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CD record stores in melbourne...

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You should check out the following:

Real of Kaos - http://www.realmofkaos.com/


Radical Records - http://www.radicalrecords.com.au/index.php


2nd hand store Dixon's recycled:


I haven't been to the Dandenong store but of the other 3 the Blackburn is definitely the biggest and best.


There is no longer a Metal for Melbourne or Metal Labyrinth store.


Hope this helps a litte.

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Hey Lindsay, the Dixons Recycled stores are the best for 2nd hand stuff IMO. There is one in Fitzroy which is easy to get to on the trams and the one in Camberwell is easy to access by train from the city. I'd say they Camberwell one is slighty better as I normally find a lot of Frontiers Records CD's 2nd hand as well as other bits and pieces but I do recall the Fitzroy store having a lot more 2nd hand glam/punk stuff that would be more what you're after. I've been to the Blackburn store once as well which is probably the best of them, it's pretty huge, but it's a bit out of the way and a longer train ride to get there.

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Backed on Dixons. That's where I got the most joy when I was down there. I was working in Camberwell so I went to that one quite a bit and I agree with Justin that it was probably the best, and had a lot of Frontiers stuff. Don't forget the Cash Converters either? Most of them were rubbish to be honest, but all you need is to get lucky once. :)


Isn't it funny how things change. If I was still in a job where I got to travel ( :( - I actually miss that more than anything) I'd be so much more interested now in taking my camera out and about and capturing everything I could... not even sure I'd get around to much CD shopping. Unless I was stuck in an actual city without a car... then it's the perfect thing to do. :) I must admit, though, in the current musical climate I'm far less inclined to bother going to physical music shops anymore... there's just nothing left. :(

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You might have to jump on a tram from the Egyptian Museum to Dixons in Fitzroy. That said though there are heaps of cafes on the same street that Dixons is on so you could check out some of them on the way.


I went to both Dixons (Camberwell and Blackburn) on the same day about 3 weeks ago. The Blackburn one destroyed it and was cheaper than the Camberwell one. To be honest it depends on the day/stock they have when you visit.


Definitely check out Realm of Kaos as they stock Jap pressings, older out of print stuff.... you are more likely to find something for your collection there than the Dixons, and they'll play the CD for you as well. You can also get music dvds, LPs, shirts and other stuff there. It's close to the city (a 10min walk) and go on a day when the Victoria Market is open coz it's only a couple of mins away. Hmmm, across the road from the Vic Market there is also another CD store that was OK but I haven't been there for a couple of years. It's called Heartland Rcords:



So definitely allocate a couple of hrs to go to the Vic Market and both of those stores.


Have a great trip!

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unfortunately i'm not ognan have a lot of time to scrounge, so probably 1 or 2 at the best. Most likely dixons and R.O.K (depending on their sunday opening hrs).


I've been to Heartland a few times over the years, but it has always struck me as one of those places with a lot of promise, but when you actually get in there and have a dig around it's usually full of pretty common stuff, overpriced at that.


I'll undoubtedly come back empty handed, but gotta have a qucik look whilst i'm over that way.

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Add Missing Link to your list, i was in there recent and picked up an autograph copy of Virgil Dontai cd for mere $Au6.Blackburn's and Dandenong's Dixons are best go to. And while you at Dandy's Dixons, drop into Radical I in there most days helping out. :guitbannana:

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And if you have nothing to do at night check out Rock of Ages playing in the city.


looked at this but with all the other stuff we're doing, we couldn't really justify the cost for tix to this aswell.


Looking like we're gonna head to "Back In The Day" on saturday night to check out a few bands. Any of you guys get to this?

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