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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. For me (a massive fan from the Open Up era) the Native Tongue album sits behind most of the others purely becasue of the different sound. Poison were my favourite band in the late 80s/early 90s... so this change probably had more of an effect on me than it would have on someone who thought they were 'just good' and it wasn't their favourite band.


    Not that I dislike the album, just wasn't the Poison I knew.

  2. Jack D is about £18 for a 70cl bottle over here, which is approx $Aud39. Nice drink, but I don't drink much of it personally.

    If I'm being completely honest, a friend gave me a bottle of Jim Beam for Christmas about 2 years and I still have half of it left. Same with Wild Turkey (which I actually prefer). I have them around the place and have a drink every now and then, but really hardly ever. Beer's the only drink for this Aussie battler.



    Yes, Wild Turkey definiteyl > Jim Beam, but $Wild Turkey also > Jim Beam.

    Turkey sits around the same price as Jacks, whilst Beam (white) is a good $7-8 less.


    Geoff, next time i'm in town I'll pop around and knock off that remaining half bottle.

  3. Just buy beer, mate.


    a reasonable carton of beer is still $35. Sure it goes further.


    Maybe with summer coming up in be in the mood for a few beers.

    Titan Premium Lager for $29.95 is what I'm on at the moment.


    I also bought a bunch of random cases in a recent Woolies sale, all under $30. Pretty much if I ever see a case under $30 it's mine. Best recent find was 2 cases of Baron Lager (Beautiful beer) for $20 each. Only 4 left and my brother and I got 2 each.


    Anyway, long story short... if you look around you can usually find a good case under $30. Ottingers are $29.95 and great value, good taste imo.


    But with regard to your original post, have you seen how much VB and Tooheys New are these days??? Both over $35. Bloody ridiculous as I'm not a huge fan of either.


    A few obscure brands there that i've never heard of. Once it get's abck to beer weather I'll give some of them a go if I see 'em around... but during the cold months it's bourbon.


    I used to just grab a carton of pre-mixed cans for $40-$50, but since the 70% tax increase on RTD's, it's now difficult to find a carton of anything reasonable for under $60. Back to the bottles!

  4. Just as a comparsion, I want to know what it costs for a standard bottle of Jack Daniels on your part of the world.


    Here in Adelaide, South Australia you'd be lucky to find a 700ml bottle for $AUD38 ($US32). And that's a special. Normal price at the moment would be $42 ($US36).


    Compared to what our aussie dollar was 18months back, why the hell are we paying this much? Are we being ripped off?

  5. Not sure why it hasn't made it to disc yet but I might have to rectify that...


    ....are you gonna buy it?

    I'll let you off paying for it this time, cos they have just made it too had to buy anyway.

  6. Last week I saw this in stock in an Aussie cd store (JB Hifi)... that was unexpected.

    Full price, was it? JB has quite a few good selections when it comes to modern rock.


    Yeah, it was about $27!

    Expensive. Get it from the website for half that.


    JB Hifi seem to pop up with obscure stuff every now and then. Wasn't one I expected to see there.

    Not sure this one is too hard to get, mate. It could be... but I'm not sure to be honest. Yeah, I think I'll wait for it to pop up at Secondspin. :lol:


    Not hard to get but also not one that will get an Aussie release I'd say. When I said 'obscure' I didn't mean obscure as in 'rare' , but obscure as in 'that was a funny place to see that cd'.

  7. Last week I saw this in stock in an Aussie cd store (JB Hifi)... that was unexpected.

    Full price, was it? JB has quite a few good selections when it comes to modern rock.


    Yeah, it was about $27!

    Expensive. Get it from the website for half that.


    JB Hifi seem to pop up with obscure stuff every now and then. Wasn't one I expected to see there.

  8. I got this about a week ago. Have only checked out the dvd so far, but I thought it was pretty good.


    I'd actually love to see the vidoe they recorded for the 1991 live album 'Swallow This Live". I've seen boots of this for sale on various sites. Don't spose anyone has this and can comment on the quality?

  9. but they don't accept paypal, ccnow, credit card or anything like that.

    To buy the cd you have to send them cash or deposit straight into their bank account (which was gonna cost me $22 in fees). I really want the new disc, but they need to make it available!!!!!


    Any suggestions?

  10. Silver Dirt - Sonic Boom (swiss hard rock / sleaze ... I won this one actually)


    Enemies Swe - behind enemy lines (swedish sleaze)


    Fuelhead - s/t (swedish dirty rock)


    Whats Silver Dirt like?? whenever i see "swiss hard rock" i get excited..



    just got it yesterday so haven't had a listen yet. will let you know.

    thanks chum


    was a little disappointed in this one. It wasn't bad, but none of the tracks really grabbed me.

    Seems like in their "crunchy hard rock" has a bit of a mellow bluesy twist at times, rather than the sleazy twist I prefer.

  11. Silver Dirt - Sonic Boom (swiss hard rock / sleaze ... I won this one actually)


    Enemies Swe - behind enemy lines (swedish sleaze)


    Fuelhead - s/t (swedish dirty rock)


    Whats Silver Dirt like?? whenever i see "swiss hard rock" i get excited..



    just got it yesterday so haven't had a listen yet. will let you know.

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