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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Received last night....


    Cats In Boots - Demonstration (w/ obi)

    Crazy Lixx - Silent Minority (Jap edition w/ bonus tracks)

    Def Leppard - Sparkle Lounge (Jap delux edition with bonus tracks + dvd)

    Motley Crue - SOLA (Jap edition with bonus tracks + dvd)


    and a stack from Sax just last week including The Loving Dead, Wildhearts, TSOL, ....

    Did you hit up the DELETED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN web-site?


    No, 3 from cdjapan and 1 from an ebay seller.

    I got crazy lixx thru cdjapan. it wasn't listed on their site, but I asked them for it and they ordered it for me.

  2. Courtesy of Glitzine - Edited/Trimmed for relevance to this topic


    Interview with Aerial Stiles September 2006


    Q2. Of course, you were a major songwriter in the early days of Pretty Boy Floyd. Were you approached to rejoin the band for their 2004 release, Size Really Does Matter?


    No. I didn't have any material on that release. I was very happy to see Steve create some new music with new people.


    Q3. Keeping with the last question, your past issues with the band have been well documented. Please discuss your past relationship with the band. Have you buried the proverbial legal hatchet with PBF?


    You don't know how much I'd like to be able to say something pleasant and kind here, I truly do. I was raised with: "Say something nice, or say nothing..." But what can I say when "the proverbial hatchet" is buried in my back!


    I want the fans to know that I'm not here to turn fans against PBF-- I'm glad they like the band and the music and I want them to. I'm not doing this interview because I'm bitter or whining. I'm happy and successful on my own. I don't want or need the attention, but you asked for an interview, so here it is. I'm sorry if the truth tarnishes the band, but it is what it is.


    Right now, Vinnie, Kari & I (are all good friends) and we're suing together, (though with Kari rejoining PBF, he may opt out now, I don't know). They are not being paid publishing royalties and for the use of their likenesses. For me, it's a case of my songs and recordings being flat out stolen from me and released without my permission. According to what the labels are indicating, the name that keeps coming up on contracts is Kristy Majors, not Steve's. Kristy has licensed around 35 of my songs and recordings from demos onto various cd's such as the vault I & II, tonight belongs to the young, ultimate pbf, dirty glam, etc., and a bunch of compilations. About 27 different CD's in all.


    I've heard that Steve didn't receive any money for these cd's either and complained to one of the labels about not releasing the cd's (which were competing with the release of "Size really does matter..." at the time), but I don't know that for a fact. Keep in mind, Kristy did most of this before he was even back in PBF himself! This has happened not only with my songs on these releases, but to others as well. Kristy is also named in a lawsuit filed by Cody Jarrett. They took two of Cody's songs, one of which was co-written with Chip Z'nuff, and recorded/released those without permission. They took Kery Doll's song "Seven minutes in heaven." So it 's not just me, this is just what they do to people.


    I don't know if Steve is even aware that at one point Kristy contacted Vinnie and Kari to join him in two lawsuits against Steve. He wanted back royalties in one and the take control of the band name with the other. Then Kristy asked me to join them as well, saying: "If we have the name, Steve is done. Steve can't play or sell anything under pretty boy floyd." So you can imagine my surprise when I hear that Kristy is rejoining the band.


    Anyone who's purchased one of the demo compilations knows the recordings sound like crap. Those recordings did not come from the masters. They came from bad copies and whomever put them out knew that, too. I'm extremely pissed off about that! The fans are getting ripped off. The original masters, which were much better in quality, could have been obtained and even improved upon with the modern digital gear that's readily available. Numerous fans have complained about the quality and rightly so. Here's my assumption: Kristy just saw an opportunity to make money. He apparently did not give a fuck about giving the fans a good quality recording. To obtain the high quality original masters, various songwriters have to get paid and he apparently wanted all the money because he sure as hell never asked anyone. Adding insult to injury for me, Kristy strokes his own ego pretending he's the one writing and playing on the songs--utter bullshit. Then what gets put out is just the worst crappy, baked-in-the-sun cassette copies possible that got pressed onto cd. It's not like I really want to say I played on it, it's fucking embarrassing.


    The releases alone tell the story: After 10 years they release a new cd (porn stars) and it's almost all old material again. After that, a bunch of compilations of old demos. Most bands write and release new songs. What does that say?


    At the end of 1990 I started writing for them again and gave them a 2nd chance after this rip off was tried on the "Leather Boyz..." CD. We settled out of court and I rejoined mainly because they had a new manager (warrant's mgr) who was my lawyer's good friend, so I figured I wouldn't get screwed again. I forgave and forgot in an attempt to move on and try to help us all become successful. Everything was fine for 4 years. I wrote and recorded a lot of songs during that time. After that, I wanted to do something else musically and Vinnie and I both quit and started a new band, Rattlin' Bones.


