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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Mine was apparently sent today...


    buying all cd's should be that easy!

    And cheap.



    and cdrs!


    Got mine today. All 3 eps were cdrs.


    Wasn't sure what to expect, cos their other disc I have of their is pressed, but then again all the other swedish bands releaseing eps are doing the exact same thing.... cdr with below sub-par printed covers

    HAHA! Quality. Can't wait to, uh, get it. :lol:


    "First touch" is a cdr????



    Not printed or anything. Just a blank/plain cdr.


    Wait.. your kidding me right?!

    Please tell me your kidding me..



    Not kidding.

    At least most other bands releasing stuff on cdr actually print up labels to make it look like something worth owning. This was literally just a blank cdr with what looks like computer printed cover.

  2. Mine was apparently sent today...


    buying all cd's should be that easy!

    And cheap.



    and cdrs!


    Got mine today. All 3 eps were cdrs.


    Wasn't sure what to expect, cos their other disc I have of their is pressed, but then again all the other swedish bands releaseing eps are doing the exact same thing.... cdr with below sub-par printed covers

    HAHA! Quality. Can't wait to, uh, get it. :lol:


    "First touch" is a cdr????



    Not printed or anything. Just a blank/plain cdr.

  3. So Lindsay and Andre, you two still going tomorrow night?


    Justin, you going on Friday?


    Hey Matt, you homo, let me know if you suddenly decide to go. I'm going with a mate but he's bringing a couple of posers along so if you did decide to go I could meet a poser there too. Though I can't imagine this being your scene... though, you surely love Lynch Mob, don't you?


    Listened to each band's prime time discography today, and I'm freakin' excited! Thursday night is party night.


    Just packed my bag, confirmed my ride for tomorrow and confirmed my flight.


    Looking forward to Deadthings and Fasterpussycat, but don't know much of Lynch Mob.


    (BTW, Geoff....did you realise that you were going to get to see the deadthings again?!?!?!)

  4. Mine was apparently sent today...


    buying all cd's should be that easy!

    And cheap.



    and cdrs!


    Got mine today. All 3 eps were cdrs.


    Wasn't sure what to expect, cos their other disc I have of their is pressed, but then again all the other swedish bands releaseing eps are doing the exact same thing.... cdr with below sub-par printed covers

  5. I just ordered this! :)

    I got it on Friday too. Party time.



    Got it as in "received" or got it as in "ordered"?

    Haven't received mine yet :crying:

    I thought about that as soon as I typed it. Yeah, just ordered it. No receival yet. :)



    Let me know what you think of this one when it gets there. It's on my short list of CDs to get.


    Thanks... :drink:

    I've heard the songs and I can tell you now it is WELL worth it. For the price I paid, you'd be insane not to pick it up.


    I've heard a few of the new tracks, but not all yet .... and they sound awesome.


    Amazing that this band started off as more of a metal band basing themselves on the likes of Iron Maiden, Helloween,....ect.


    CDbaby used to stock their old albums, but I believe they are sold out now. They were selling for $5. I only managed to nab one of them. By the time I received the first one, ahd a listen, decisded to get the other...they had already sold out.


    are they the ones you can download off their site? they looked pretty glam to me..


    no, they're not even listed with the discography anymore. they mention them in the bands bio tho.


    here they are on cd baby...still available for download (and 1 says back in stock soon):



    Covers still look pretty glam, but music a bit of a mix.

  6. I just ordered this! :)

    I got it on Friday too. Party time.



    Got it as in "received" or got it as in "ordered"?

    Haven't received mine yet :crying:

    I thought about that as soon as I typed it. Yeah, just ordered it. No receival yet. :)



    Let me know what you think of this one when it gets there. It's on my short list of CDs to get.


    Thanks... :drink:

    I've heard the songs and I can tell you now it is WELL worth it. For the price I paid, you'd be insane not to pick it up.


    I've heard a few of the new tracks, but not all yet .... and they sound awesome.


    Amazing that this band started off as more of a metal band basing themselves on the likes of Iron Maiden, Helloween,....ect.


    CDbaby used to stock their old albums, but I believe they are sold out now. They were selling for $5. I only managed to nab one of them. By the time I received the first one, ahd a listen, decisded to get the other...they had already sold out.

  7. Warrior Soul confuse me a bit. One day I listen to the albums and love em, yet next time I put them on I have to switch off part way thru. I like the style but I think a lot of it just can't hook me.

  8. Looks like they've underogne a bit of a change....




    They're a hell of alot darker looking and sounding that they were before.

    Onyl ahd 1 listen to the new stuff, but I think i prefer their older stuff.

  9. Wow, that sucks man! At least your Mom is gonna fit the bill for another copy though - that's nice. Hope you find another soon. I see this thread is over a year old - still no luck huh?


    Nah, won't make my mum pay for another one. But hopefully I've got another one in the piepline as I type.

    Well, I've just paid for one anyway, but until i have it in my hands the saga will not be compelte.

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