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AUGH! Horrible new PayPal site design is now mandatory!


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I've been giving PayPal feedback ever since they beta'd people into the experience, telling them how God-awful it is, but as of today it is now mandatory and there is no way to revert back and keep that setting. You can revert back for the page you are on, but the instant you click on any menu item you are back to the new candy-coated version.


They have made the PayPal website a giant iPhone app instead of a traditional web page. It's all large icons, large type, and lots of white space. Nothing is where it used to be.


What's worse is that the dropdown navigation menu across the top, which was in effect a site map that listed all functions of PayPal, a great resource if you weren't sure where to go, is now GONE. You have to hunt for where things are now located. Things that were a single click from the front page are now 2 and 3 clicks deep to get to, even if you know where they are.


I just got off the phone with them, and the 64-year-old lady I spoke with was very attentive, empathetic, and fully agreed with me, but there's nothing you can do. It's now mandatory.


I guess I'll be spending the rest of the night trying to find things I used to know where to find.


(Sorry for the rant, but the cellphone-ization of the Interwebz is royally ****ing me off.)

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Here you go. The menu across the top no longer contains dropdowns with the various feature sets. You now have to know where to go to find statements, reporting, advanced search options, etc.


The Pending list does NOT show pending eCheck payments, and there is no way to archive/remove items from any of the lists, which was a VERY handy feature that I used to keep track of things from the front page.



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Here you go. The menu across the top no longer contains dropdowns with the various feature sets. You now have to know where to go to find statements, reporting, advanced search options, etc.


The Pending list does NOT show pending eCheck payments, and there is no way to archive/remove items from any of the lists, which was a VERY handy feature that I used to keep track of things from the front page.




Scroll to the very bottom of the screen & look bottom left...click "classic site".

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I got that, trust me. As I mentioned in my original post, the problem is that it is no longer a sticky setting. It only reverts to the Classic design for THAT page. As soon as you click on another link or menu item you are back in the candy-coated design.


Mike: You are correct in the business accounts are not (yet!) afflicted with this. Only personal and premier accounts are being forced into this debacle.


My question is what happens when the Classic mode inevitably goes away? There are functions and features that simply do not exist in the new design. For example, the new search on the Activity page is a minimalist stripped down version of the real search. No filtering. No sort options. No way to see both gross and net amounts on the screen.


I have not verified this yet, but reportedly data downloads are now restricted to 31-day ranges. You cannot download data for the entire year any more.... which is a pain.

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My account is business and it got converted to the new layout two days ago. However, I was able to convert back to classic permanently after filling up some goofy survey trying to convince me the new layout is so much better...

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you thought that was bad... https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full


"We’re increasing the time for buyers to file a merchandise dispute (Item Not Received and Significantly Not as Described) from 45 days to 180 days. All references in the User Agreement to “Opening a Dispute within 45 days” have been updated to reflect “Opening a Dispute within 180 days.” The Sections these changes appear include the Introduction, 3.15, 13.2 and 13.5"

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So buyers now have 6 fucking months to return things? Are you fucking kidding me?




1. Since completed eBay auction listings only remain in eBay's cache for finite period, how does a seller prove what was or was not stated or shown in the listing 6 months after the fact when someone files a dispute?


2. PayPal requires tracking/signature proof of delivery that is viewable online... but USPS only retains tracking information viewable for 60-90 days. Does this mean that every nonreceipt claim opened after 90 days will automatically be found in favor of the buyer? Even if you print out the tracking information showing delivery for every item you sell, PayPal will not accept it, as it isn't information they can verify online.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well.....this "old" man has almost said goodbye to buying and selling on E Bay and using that user UNFRIENDLY site called PAYPAL. Both E Bay and Paypal have morfed into a seller beware environment. Having lost my ass (Literally) several times with savy con artists working "their" system, I've decided to enjoy my collection and "listen to the music"!!!!


I truly feel sorry for all you youngsters that are still collecting and selling.......the good old days are long past.

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