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Most sickening show on t.v.


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Has anyone witnessed this disturbing show? I'm not even a parent and just watching the previews had me cringe.

Little girls forced (I say this because what child would want to do this without a parent's drive) into acting like little whores. Just a television show we need to feed the mind's of every pedifile and pervert. The mothers on this show should be whipped, and salted for even thinking this is what a child needs.

I never wanted kids because I thought I would be a horrible parent. I now think (Better yet, know), I would be a better parent than any of these douchebags!!! :cussing:

This show is so disturbing, they should just take it off the air.....

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Haven't seen the show (and don't plan to) but the promos alone are enough to creep me out.


You'd think these "parents" would have learned from the whole Jon-Benet Ramsey debacle a few years back that dressing your toddler up like a miniature porn star and making her do tricks in front of a bunch of middle aged men is probably not the best idea.


Thank God I have little boys and not girls! And even if I DID have girls, I would never allow them to be involved in anything like the crap on that show.

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Just watching the previews, makes you feel a bit creepy....


Backed tenfold!!!



Have not and will not watch, but seen the previews and fuck if that is not wrong on all levels!!!!


What "sane" person wants to see little girls dressed and painted up like $2.00 street walkers???



I'm no prude, nor a saint, but shit like this is right up there with taking a shot at the Pope!

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I would avoid even catching a glimpse of this crap while flipping channels. The cretinous mothers of those poor, exploited kids seemingly have no clue of the concept that dangerous pedophiles get their jollies out of seeing little kids dolled up. You can take all the parents, add up their I.Q.'s, and still get a two-digit number. Talk about living out failed dreams by foisting yours upon your kids. I saw something similar on TV years ago when this pouffy-haired ditz twanged out, "Oh, she just loves it when she's all dressed up like a little lady." Got news for ya, mommies - those guys in the trenchcoats, sitting in the back row, do, too.

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I would avoid even catching a glimpse of this crap while flipping channels. The cretinous mothers of those poor, exploited kids seemingly have no clue of the concept that dangerous pedophiles get their jollies out of seeing little kids dolled up. You can take all the parents, add up their I.Q.'s, and still get a two-digit number. Talk about living out failed dreams by foisting yours upon your kids. I saw something similar on TV years ago when this pouffy-haired ditz twanged out, "Oh, she just loves it when she's all dressed up like a little lady." Got news for ya, mommies - those guys in the trenchcoats, sitting in the back row, do, too.


Backed!!! :tumbsup:


Although, I've never seen the show, You can bet that these jerkoff parents talk as if they're doing it for the kids education. Just to try and justify what they do!!! :cussing:

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