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A whole mess of classic Christian Metal

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Pinched this from another forum...


Intense Millennium Records is a partnership between Divine Metal Distro, Roxx Productions, and two additional individuals Josh Dieckmann and Sandy Scafedi. We have come together under this one umbrella to form a company that is dedicated to releasing fully licensed material from one of the most prolific group of record labels to exist in the Christian Metal scene, the Intense/Frontline/Alarma Records group. This will be the first time that many of these titles will have seen any form of quality release since their original releases back in the 1980s & 1990s.


Our first batch of releases is scheduled for release in November of 2010 and include classic albums from Vengeance Rising, Sacred Warrior and Bloodgood. All of our releases will be completely re-mastered to give these albums the best modern audio quality that is available today. As well each release will have brand new artwork based on the original cover designs, along with 8 page booklets complete with lyrics, and liner notes. When possible bonus material will be added as well.


The first 5 titles that will be released are:

Vengeance - Human Sacrifice


Few albums can claim to have started a musical movement like "Human Sacrifice". While thrash metal had already been well established by 1988, only a handful of bands had attempted to combine such fast, heavy music with lyrics reflecting faith in Christ. None of these bands had released anything more than demos or a couple tracks on compilations until this monster of an album came roaring onto the scene. Fusing fast riffing, driving bass and drums, hyper-speed bluesy lead guitar, and just enough melody to make things more memorable, "Human Sacrifice" did more than just introduce Christianity to the genre - it revolutionized the developing style of "Christian metal" in a way no previous band or album had done. Vengeance Rising raised the stakes and gave fellow thrashers a unique album that set the bar for future releases.


Vengeance Rising - Once Dead


Where Vengeance Rising's debut "Human Sacrifice" stormed onto the scene and created quite a stir, "Once Dead" tightened the thrash attack into a well-oiled machine. While the band's debut was experimental and diverse, "Once Dead" was a snapshot of a band seasoned by touring and songwriting, with a more consistent approach that capitalized on thrash metal's calling card - velocity. Vengeance Rising's second album is rife with fast, thrashy anthems that take their sound to the next level, ramping up the volume, intensity, and energy even more. When other thrash bands were starting to slow down, Vengeance Rising took the opposite approach for maximum effect.


Sacred Warrior - Rebellion


The burgeoning Christian metal movement had several notable bands by the mid 1980's. None, however, took the progressive elements of pioneers like Queensryche and Fates Warning and combined them with the pure energy and heaviness present in much of the thrash metal of the time. Enter Sacred Warrior - a band that skillfully and successfully combined these two elements to create a metallic attack that rivaled many of their contemporaries, and stands the test of time as one of the greats of the era. “Rebellion”, the band’s auspicious debut, capitalizes on that potent mixture by offering up searing riffs, lightning fast solos, soaring vocals, and a rhythm section that thundered with authority.


Bloodgood - Bloodgood


Heavy Metal has been accused by its detractors as all sounding the same. While the mid-80’s saw a glut of metal bands cashing in on the style, many of which sounded the same as the next band, no one could accuse Bloodgood of being a sound-alike. Combining a melodic, classic heavy metal approach with the uniquely operatic vocals of Les Carlson, Bloodgood carved out its own niche in the metal scene by offering up listeners a potent mix of high-pitched vocal wails, melodic yet energetic guitar riffing, a tight rhythm section, and memorable songs that would stay with you for weeks. This powerful blend came shining through on Bloodgood’s self-titled debut album, and quickly set the bar for metal bands wishing to share their faith with the world.


Bloodgood - Detonation


Bloodgood’s second album, “Detonation”, was the perfect follow-up to their high-energy debut, and raised the bar even higher for faith-based metal bands. The fast songs were faster, the emotion in the songs was more intense, and the musical attack was tighter. The lyrics were also stronger, as the band took on some fairly unpopular topics like suicide and homelessness. Truly a landmark album in the scene, this classic contains the duo of songs “Crucify” and “Messiah” that showed what a real metal band could do with such emotionally charged subject matter and pull it off with such ease.


Beginning in January of 2011 we will unleash two classic Frontline titles per month. With such a vast catalog of titles at our finger tips we welcome any suggestions from you the fans in regards to what titles you would like to see released the soonest. There is currently a poll on our website, feel free to stop by and let your voice be heard.


Visit our website at: http://www.intensemillennium.com to stay up to date on the latest news.

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By the way, folks, if you go to the web site mentioned at the end of the press release, you'll find a list of the old Intense/Frontline titles and vote on which one(s) you'd most like to see reissued. Could y'all do me a favor and vote for Sacred Warrior's OBSESSIONS there so they'll put it out quick and I can get rid of the crap-ass Greek bootleg I've been living with for a couple of years now? Thanks. :lol:

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I voted for Recon, but there's a lot of Frontline/Intense titles missing. Perhaps they're only concentrating on the heavier ones???


The Frontline/Intense/Alarma catalog includes a lot of bands/styles, but yea, I would imagine that they're gonna concentrate on the heavier stuff first, at least until that stuff gets reissued and they have to go deeper into the vaults, so to speak.


