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A Thought about shit in the NBA


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So their vaginas don't show! I may have already mentioned this, but the whole Phil Jackson thing is a fluke, he's there as long as the talent is, a real coach takes the players they are given, and does the most they can with them, if any of you remember, when Shaq departed from L.A., they pretty much went to shit for awhile, it was at this time Jackson decided he was going to step away from coaching, and live life to it's fullest, then they made the move and picked up Odom, Fisher used his traitor ways and went back to L.A., and all of a sudden, life was just meaningless, without coaching in Jacksons life, a great Johnny on The Spot is about all I see Jacksons history as, he certainly isnt a basketball coach, not from my point of view, say when did he decide to leave Chicago???? It's slipped my mind.

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Come on bro, it ain't all bad......The Denver Nuggets are kickin' ass, and you're sort of close to Colorado. HeHe, you probably don't like the Nugs anymore than I like the Jazz, but I absolutely friggin' despise the LA Fakers, so from that standpoint I'd love to see the Jazz make a series out of it, but not lookin' too good.....Jeff.

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Well I'm a huuuuuge Laker fan and have been since I was about 7, but I see what your saying about Jackson.

But there was a lot of behind the scenes going on with Shaq leaving and rumor has it that Kobe forced Phil out and Phil might of just said he was leaving to save face but who knows for sure. The following season Kobe had little to work with but the 2nd year with almost nothing as a supporting cast he got them into the playoffs pretty much by himself. The team finally made some moves and some other guys matured and now their back as being one of the top teams in the league.


Say what you want about Jackson(I said those same things when he coached for the Bulls) but wether you see him as a great coach or not he takes great individual players and makes them into great teams. And he doesn't without getting mad and throwing shit but instread somehow through his calmness teams respond to him.

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I haven't been to keen on the new Jazz for awhile now,And I'm cerainly not naive enough to think the Jazz have a snowballs chance, and as much as it pains me to say it, I don't think anybody in the West has a chance against the Fakers, and without Okur the Jazz might not get a game, and I will ride the Nuggets when the Jizz get eliminated, but I too see many weaknesses in the Nuggets game, but in this long debate and the media's baby Lebron James, people don't even have an argument, Lebron isn't even deserving to be mentioned with Kobe, and where I hate Kobe, I respect his superhuman like abilities, you know why? he has been a first team All-Defense member since he was a rookie, Lebron has yet to meet those credentials,and one more thing, I thought the Jazz releasing Mo Williams was a major mistake, now were seeing just what a mistake it was.

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Well I'm a huuuuuge Laker fan and have been since I was about 7, but I see what your saying about Jackson.

But there was a lot of behind the scenes going on with Shaq leaving and rumor has it that Kobe forced Phil out and Phil might of just said he was leaving to save face but who knows for sure. The following season Kobe had little to work with but the 2nd year with almost nothing as a supporting cast he got them into the playoffs pretty much by himself. The team finally made some moves and some other guys matured and now their back as being one of the top teams in the league.


Say what you want about Jackson(I said those same things when he coached for the Bulls) but wether you see him as a great coach or not he takes great individual players and makes them into great teams. And he doesn't without getting mad and throwing shit but instread somehow through his calmness teams respond to him.


I respect the legacy of the LA Lakers (how can anyone not?), and, currently, the way Kobe can single-handedly take over a game and completely switch momentum. I'd love to see Denver get another shot at them, even though the Nuggets have definite match-up issues with LA. Last year during the Denver-LA first round beatdown, I would have settled for a hard foul on Gasol or Kobe by Kenyon Martin or Marcus Camby, but no one on Denver was playing ANY defense. This year, Denver's defense is vastly improved, and I think that factor + the Nuggs balanced scoring poses a much bigger challenge for LA........But LA would still be a HUGE favorite, no doubt. Denver, Portland, Houston, SA, Dallas and basically even NO are all pretty evenly matched, each a notch below LA, so it's going to continue to be a bloodbath just to earn the opportunity to challenge the Lakers. Hopefully, one of those teams will still have something left in the tank by the time the Conference finals roll around, assuming the Lakers get there as well (I wouldn't bet against it)......Jeff.

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The Nuggets finished first this year for one reason and one reason only! Chauncy Billups! he is a winner, and a leader, and as top of the line as Carmello is, there is one thing he is not and that is a leader, nor was A.I.,they get their shots and that's about all they are interested in, and you can't have a point guard especially in the NBA that is not out for the entire team.

The Jazz played more then half the season with Carlos Loozer, AK-47, Okur, Derron Williams, pretty much the entire starting lineup excluding Ronnie Brewer, hurt, and they still finished third, I can't wait for us to get rid of Loozer,

Portland poses the worst threat to the Lakers, they are not evenly matched at all, Portland is the one team in the West that will knock L.A. out if they play, and have fucked L.A. up every game I watched them play this year, home or away

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The Nuggets finished first this year for one reason and one reason only! Chauncy Billups! he is a winner, and a leader, and as top of the line as Carmello is, there is one thing he is not and that is a leader, nor was A.I.,they get their shots and that's about all they are interested in, and you can't have a point guard especially in the NBA that is not out for the entire team.

