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Oh, the Freedom of Being Single


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  • My Little Pony

Well, in a bit I'm taking off to partake in a buddy's stag. Gonna head down to the shooting range and fire off a few rounds, not exactly sure what's to follow, but Sunday morning, three of us are driving down to Seattle to catch a 6:00 flight to L.A. for a day. We're gonna see The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, and then bomb around the city, and fly back Monday morning. It's the product of having more money than sense, even if I don't have that much money.

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Well, in a bit I'm taking off to partake in a buddy's stag. Gonna head down to the shooting range and fire off a few rounds, not exactly sure what's to follow, but Sunday morning, three of us are driving down to Seattle to catch a 6:00 flight to L.A. for a day. We're gonna see The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, and then bomb around the city, and fly back Monday morning. It's the product of having more money than sense, even if I don't have that much money.

Let us know how Boondock Saints 2 is. Looks pretty good.

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Hey man...Have yourself a blast. You need to do that once in a while!! :headbanger:

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Nice mate, enjoy it. But I have to ask, what's that got to do with being single? I thought you were going to discuss intercourse with various whore. Hell, any one of us could have a weekend like this, mate. But tell us about the whores. ;):lol:

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  • My Little Pony

I apologize to Geoff for implying one would have to be single to pursue such a weekend.

Well, I'm back. Kinda unfortunate, 'cause there was a tequila & cigar tasting happening today, at the Mexican restaurant we had lunch at Monday. Anyways, to answer questions, hookers were cheap, blow was over priced, and All Saints Day was brilliant. Seriously, if you get a chance to see this film, watch it.

I got home just before 12:00, just in time to jump in line for the midnight opening of Mordern Warfare 2. 70+ bleeding nerds standing out the door. The only reason I went then, is because I'll have no time today. I've got to get ready to head down to Guatemala tomorrow morning. And, ain't shit ready at the moment.

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