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League Football 2012/13


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I think everyone at the club and fans alike know what an uphill battle it's gonna be next season, but they have a really good set up at Palace and the basis of a good solid squad already. The board has promised Holloway plenty of cash to spend on players, so a couple of good solid strikers to back up Murray will be the first job. Zaha will be missed, although there is talk of asking Utd to continue his loan spell, so we shall see on that one. It's gonne be hard, but,,Impossible, certainly not.

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Gotta agree with Glen about Zaha,you only have to compare him with Nick Powell,the next big thing,striker-wise,who signed from Crewe and has hardly played whilst being groomed apparantly,

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Next season is going to be tough, but the main thing is that for a club that very nearly went out of business 3 years ago, our future now looks to be secured with the Premier League money. Still pinching myself, I had a really bad feeling about the final and can't quite believe we did it. I'll continue being a pessimist - it obviously works! :D


As for Zaha, I have enjoyed reading views from the media and fans of other clubs that "he's not that good", "the hype is not justified", etc, then seeing him destroy Brighton at the Amex and run rings around Watford at Wembley. Those same skeptics are now saying that we'll struggle without him, which is true, but quite a turnaround. He will be a massive loss, but we'll take the money, try to build a team that will keep us up and in the event that we go down, be in a far better position to bounce back. It's all good at the moment. :tumbsup:



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Mind you,don't you think C.P.'s season is already mapped out...Bringing through some untried,but quality,youth players,buy one,perhaps two,excellent Eastern European players that no-one,apart from Holloway,had heard of,and a handful of untried Africans,who who others will clamour for after this usual scenario..........


Win/draw the first half a dozen games,beat one of the so-called big-five teams away,get stuffed by a lowerish side like Southampton,sit in 6th place in the League til the end of November,be called a breath of fresh air,then the descent,like others before them,to relegation begins..........

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