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STATION - Everything

Reverend Mayhem

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Can't wait for a full-length release from these NYC lads:



New EP Wired:


1) Everything


2) True Believer


3) I'd Understand


4) Don't Take Heaven Away From Me







Patrick Kearney - Vocals

Chris Lane - Guitar

Mike Anderson - Bass

Brian Karl - Drums


Official Site: http://www.stationband.com/


Listen to STATION songs: http://www.stationband.com/music or on Spotify






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  • My Little Pony

Well, excuse fuckin' me for not keeping up.


Hey, it happens. Just do a quick search next time. At least it means there are more than a few people interested in the band, but it gets confusing discussing the same thing through multiple threads. Trying to remember what you said, where, and when.

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  • 4 months later...

I have to say I'm not overly excited about these guys. They've got a good sound and a nice, fat production to got with it but songwise, there's just something missing. I'm not overly fond of the singer either. Other opinions?

Edit: Talking about the 4-track EP now and not just this one track.

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Station Music

March 2013

Produced by Michael Wagener

Recorde by Shani Gandni @ Wire World Studio, Nashville, TN

1. Everything

2. True Believer

3. I'd Understand

4. Don't Take Heaven Away From Me

Station is:

Patrick Keamey-Vocals

Chris Lane-Guitar

Mike Anderson-Bass

Brain Karl-Drums

With the latest trend in melodic rock being predominantly contributed from overseas acts, It appears the Scandi bands monopoly may be in jeopardy, it is refreshing to know that a band as amazing as Station hails from the easterly shores of the good ole USA, the big apple if you please, NYC.

That's right amazing, I said it. the only drawback to this EP, aptly titled Wired, is that it is an EP! What a damn tease. Open case, insert disc and enjoy 4 of the most polished, well written, perfectly structured and just plain old enjoyable kick ass rock n roll ditties you could ever hope to hear come rollicking out of your stereo, ensconcing your soul, having you sing along in seconds and air guitar-ing like it was 1980-something. But alas, then all too soon the disc is over. I know sad, but certainly leaving you aurally pleased, satisfied, yet wanting more. So much more. Why you say, cause its that good. Its like ear heroin. Its like soup. Its like nothings bad let me tell you that much.

The band as a whole is as solid as you can get. The players are really talented musicians and it shows throughout on Wired. One highlights, there are many, is the intro to Everything. It starts out with vocals, guitar and drums, nice and up tempo, real catchy and then pow in walks the bass and some extra crunchy guitar and your like well hello, simple yet highly effective song writing. The hard rocking and insanely hook laden True Believer and Don't Take Heaven Away from Me ( the latter with a lead riff reminiscent of the break in Panama by Van Halen , "I can barely see the road from the heat coming off...") and of course the heartfelt acoustic balladry of I'd Understand (think Extreme's More Than Words and Whole Hearted) round out the soon to be classic rock anthems on this disc. Chris Lane is a fantastic guitarist. Excellent riffs throughout, technically proficient, but not going over the top. Tasteful is what his work here is and Patrick Keamey'svocals are truly infectious. The mans got range, super distinct style and his voice is refreshingly crisp and clean. Souring highs and tons of melody. He reminds me of of a Tell No Tales era Tony Harnell. Heck the whole EP reminds me of that disc and classic TNT for that matter. I also get a good smattering of Kix, Z02 and Extreme as well and dare I say a little The Darkness too? Rounding out the band is bassist Mike Anderson and drummer Brian Karl holding the songs bottom end together with all the subtle layering of fills and thrills that makes your speakers flex and your windows rattle. If you dig amazing melodies, strong harmonies and songs that get your toes tapping, your eyes smiling and your soul singing than Wired from Station will surely please, making a mark on you and in turn, if the momentum from this EP rolls into what I could only hope is a 2014 full length, then Station should be poised to make their mark on more than the lucky SOB's back East and share their wealth with the rest of us around the globe.

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