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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Black Rain - 'License to thrill' ; I'm liking this. Great sound, another nice full and juicy production job. If you like the whole glam/sleaze/commercial hard rock sound from the 80's this is another good one for the collection.



    I picked up Black Rain's ep a litttle while back. Pretty good.

    Have been meaning to pick up the album, but haven't got around to it yet.

  2. Hey Aussies...

    How long does it usally take you guys to receive your orders from Retrospect. I've been waiting 3 weeks not and haven't recevied mine. It that unusual?

    This was my first order so I wasn;t sure how long to expect to wait.

    From memory it was about 2.5-3 weeks, certainly not longer than that though. I always found them reliable.

    I'm sitting at about 2.9 weeks so hopefully they're there when I get home today.

    Thanks for the info.

  3. Glam Nation Vol 1,2,3,4


    A series of newly released glam compiltations from 272 Records (the same people releasing the new Alleycat Scratch - Encore package). I had this on in the background whilst doing some work outside over the weekend so was only paying partial attention.


    Lots of great tracks, although not all from the traditional glam category. Quite a few tracks in the rock genre, punk 'n' roll genres, plus a heap of glam gems. Lots of bands I've been dying to hear but havn't been able to shell out the cash. A good opportunity to sample them. All discs are packed to the brim with about 2 tracks each. For around $8 - 10 each from demondoll records, quite worth it i think.

  4. Kings of the Sun - Resurrection (wow, this is a good disc!)

    thats the best and rarest isnt it?


    i had the first two and sold them.... prob couldve kept them... but not essential..



    Yeah, it's a really good album. I hadn't heard it before and wondered why people said really good things about it. The first 2 albums are okay, nothing spectacular, so I was expecting it to be more of the same.


    I think it's the rarest of the 3 albums cos it was only released here in Australia, whereas the other 2 got international releases aswell.

    I've seen it before but never bothered 'cause the first two did nothing for me. Are you saying this one is actually worth checking out if I see it again? What have they done so different from the first two duds?



    Even if you do not like it.... if you see it buy it for trade bait!

    One on ebay last week $AUD150 (not sure if it sold), one on ebay right now $US134, HH price $US90+, GEMM $US138....so I'd say that's a good indication it's worth a little, even if those prices are a little inflated.


    Stylewise, it's just very catch solid rock. They dropped the cliche 80's sound and dished up some very catch modern rock for that era. Sorta like Bon Jovi going from flashy 80's rock of New Jersey to solid hard rock of Keep the Faith.

  5. A few comments off of the cd availalbe thru demondolls, as posted on sleazeroxx forums:


    Robbi went behind everybody's back and signed a contract with the first company some other members turned down.


    Now there is a shitty release without Boa, Devin and Eddie's blessing that is out there - it looks more like a bootleg than an album.


    Cheap tat, and not what the band had in mind. I got mine today from 272 records and it looks like a piece of paper in a sleeve, like an original fake Foxy Roxx CD.

  6. Kings of the Sun - Resurrection (wow, this is a good disc!)

    thats the best and rarest isnt it?


    i had the first two and sold them.... prob couldve kept them... but not essential..



    Yeah, it's a really good album. I hadn't heard it before and wondered why people said really good things about it. The first 2 albums are okay, nothing spectacular, so I was expecting it to be more of the same.


    I think it's the rarest of the 3 albums cos it was only released here in Australia, whereas the other 2 got international releases aswell.

  7. I've been listening to these guys for about a year now. They lost their singer and I thouhgt maybe they were gonners, but they have just released a recording with their new singer and the absolutely rock!


    If you like the swedish sleaze scene you will love this band:



    Give a listen to the track Bad Boy Gigolo!

    If you don't like this one their must be something wrong with ya!!!!

  8. >> what a dissapointing tracklisting....... there seems to be quite a few demos missing..... maybe there will be another acs cd called "last call" after all. <<


    That was 'Last Call.' After the first three tracks there was yet another live show tacked on.






    I'm guessing different band members releasing different material thru different record labels.

  9. Check out an AUssie band called "Pretty Suicide" if a mix of Erotic Suicide and early glam Pantera sounds like your thing!


    Their 3 track s/t demo they have out is top stuff!



    arent these guys an adelaide band who's toured melbourne a few times?



    No, you're thining of Diamond Sins.

    Pretty Suicide are 100% melbourne I think.

  10. So ? Where is it ?? Martin, did you keep it ??? :tumbsup:



    What? I never got it!... :)


    You know I have completely forgotten about it, haven't even taken it out of the package Lindsey sent it to me in.


    Widda you can have it first since I have yet to recieve any formal requests for it, IE: where to send it.



    Make sure you have a listen to it before you send it on. It's ...umm... awesome.... maybe...

  11. Awesome news, I must check this out.


    Just further proof of how evil the world is - this sale happens and after being up around an even $1 the USD/AUD exchange rate has now dropped all the way back to about 0.75. :(



    Yeah, in the end the sale prices for us Aussies are probably just the same as they would have been 3 months ago due to the exchange rate.


    I still loaded up though...

  12. Pacifier - s/t ; not bad, I guess. Decent modern rock... not sure I'll ever spin it again.


    i assume this is the kiwi Pacifier? also known as Shihad..

    Probably. Sounds like a match... not my thing though.


    ive seen them live a few times..

    Do they suck?

    umm they were good, but im not a fan... they had a few hits on aussie radio..


    just cos you're not a fan doesn;t mean they suck.

    go and see em live and you may have differing opinion. I find this with a lot of bands, ... I lkie them live but not (as much) on disc.

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