albums and the ones you think are crap and see if there is anyone who seems to have the same opinion as yourself and then ,if you are thinking of buying a CD without hearing some of it first, check out the comments on that CD and maybe that person or persons have left a review that will help you out otherwise you are just taking a gamble.

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Good advice from Dave there.


There are a few people who comment on the main site that if they praise a CD, I know there's a 99.9% chance that I'll like it too, so I will check out their recommendations....on the other side of the coin, there are a few who when I see their recommendations, I run the other way, because I know our tastes are the opposite. It just takes some time to figure out who your tastes line up with....


As for dealers, I take anything they say with a grain of salt. Point blank, it's gonna be hard for them to sit and say that one of their "mega rarities" sucks, because they want to sell it for the most they can. Wanna know the most telling thing about what a dealer thinks of a CD they're selling? If they say NOTHING at all, then there's a real good chance that they think it sucks... :D

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As has already been said,its all a matter of personal choice as to whether as CD is great or not.

I sold a copy of the first Nitro CD which I personally thought was crap.

Does that make the CD crap?

No,because some people think the CD is great.


By the same token I have bought CDs that others say are crap & I love them!


I would never say whether an album is good or bad,just post the necessary info such as label,songs & condition etc.

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captain remind me to buy all your lousy cds as the nitro is in the mertz mobile (74 vista cruiser with wood grain paneling) all the time! i am more likely to buy a cd if it says poor mans ****** with lousy production as opposed to hyping to deth an underproduced piece of crap. if i know it is crap and buy it so be it. some of the descriptions i read are more painful than getting my hairy back waxed.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been a so called "dealer" (hate that term... I prefer being known for who I am- a die hard, 26 year old metalhead.... heheheh)... I've recommended thousands of cds over the years to people who constantly come to me for recommendations. I know metal music better than most people do who lived through the scene in the 80s (I wasn't old enough to buy bubble gum in the 80s, hehehe). Here's how I tackle it... people often come to me and say "PJ... I've got all these cds... but need somethin' new to kick my ass...", I ask them to describe their exact "ideal" sound- I mean, vocals, guitar, name some of their all time fave songs- so I get an idea of the particular sound they're after... and fromthat, my recommendations are on the money 99% of the time. If you like Skid Row's first album, I'll tell you to listen to Dirtyworks debut (songs like Little Sister... should have been on Skid Row's debut...)... or bands like Dirty Rhythm (again, opener is a dead on to Skid Row's debut...). And so on... someone tells me one of their all time faves is GIANT'S Last of the runaway's... I say, go after WALL OF SILENCE - Shock to the system... after hearing 1000s upon 1000s of cds- ranging from AOR, to death metal, and all in between (my passion being hard rock/glam....), I do have a pretty good ear for it... just ask anyone for whom I've made compilation cds for. Not braggin', just makin' a point that... there is a way someone can be pretty accurate with recommendation, IF they're makin' them with a good background on what you really like.





PS... if you do want a few recommendations, feel free to ask... I'll be happy to help... give me a clear idea of the EXACT sound you're after (bands, songs, etc...) and I'll name a few CDs I'm certain will leave you with an impression.

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...wanted to follow up on the "honesty" bit. I understand any apprehension you may have about dealers not being honest, in the interest of sellin' a CD... however, I'm a firm believer that shootin' straight with everyone is KEY to survival in this gig. Havin' been active on the online CD tradin' scene since about '95/'96, there's a reason why I've stuck around with a relatively healthy reputaiton (like anyone else, I've had my run in's with people who didn't like my take on things, how do business, or just didn't like my hair cut, hehehe)... In a business sense, it's only prudent that a "dealer" is honest with his clients. No better way to ensure return business. If I'm dead on with my reviews on our eBay auctions... and, right on the money with cds I recommend to you- odds are, you'll come back to me for more. If I compare a cd which BLOWS on all elements, to some rare indie everyone's after, just to boost sales- odds are, I'll lose the client's faith in me after he gets the CD, and his business will go elsewhere... hence, anyway I look at it- being straight with everyone is what I feel has kept me in the game for as long as it has. ;)


Metal 4 Life!


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But once again its still one mans opinion.

I have bought CDs before because they have been described as sounding like certain bands,but found very little similarities and didnt enjoy them.

Monkey See was described to me as sounding like Warrant mixed with Danger Danger,but I didnt hear that at all.

To someone might very well sound like those bands,but to me,they did not.

Was the person lying to me?

No,I dont think so.

I just feel opinions will always differ so take any recomendations with a pinch of salt.

Sometimes they'll be on the mark,sometimes they wont.


Also,just because a band sounds like another band,doesnt make them any good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I consider myself a collector more than a dealer, I do sell CDs on my website as well as on eBay, so I guess I could fall into the dealer category, and my policy is to never lie about a CD. Without mentioning names, there are several sellers who hype their discs to unbelievable heights in the name of bilking a few more bucks out of drooling melodic hard rock collectors. I've fell victim to these charlatans in the past, as have many of us Heavy Harmonies members, I'd wager. On the flip-side, there are people whose judgement I trust almost completely. Bottom line, I've taken a few lumps along the way and been burned by misleading descriptions, but I chalked up those lumps to lessons learned.


As a final thought, comparisons can be such a headache. Where one man hears Warrant, another man listens and goes, "What the &*!@?" No joke, I once sold a customer Blue Tears after making the typical Def Leppard/Bon Jovi comparison on my website and he sent me a scathing email after receiving it wanting to know where I got off making such a comparison, because all he heard was Queensryche!!!! :blink:


So, the moral of this story should be obvious: one man's Def Leppard is another man's Queensryche. B)

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  • 2 months later...
all you dealers out there i am wondering if you are honest enough to tell a client that a disc they are asking about really sucks or do you go for the throat (shok paris nod) and just say yeah its rippin (dream disc nod).  i personally have ran into both in my buying days.  who does everyone feel confident buying off of without ever hearing any tracks?




Hey all-- Roger & Cassandra from WishingWell pretty well hit the nail on the head with their descriptions! They are pretty good!! Later Rich :dance:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tom Mathers from Perris Records and the guys from Impulse Music have always been straight up with me when recommending new bands i've never heard. Pontus Norgren was one artist i had yet to hear that was recommended that totally kicked ass! Also the folks @ NEH records are very helpful with recommendations (and sound samples). Anymore though i usually just go to cduniverse.com to listen to the albums before ordering them from whoever.

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