    The bottom line is I've never done anything to these guys other than quit the band twice because I wanted to do something else. The minute I'm out the door the stealing starts (again) and screwing me out of what I created. Anyway you want to slice it, that's wrong. It's been 16 years of bullshit for me, dealing with these guys, who have attached themselves to my song catalog like a bloodsucking leach on my nut sack! I made the bad choice to work with them a 2nd time and shame on me. I should have known that a leopard does not change its spots. It's interesting how the PBF camp tries to not even acknowledge that I ever played with them! Now you know why. And that's fine by me. I don't want my name ever associated with PBF again. I don't associate with crooks and liars.


    Q7. What feelings do you have for music sold on ebay? Any problems as an artist from a royalties perspective?


    Well there's a song of mine "leather boys" being sold currently on eBay as a music download that I did not license. I'm not getting paid, so it's a problem! Other than that, I've had to ask 3 different people to stop who were selling multiple copies on a regular basis of a 3-CD set called "aeriel stiles demos." These were something someone burned and printed up. When it's a one-off sale anyone has the right to sell something they own, but when it's selling mass copies week after week, that's illegal. I asked them politely to stop, they did and that was the end of it. I don't want to kick people off of eBay, but just don't start up a business with my shit! No one has that right but me. (Will someone please explain this concept Kristy Majors?)



    Q10. Back to PBF. The band, since you left, has released more tunes as demos than they've written as a band. Since you wrote most of the tunes, you tell me, is it really that hard to write songs in this style of music?


    Not really, but it depends where you want to take it. You can write three-chord songs and keep it simple. Then it becomes more about the lyrics and the melody carrying the song. The later stuff I was writing for PBF was more riffs than chords, more metal-style and thus was more involved to play. They don't play those songs live now, they stick with the old stuff and later stuff that's similar to the old stuff. They just recently put a couple of them (kiss my fist & no respect for the law) on their myspace site, there's pic of Kristy that comes up, but that's me playing. I don't know why they never attempted to write more of their own material (meaning not mine). I can't answer that. My best guess is that maybe by using my songs it maintained a consistency; since their sound and lyrics, are in reality-- my particular glam style of writing to fit that particular band. I was surprised to see "Porn Stars" come out as half of the first album again after 10 years! I expected all new material given that there had been 10 years in which to write new stuff. But I'm sure the reason was that they wanted new fans to hear songs that had become out of print, so it was kind of a re-introduction approach and in one way that makes sense. But in another way, why weren't Kristy and Keri Kelli writing? Keri Kelli is a strong writer. Instead, they do 9 of my old songs and 2 covers and 2 Kristy songs. But with releasing such a barrage of CDs consisting of old demos as opposed to new songs, that seems like a quick way to make a few bucks as opposed to a serious desire to progress as a band. More like living off the past. Had they not fucked me at every turn, perhaps I might still be writing new songs with and for them.

  3. No-one can beat Steve Summers from Pretty Boy Floyd though.. and the whole Ariel Stiles saga.





    Don't quote me 100% fact, but the story goes something like the following.

    Basically a guy by the name of Ariel Stiles wrote all the songs from Leather Boyz. He was the vocalist but then Steve Summers basically hijacked the band and took all the songs as his own. He has continued to re-record and play them for years, never actually crediting Ariel with the song wriitng, and I guessing therefore the $$$ that follow.


    I do believe they may have come to some agreement a couple of years back that allowed Steve to continue using the songs, but I'm not sure of the exact details.


    Somewhere on cassette I have the original Ariel Stiles versions.


    A lot of dedicated glam fans actually hate pretty boy floyd for this very reason, cos they think it is a completely stolen idea, and the bloke who started it all got kicked to the curb and has never received any of the credit.


    As I said, don't quote it all as 100% fact... but that's the general idea.

  4. Def Leppard - Sparkle Lounge (Jap delux edition with bonus tracks + dvd)


    dude you so sold out!



    Well, I was doing an order from Japan and saw this.. and just thought if I'm gonna give this thing a listen, then I'm gonna do it in the bets way possible - wiht the Jap deluxe edition. And if I don't like it, I can hide it in my bookshlef cos the packaging looks like a book.

  5. If Joel Ellis wrote 'I'll be there for you' then why is listening to 'Kicked n' clawed' like being kicked and clawed in the balls? Are we really to believe the guy who wrote one good song ('Turn it on' for Heavy Bones) actually wrote two good songs and one was miraculously stolen?





    Apparently he's gonna post the original demo for folks to have a listen to.


    BTW, I absolutely love Kicked n Klawed. One of the best sleaze albums of all time!