The Jazz played more then half the season with Carlos Loozer, AK-47, Okur, Derron Williams, pretty much the entire starting lineup excluding Ronnie Brewer, hurt, and they still finished third, I can't wait for us to get rid of Loozer,

Portland poses the worst threat to the Lakers, they are not evenly matched at all, Portland is the one team in the West that will knock L.A. out if they play, and have fucked L.A. up every game I watched them play this year, home or away


Yeah, you're right about Portland v. LA, the Blazers had alot of success against them. Probably the one team LA would most like to avoid, though LA would still be a huge favorite. Scary thing is, Portland is only going to get better, that team is incredibly young........Injuries did kill the Jazz this year, and who knows, maybe they'll take a game from LA in Salt Lake City and make it interesting, that's a very tough place to play. Deron Williams is the franchise player on that team IMO, a guy who will be a premier player for many years to come--> he hits the lane hard, makes smart decisions re: pass outs to the perimeter and executes Jerry Sloan's brand of pick and roll almost to perfection. When that team got healthy and won 12 in a row, briefly capturing the division lead, they showed their potential. Just a very tough first round draw this year......Jeff.

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They took one, that pisses me off more then words can say, cause it shows they can do it, and there good enough, so what the fucks their problem on the road? its more then frustrating

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They took one, that pisses me off more then words can say, cause it shows they can do it, and there good enough, so what the fucks their problem on the road? its more then frustrating


The Jazz have the same problems on the road that the Lakers have playing in the state of Utah.

Of couse the fact that the Lakers played like absolute dogshit and still only lost by 2 points is kind of encouraging for Laker fans.

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They took one, that pisses me off more then words can say, cause it shows they can do it, and there good enough, so what the fucks their problem on the road? its more then frustrating


The Jazz have the same problems on the road that the Lakers have playing in the state of Utah.

Of couse the fact that the Lakers played like absolute dogshit and still only lost by 2 points is kind of encouraging for Laker fans.

They played like dogshit cause they were rattled! come on, I just finished arguing with my brother in law whos trying to say the same thing, it's not that the Jazz played good, it's that the Lakers played bad! the lakers didnt play bad, the lakers never play bad, they have way to much talent to use that as an excuse, they looked fine to me in the 3rd quarter! or were the Jazz just playing bad in the 3rd quarter! They were executing on offense, Boozer did a big blast of Coke during halftime, and AK and Brewer were playing solid defense, then when Harpring came in and started throwing Gasol around, it got him rattled, the refs just let them play, plenty of uncalled fouls, but thats fine if it's going both ways! I thought it was a great game, not just cause the Jazz won, let's face it, they arent going past this round, but "they played like dogshit"? no, the fucking Spurs played like dogshit, for once the Lakers just got outplayed, and im going to enjoy for we all know what that bitch ass Kobe does when he get's beat! he doesnt get beat twice in a row all that much, does he?

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I really don't pay attention to the teams out west... actually, who am I kidding, I don't follow the NBA whatsoever. I do, however, check in on the Jazz from time to time just to see how Illinois alum Deron Williams is doing. Some games he's the only thing keeping that team together...

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He's a fucking stud, and if Kevin O Connor doesn't get more talent to help him out, he's gonna split, unlike 95% of the rest of the Jazz, his one and only goal is winning, all the time, he's gonna want to go to a team that shares his goals, and it aint the Jazz.

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They took one, that pisses me off more then words can say, cause it shows they can do it, and there good enough, so what the fucks their problem on the road? its more then frustrating


The Jazz have the same problems on the road that the Lakers have playing in the state of Utah.

Of couse the fact that the Lakers played like absolute dogshit and still only lost by 2 points is kind of encouraging for Laker fans.

They played like dogshit cause they were rattled! come on, I just finished arguing with my brother in law whos trying to say the same thing, it's not that the Jazz played good, it's that the Lakers played bad! the lakers didnt play bad, the lakers never play bad, they have way to much talent to use that as an excuse, they looked fine to me in the 3rd quarter! or were the Jazz just playing bad in the 3rd quarter! They were executing on offense, Boozer did a big blast of Coke during halftime, and AK and Brewer were playing solid defense, then when Harpring came in and started throwing Gasol around, it got him rattled, the refs just let them play, plenty of uncalled fouls, but thats fine if it's going both ways! I thought it was a great game, not just cause the Jazz won, let's face it, they arent going past this round, but "they played like dogshit"? no, the fucking Spurs played like dogshit, for once the Lakers just got outplayed, and im going to enjoy for we all know what that bitch ass Kobe does when he get's beat! he doesnt get beat twice in a row all that much, does he?


Knowing how bad LA plays in Utah it wouldn't shock me for them to lose another game there.

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I really don't pay attention to the teams out west... actually, who am I kidding, I don't follow the NBA whatsoever. I do, however, check in on the Jazz from time to time just to see how Illinois alum Deron Williams is doing. Some games he's the only thing keeping that team together...


Don't forget about Jerry Sloan being from Illinois and the great town of Mcleansboro. :headbanger:

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And don't forget, we had Dee Brown for a year, I thought that was a major mistake getting rid of him, what's this I hear he over shadowed Williams at Illinois? I hear that a lot, how is this possible?

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And don't forget, we had Dee Brown for a year, I thought that was a major mistake getting rid of him, what's this I hear he over shadowed Williams at Illinois? I hear that a lot, how is this possible?


I'm not an Illinois fan at all but yeah Dee Brown was the star of that team.

Williams was a very good college point guard but he's become a great NBA point guard.

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