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Torben Schmidt:


"Hvorfor vi gendannes nu? Ja, det er et godt spørgsmål. Vi har faktisk ikke set hinanden i 18 år, men vi har fået masser af opfordringer til at spille igennem så at sige alle årene. Men vi har alle været travlt optaget med andre gøremål. At vi overhovedet spiller på Esbjerg Rockfestival 2009, skyldes nok primært [festivalarrangør, red.] Søren Højbjergs stædighed. Han blev ved med at ringe! Og vi blev ved med at sige nej. Men så - lige pludselig - syntes vi, at det faktisk kunne være lidt fedt at spille. Tiden var moden. Vi gør det fordi vi fik lyst til at tage ud og spille og ha' det sjovt sammen. Det er udgangspunktet. Så ser vi hvad der sker, men vi glæder os ihvertfald".


"Why we are reforming now? well, that's a good question. We haven't actually seen each other in 18 years, but we have gotten a lot of requests to play over the years. But we have all been busy else where doing other stuff. That we even conisdered to play Esbjerg Rockfestival2009, is all down to the stubbornness of Søren Højbjerg, arranging the festival. He kept on calling! And we kept on saying no. But then, all of the sudden, we felt it would be fantastic to play again. The time is now. We dp this because we wanna get out and play and have fun together. That's the main priority. Then we'll see what happens next, but we are looking forward to it".









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This is one band I would love to see live, and record a 5th album. 4 utterly brilliant albums (not to mention Schmidt's killer solo disc) with one of my all-time fave albums in that list ("Hungry For A Game"). I've been disappointed with a lot of great bands that have reformed, but I'd love to hear new material nonetheless...

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This is one band I would love to see live, and record a 5th album. 4 utterly brilliant albums (not to mention Schmidt's killer solo disc) with one of my all-time fave albums in that list ("Hungry For A Game"). I've been disappointed with a lot of great bands that have reformed, but I'd love to hear new material nonetheless...



Yes mate. I really hope they do another album. With the quality of the 4 band release and Torben's solo album, I am pretty sure it would be a good one. Lets cross fingers and see if this comes to anything.

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This is one band I would love to see live, and record a 5th album. 4 utterly brilliant albums (not to mention Schmidt's killer solo disc) with one of my all-time fave albums in that list ("Hungry For A Game"). I've been disappointed with a lot of great bands that have reformed, but I'd love to hear new material nonetheless...



Yes mate. I really hope they do another album. With the quality of the 4 band release and Torben's solo album, I am pretty sure it would be a good one. Lets cross fingers and see if this comes to anything.

Yeah, you'd hope (and expect) it'd be good but you'd have to wonder about the chemistry between 5 dudes who haven't seen each other for 18 years. :lol:

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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:

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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:




Isn't it a type of Fraggle? :lol:

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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:


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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:


Here's Skagerrack for you. A little bit of different spelling but I'm pretty sure that's where the band's name comes from.


I love all those Skagarack releases. And the Torben Schmidt solo release is a killer. Great stuff! I'd like to hear a new release from these guys, that's for sure....

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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:


Here's Skagerrack for you. A little bit of different spelling but I'm pretty sure that's where the band's name comes from.


I love all those Skagarack releases. And the Torben Schmidt solo release is a killer. Great stuff! I'd like to hear a new release from these guys, that's for sure....


YES, that Torben Schmidt disc is killer probably my favorite solo effort to date.

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What the heck is a "Skagarack" anyway? It sounds like some sort of dreadful disease. "Mr Jones, we regret to inform you that you've contracted the worst case of Skagarack we've ever seen. We need to remove your genitals immediately." :blink:



I always thought it sounded like a slang term for a heroin addict but the music would have to be grunge for that.

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