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I know this is WAYYYYYYYY off of my normal posting subject matter, but someone where I work forwarded this website to me, and I find it fascinating as hell:




The pictures on here tell a tremendous story....

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:( How devastating........


"I wonder how this guy feel, who once went for a fishing trip and who was not able to return home. It is like you life is cut on two pieces. in one is you slippers still under you bed, photos of a first love that left on piano.. in other is you yourself, you memories and a fishing rod."





Ok.........I posted that before I got to the last few pages......omg......devastating is not the word for it......... :(

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Just amazing. It will be contaminated for 48,000 years. Might "possibly" be able to inhabit the area in 300-600 years. It would almost seem crazy if it wasn't true.

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For me, the bottom 2 pics on this page:




say it all....Elena looks out across this vast, sprawling city, and not one sign of life is there to be found.....amazing images.

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Heartbreaking is the only word I can think of. If I recall, it was both human error design error that led up to the explosion... hard to believe it could have been prevented. :(

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  • 2 years later...

April 26th will be the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident; thought it might be appropriate to bump this thread back up for those who didn't get to see it before....







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But, Tamara Kurbatova, a 40-year-old unemployed mother of three in the town of Buda-Koshelevo, sharply disagrees. Her 4-year-old son, Pavel, is being treated for eye cancer, and after years of struggle, she has won official recognition that it's the result of his mother's radiation levels while he was in the womb. That entitles the boy to financial aid.


"It is a miracle he is still alive," Kurbatova said. "But what awaits him I don't know."





-_- Twenty years later.....it's still as heartbreaking...

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Man....???....Happiness is living right where I do!!Thank You GOD!!

Who took the pictures? Did they have to wear a radiation suit!!!!......It is a tragic

way to die....It is these images that will haunt some forever!!! :crying:

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  • 4 years later...

Coming up on 25 years (April 26th) since the Chernobyl disaster. How very appropriate to take a look back at this tragedy in the wake of what Japan is dealing with right now. So sad for everyone then... and now.


http://www.angelfire...peed/index.html <--- This site has tons of pics taken by a lady who tours the area on motorcycle occasionally.








This is only the second time since being forced to evacuate in 1986 that Ludmila S., 55, is able to visit her former hometown of Pripyat. She mourns at the grave of her parents and begs for their forgiveness for her long involuntary absence.



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such a very interesting subject. when i was in high school we watched a short film titled 'the children of chernobyl'. i would love to see it again. has anyone been reading up on the work they are doing to build a new shell for the reactor?

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such a very interesting subject. when i was in high school we watched a short film titled 'the children of chernobyl'. i would love to see it again. has anyone been reading up on the work they are doing to build a new shell for the reactor?

I also saw a doco on Foxtel,can not recall the name but it was about a reporter and his Russian guides taking him to Chernobyl.They could only stay in the town for 45mins and had to take radiation readings all the time.


They were aloud to get 200 metres from the plant for only a very short period of time and the guides hurried him along.The town was so eerie and what added to the eerieness was footage of a school left how it was back then when it happened and the quiet.

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