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Donovan McNabb.... a Redskin!


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McNabb being traded is not surprising, BUT, within the same division? The Eagles may really regret this in the near future... :wacko:

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McNabb being traded is not surprising, BUT, within the same division? The Eagles may really regret this in the near future... :wacko:


Yeah, surprised the fuck out of me. I'm not sad to see McNabb go, but in the division???


Apparently Reid did it because that's were Donovan wanted to go, as opposed to Buffalo or the Raiders (can't blame mcNabb for not wanting to go there).


Fans are NOT happy over on the Eagles board...

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Lucky Donovan... Now defenses can crush him like they have Jason Campbell for the last few years. I would sure hope the Redskins use EVERY pick they still have in the draft on an offensive line. Not sure why McNabb would want to go to Washington other then the fact he will get two shots at the Eagles every year.

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Lucky Donovan... Now defenses can crush him like they have Jason Campbell for the last few years. I would sure hope the Redskins use EVERY pick they still have in the draft on an offensive line. Not sure why McNabb would want to go to Washington other then the fact he will get two shots at the Eagles every year.


Well I'm guessing it's the Shannahan factor and that he is a run first guy which will set up the play action and with McNabb he should be able to throw the ball down field better but we'll have to see how the O line holds up. I would think that Shanny would draft some O lineman to upgrade that.

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McNabb being traded is not surprising, BUT, within the same division? The Eagles may really regret this in the near future... :wacko:


Yeah, surprised the fuck out of me. I'm not sad to see McNabb go, but in the division???


Apparently Reid did it because that's were Donovan wanted to go, as opposed to Buffalo or the Raiders (can't blame mcNabb for not wanting to go there).


Fans are NOT happy over on the Eagles board...


I thought they might trade him this year but to someone in the NFC East. I'm a huge McNabb fan and I will miss him greatly.

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