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Adrenaline Rush - s/t


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I like it!!! I own it, I listen to it.

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because.... everybody hates this band, the thread's been dead for years and you post half the album which has been out forever i just don't see the point


seems very random, you could have also picked lynch mob's rebel (also a thread nobody's contributed to in months) and posted one video after another


Notice: There are folks liking this. I won't justify my actions and in fact I don't NEED to. People are more enclined to express their dislike than the other way round.

So if a thread gets little contribution, it must suck. In your opinion.



You are right. I should only post stuff I know people will dig. Come think of it, I'll post 2 or 3 videos/week so I don't embarrass myself. And I'll stop enlightning the occasional guest (or regular member) to old/new stuff. Good or bad. I think I'll do just that...

Hell yeah, let's make this board MORE alive and interesting by just skip the musicvideos altogether and just DISCUSS things and stuff.


Now there we have a message board to aspire to.







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I like this cd. I saw this band at Frontiers Fest, a good show. The singer is very sexy. Everybody wants a picture with her, after the show. She was kind, I have my pic with her, cool.The drummer now plays in "Reach" another young swedish band.

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