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Everything posted by LV KIX

  1. I'll see what I can do when I see Black Tora in a couple weeks.
  2. There will be a second CD.. it is amazing how fast Chris and Pat can write quality songs. No doubt a second full length release is coming.
  3. I've seen them a couple time.. Just last week in fact. The new stuff sounds better than the earlier release.
  4. Glad to see you will be out there on Saturday at least.
  5. Not "officially" released until tomorrow... It hasn't left my CD player since I've gotten the physical CD. For those who have ordered.. They all should ship within the next couple days.
  6. Yep.. That's my company shirt Chris is "rocking"... Pretty Cool. He now has the new design and it should be in a future video.
  7. Leaving for Miami and The Monsters Of Rock Cruise on Wed. morning. Then about a week after I get back.. It's M3.
  8. Looking forward to this...sounding good to me. That album cover isn't going to do them any favors though IMO. That is exactly why they chose an album cover like that.. They don't want anyone to have any preconceived idea about the band... They want the music to speak for itself. I've heard the whole release in it's entirety (many times).. I don't think many people will be disappointed at all. A very solid release.
  9. I saw them in New York City a couple months ago... Don't miss the show. They will be in Baltimore in May and there is no way I'm going to miss that show.
  10. I actually knew about this a few days ago though I didn't know who the new vocalist was until yesterday... I was a bit worried because I am suppose to work the RDC show in Miami prior to The Monsters Of Rock Cruise. Michael Beck was the vocalist for Manila Thrills and Scary Hairy.
  11. Good to hear...I think that qualifies as the first review I've seen of the album I've only heard the EP songs and the latest single....I'd have to point to Everything and this newest song as my favorites so far. I'd heard enough to pre-order it though and looking forward to hearing the rest. Hoping they can keep the same style throughout with hooks and harmonies....and rock of course. I guess I don't see many new bands putting music out with this vibe in the US these days so it's refreshing to see. Oh yeah.. The new release has all the same style as the EP. Plenty of hooks throughout the release. The second single is gonna be "Dressed To Kill".. a bit more of a rocker but plenty of hooks. The video for that one should be out in about 3 or 4 weeks.
  12. I've had the chance to work with Station a bit. The whole release is great.. it is hard to even pick a favorite song. Look for 3 new videos to be released before April 30th. Station will also be playing my annual "M-Pre Party" on April 30, 2015 in Columbia, Maryland. If any HH members are in the area just contact me and I'll hook them up for the show. It is going to be a great year for this band.
  13. I just heard the news about an hour ago. I too talked to James a bit on the phone. There is no doubt about it.. He was passionate about music and collecting. Last time I talked with him (About 2 months ago) it seemed as though things were starting to look up for him. This is very sad news indeed... I just put in a CD by a band that James and I talk in length about.. CRACK THE SKY... The song "Can I Play For You" seems appropriate. R.I.P. James....
  14. I've seen Chas West in a couple different bands.. He is a good vocalists. I'll check stuff out if they release anything before Chas is out.
  15. I never worry about the moves that the Ravens make.. They know what they are doing... Torrey Smith isn't worth even close to what he is getting in San Fran.... Ngata is slowing down and was suspended for a few games last year. Maybe the Ravens know something the rest of the league doesn't. Owen Daniels is the biggest lose so far.. and he is as old as dirt. Every year they lose players that are popular and nearly every time those players change teams and are never heard from again. I never worry about the Ravens off season moves.. I always trust that they know better than I do as far as improving the team.
  16. LV KIX

    King Zebra

    Just spun King Zebra for the first time myself. It will get some more spins for sure .
  17. After seeing Santa Cruz in New York in December.. No doubt I'll be paying to see them in Baltimore... even if they only play for 30 mins.
  18. March 3rd.. Doro in Philly March 4th .. Doro in Springfield, Virginia.
  19. Lucky for me this falls in between The Monsters Of Rock Cruise, M3, and Rocklahoma... Just glad it doesn't conflict with any of those.. So I'll be going.
  20. Santa Cruz in Baltimore on May 14th. And if you are Wilmington on April 30th.. I have a show booked with Station, Nasty Habit, Mach22, Last Call Messiahs, and Lady Beast in Columbia, Maryland. I'll put you on the guest list if you can make it.
  21. Let me know which dates you will be in Wilmington. You will be close to Baltimore, Philly, and New York. If you know the days you will be there... I can fill you in with the good shows.
  22. Santa Cruz just announced a show in Baltimore in May. Keep an eye out for them in your town. Looks like I don't have to drive to New York City to see them this time around. Make sure you go if they come to a city near you.
  23. What Dan said, I wouldn't be able to afford to buy anywhere near that amount of physical CD's, but my presenter gig with ARfm allows me access to everything in their library. All the cd's I reviewed are physical CD's that I acquired over the last year. If I didn't/don't have a physicaI CD I did not review it. I did receive five times that list in digital promo's but the physical releases ALWAYS take precidence over the digital kits, but I'll get to them all eventually... I didn't get the Black Tora, but it would have received a high nod cause A. they are awesome and B. Razor Dave is also awesome! and that Tempt disc is a really solid EP. I am sure the full length will be a dinger. Karpet, you need to seek out the Warryor relese and the first full length "Rise Of The Tora" no knock to "Raise Your Fists" or the "Fuel My Hunger" as everything BT touches is awesome. You will notice that in all the bands incarnations and throughout their releases they do recycle the tunes a bit... I was sad that Station EP did not release in '14, its a '13 release or it would have rated high on the list! Get ready for some new stuff from Station in a few months... Every song is awesome. I would hope that the next Station release will be on a few "Best Of 2015" lists.
  24. Stefan obviously has more time on his hands than Davesmetal does. This thread had died and turned to ashes.
  25. Good to see that Black Tora at least got a mention... In my Top 5 for sure. Also nice to see Terry give a shout out to the Tempt release.. "Under My Skin". Both of those releases have very limited distribution.. So I'm sure many haven't heard either of those. I think both are worth a shot at tracking down.
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