Good call on Recon's BEHIND ENEMY LINES by the way. Even though I wouldn't need a new one as I am still quite happy with the M8/Magdalene Records reissue from 2001. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was hoping to see X-Sinner's "Get It" or Messiah Prophet "Master of the Metal" Up for re-issue.. SO I voted for Die Happy.. Haven't heard that in DOG years, and it's pretty good stuff as I recall.... :headbanger:


Wouldn't mind either one of those two getting back out into the marketplace again, but unfortunately X-Sinner and Messiah Prophet were not part of the Intense/Frontline label. (X-Sinner was on Pakaderm Recs. and Messiah Prophet were on Pure Metal)

And yeah, that first Die Happy album smokes!! That's one of my fave early 90s records. The second disc, not quite so much. It has its moments, but it's quite a directional shift from the first album. Still worth a listen if ya like bluesy metal ala Badlands. (the album BLOOD by Red Sea, which was Robyn Kyle Basauri's post-Die Happy band, is excellent as well!)

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Already got the Recon original. Couldnt care less about Sacred Warrior or Vengeance Rising. My top wants from that list would be Angelica st, the early Idle Cure's, Ransom's 2 albums,


Ya, the Ransom stuff would be sweet. That chick Lisa Faxon could wail! (She was cute, too. Haha.)


By the way, folks, "Pastor Bob" Beeman of Sanctuary Church fame will be writing all new liner notes for each of the Intense Millennium reissues. You might remember Pastor Bob's little blurbs in the liners of the original albums.


Also, after receiving much hatred from various sources for the new/updated artwork planned for these reissues (I've seen some of the new covers and they're mostly awful), Intense Millennium sez the reissue booklets will feature the new art on the front and the "classic" cover on the back so buyers can flip 'em around and display whichever cover they prefer. For those of you who care about that sorta thing.

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Examples of old vs. new album cover:








Ick. I mean, it's not like the original was a masterpiece of album design craft or anything, but that new one looks like something you'd see on a H.I.M. disc. It doesn't fit the band's vibe at all.







Similar image, but cheesier execution. The new one looks like somebody whipped it up in about 5 minutes using Photoshop...







Again...ick. The original was cheese to be sure, but it just screamed "80s THRASH!" The new one... meh. (Besides, it looks like it was ripped off from Dark Angel's DARKNESS DESCENDS cover)...


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  • 1 month later...

I need some advice.


I'm still looking for Rebellion, Masters and Obsessions. These albums are hard to find over here in Europe.

On eBay they are so 'cheap', even the 'Buy It Now' ones. And all of them seem to be like new.


Should I wait for the re-issues or go for ebay with the risk to end up with a bootleg?

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I need some advice.


I'm still looking for Rebellion, Masters and Obsessions. These albums are hard to find over here in Europe.

On eBay they are so 'cheap', even the 'Buy It Now' ones. And all of them seem to be like new.


Should I wait for the re-issues or go for ebay with the risk to end up with a bootleg?

If they are "cheap" they are more than likely bootlegs, there is quite a few of them roaming around. One bootleg label is Advantage records.

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  • 3 months later...

Intense Millennium has announced the next batch of reissues due in January - Ransom's S/T, Vengeance Rising's DESTRUCTION COMES, Deliverance's WHAT A JOKE, and Undercover's BRANDED.


Ransom might be a sweet pickup. I already have an original of the Deliverance disc and V.R. and Undercover do nothin' for me.


At this point, I'm like "Wake me when you get around to Sacred Warrior's OBSESSIONS and/or Deliverance's STAY OF EXECUTION."

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  • 3 months later...

This is kinda interesting... Jimmy P. Brown II of Deliverance is SUPER pissed about the new artwork that adorns the forthcoming Intense Millennium reissue of Deliverance's WHAT A JOKE disc (1991)... and I can't say I blame him...







Ugh! What the hell is that? Are they trying to appeal to the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" demographic? :puke:


Here's Jimmy's rant about the new cover from the CMR (Christian Metal Realm), it's quite entertaining... you can practically see the foam pouring from his mouth. The boy is PISSED! :rofl:




Sorry I have been away for so long... You all should know, it’s just my thing... I hide sometimes when feeling overwhelmed...




Mike Phillips called me to tell me about the cover art for the What a Joke Reissue...


I thought he was kidding... He wasn't...


All right... For those of you who know me, you know I am being as controlled as possible right now by not typing the most horrendous, disturbing, disgusting, perverse, horrifying and degrading insults... Not to mention my fondness for profanity!!!


I will say this as politely as possible to the jerk-offs who thought this would be funny, amusing, cute, whimsical, whatever was going through their infinitesimal minds that are barely visible using a photon firing tunneling microscope!!!


You have always stated how important "D" is to you... To the music scene as a whole... Why would you release such an insulting and pitiful looking album cover to honor a band that meant "so much to your label and the music scene?"


It's a disgrace... A slap in the face... Appalling and outrageous!!!


If ever you wanted to flip me the bird and say "kiss my ass Jimmy Brown", that album cover said it all...


Do not ever tell me, write me, call me and tell me how much "D" and me mean to you!!!


I want to say sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more right now, but I am controlling myself!


CMR Moderators: If I have overstepped my bounds, I apologize from the bottom of my heart... All those here who know me know that we can agree, disagree but we always respect one another...


This garbage, this revolting display, this atrocity.... Well, I have said enough...


Much love, and I will be back soon enough to visit my CMR family...


But I think I have made it abundantly clear what I think of Intense/Millennium’s fine tribute to the Big "D"....




I'm with Jimmy on this one!!

Either way, I'm glad I still have my original 1991 issue of WHAT A JOKE so I can safely ignore that new monstrosity.

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Do you think Jimmy was mad :)




"Ehhhhh....could be."

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This is some what on topic but I prefer original artwork with all reissues. Or, at the very least, make sure the original is included somewhere in the booklet. I think the above "joke" artwork only supports that feeling.

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