  6. Received last night....


    Cats In Boots - Demonstration (w/ obi)

    Crazy Lixx - Silent Minority (Jap edition w/ bonus tracks)

    Def Leppard - Sparkle Lounge (Jap delux edition with bonus tracks + dvd)

    Motley Crue - SOLA (Jap edition with bonus tracks + dvd)


    and a stack from Sax just last week including The Loving Dead, Wildhearts, TSOL, ....

  7. In a bunch I got from Sax...


    Wildhearts - Must Be Destroyed

    I've read about these guys in Kerrang years ago but never given them a go. Man, I was missing out! This disc totally surprised me. For some reason I thought these guys were a UK heavy balls to the wall rock'n'roll band. I was wrong... they are almost pop-rock rock with a sleaze heavy edge. Top stuff. Now I wanna hear some of their other stuff.

  8. Hell City Glamours - s/t


    FInally a full length album from these guys. After 1 listen i wasn't so sure... but after second listen I absolutely love this one. They've gradually refined the sound through the first 3 eps, from full throttle rock at the beginning to a more refined sound by the 3rd ep. The album takes that further. Has a bit of a vinatge / twangy guitar sound about it, with lots of gang-vocal ladden choruses. "Ready To Fall" is my favourite at the moment, with "Back To You' and "Josephine' not far behind.


    I hadnt heard anything about this..., ive been seeing all the ep's in bargain bins everywhere.. though couldnt be bothered getting them.


    Going by our respective musical tastes, the album may not be your cup of tea. It's still got a very raw feel about it. I dislike bluesy influenced rock, but this still has that sort of influence - as bluesy as say aerosmith maybe, but it's very catch with some great choruses.

  9. Hell City Glamours - s/t


    FInally a full length album from these guys. After 1 listen i wasn't so sure... but after second listen I absolutely love this one. They've gradually refined the sound through the first 3 eps, from full throttle rock at the beginning to a more refined sound by the 3rd ep. The album takes that further. Has a bit of a vinatge / twangy guitar sound about it, with lots of gang-vocal ladden choruses. "Ready To Fall" is my favourite at the moment, with "Back To You' and "Josephine' not far behind.



    I found a copy of this one on the weekend for $5, but it's missing the rear artwork.

    Don't spose anyone can help me out with a high resolution scan of the rear?

    Please PM if you can help.



    BTW, I have a spare Lynard Skynard rear artwork if anyone wants it. :tumbsup:


    thats a great find whilst searching hi & lo for Salvation Jane, what else did you score?



    the only other find this time was another local 90's rock indie from a band called 'Animator'.

  11. We will continue to sell them until they are gone, as we need the gas money. We have two tour buses, gas and our crew to pay for yet for the festival.


    We do intend to have silver pressed CDs by the end of the summer, though. I'll be sure to drop by here and let you know when we get them in.


    Oh really, you need pay gas??? and we must pay for your gas with buyin fake products???? lol


    original cds will you release in august??? WILL YOU SEND THEM FOR FREE TO EVERYBODY WHO BOUGHT SHITTY CDR?????


    Settle down... read all the other posts above before saying all this.

  12. Hi guyz!

    Can somebody tell me about the inserts of this cd?

    Is it printed on home printer like Roulette`s band inserts?

    I mean like early Retrospect releases...


    By the way, guys from Roulette told me there is in California is some manufactory which makin green cdrs with home made inserts and bands THINKIN THEY ORDERIN ORIGINAL STUFF rom this manufactory! lol


    I asked Shawn about inserts, but he didnt answer. he only wrote - the cd is silver.

    but what about inserts?????



    top quality all around from what I recall last time I pulled it out.

  13. The local 'Muses / Leading Edge' music store shut down over the weekend and had an amazing sale...


    I got 15 cds including....

    Buckcherry (w/bonus dvd),

    Megadeth (7 different albums w/ bonus tracks)

    The Rasmus

    My Chemical Romance

    Hinder (w/ bonus dvd)

    Boom Crash Opera (best of)

    Steve Vai (2cd anthology)

    and a couple of others... all for a lazy $100.


    Many of these were marked down from $22 to $11 and then had a further 50% off on this final day.... so the discs were around $5-6 each.... brand new.


    You paid money for My Chemical Romance?? :yikes:;)


    Those Megadeth remasters are cool though, I picked those up a while back.



    Not to say that i'm gonna keep em all, but for $5 I'll give any rock cd a listen.

  14. The local 'Muses / Leading Edge' music store shut down over the weekend and had an amazing sale...


    I got 15 cds including....

    Buckcherry (w/bonus dvd),

    Megadeth (7 different albums w/ bonus tracks)

    The Rasmus

    My Chemical Romance

    Hinder (w/ bonus dvd)

    Boom Crash Opera (best of)

    Steve Vai (2cd anthology)

    and a couple of others... all for a lazy $100.


    Many of these were marked down from $22 to $11 and then had a further 50% off on this final day.... so the discs were around $5-6 each.... brand new.

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