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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. I also wish they'd record a new album. They say nobody wants to hear a new Kiss album but I think there's enough diehards still around to sell 100,000 copies or so, which isn't great but it's not horrible in this day and age. You could even do a deal with Walmart and put it at a low price point and that would help even more like it has for Journey.


    Great idea, but there's one flaw in it:


    Gene Simmons would NEVER settle for a LOW price point. :money:


    And that is why it'd never happen. :doh:



    ...and it't be crap.

  2. Best Aussie band ever? Careful Geoff dear, dont lose yourself in the moment. yes the first EP was awesome though.


    I heard a few of their other melodic rock tracks at JSS... plus wayyy back when i use to go to their forum (Linds you were there too right?) they often discussed all the melodic rock songs they had written and recorded... which ended up never happening. From memory for a VERY short time they had a song for download but i never got it.. but a few people out there did.



    Yes... the old days on the teargas forum.

    I remember they were offerinmg to send people demos for comment. I asked Al about these about a year later but he kinda shurugged it off. I'm not sure if they ever gave them out or not.

  3. as much as I miss & adore the 5 piece classic line up era of Teargas, this break up needed to happen unless the band decided to muster up the strenght & return to their roots. the change of musical direction was a waste of time, imho.


    Al should have come up with a new name for the heavier & uglier sound & therefore leaving the Teargas legacy to full honours instead of tarnishing it.


    Teargas will always a 1 e.p band for me & I hope the rumour about the classic line up of blatt, filmore, cox, ross & gammie reuniting for a gig or two somewhere in time does eventuate.


    I'd personally love it if Teargas just keeps releasing AOR / melodic rock albums even as a mere studio project as the songsmiths there really know to pen marvelously melodic tunes. There are still ears out there for such talent.




    Totally agree.. the change in style should have gone hand-in-hand with a change in name. Their original stuff was incredible, and ... I guess the 2nd EP has tarnished the reputation that the band did build up.


    That first disc was absolutely killer and it's a shame that a band that was on these scene for about 5-6 years only has three killer tracks to show for it.


    The line-up was never settled. Even before this final break up there was another lineup change.


    Fingers crossed for some typre of return to the melodic realm for these guys - Al has a voice perfect for the genre, and theoriginal guitar assault will never be equalled.

  4. Unfortunately it appears as if teargas is no more. They have called it a day.

    Sounds like the new sound didn't go over well with fans.

    They are playing one final gig (Augst some time off the top of my head) where they will finally agree to play some of their old melodic gems (which they have refused to play since changing their style).


    Would lvoe to go one last time, but don't think I'll be able to make it over.


    Check out thier myspace page if you want more info.


    What a waste..



    They repressed their melodic background as much as possible when they wnet with the new image, but hopefully now they can do something with all the other awesome tracks they had. Surely they have demos and live recordings that some label would die to release.

  5. Unfortunately it appears as if teargas is no more. They have called it a day.

    Sounds like the new sound didn't go over well with fans.

    They are playing one final gig (Augst some time off the top of my head) where they will finally agree to play some of their old melodic gems (which they have refused to play since changing their style).


    Would lvoe to go one last time, but don't think I'll be able to make it over.


    Check out thier myspace page if you want more info.

  6. 69Eyes - Devils


    I think this one is a few years old now (not totally sure) but picked it up as at half price. I really liked some of the bands earier sleazy, dark, hard rock. They have definitely migrated towards a far more goth rock sound as the years have gone by. I'm not really a big fan of the vocal styles on this album - like Nick Cave on vallium. A little too deep for my liking. Some good songs through out the album but all have that goth 'keys' sound to them. Wouldn't say I dislkie it, but I prefer their earlier stuff much more over this sort of stuff.

  7. And a review of the show from Sleazeroxx......





    Show Date: July 5, 2008


    Location: Henderson, Nevada, U.S.A.


    Venue: Sunset Station Hotel & Casino


    Reviewer: Brad Kereszturi


    Band Websites: www.warrantweb.net


    Not only did Jani Lane fall off the wagon, he smashed the damn thing into a brick fucking wall and summed up his career in a shaken, drunken, word forgetting debacle that was just embarrassing.


    Unfortunately, the night of July 5th, 2008 at the Sunset Amphitheater in Henderson, Nevada, is not the way I want to remember Jani Lane and Warrant. That band is/was (?) my favorite, even after the "80's Hair Craze" crashed and burned. I stood by them and defended them when my friends made fun of them and me. I always believed, or led myself to believe, Warrant had more talent and sense than the rest of them. Even after the band broke up and recorded Ultraphobic and Belly To Belly, I remained a Warrant fan. Even more, a Jani Lane fan. Back Down To One and now Saints Of The Underground have been in my regular CD rotation.


    In the somewhat recent past I saw Jani perform an acoustic set at The Lounge in the Palms. It was a great, great show. He was sober, the vocals were dead on and he did a gracious meet and great after the show. Just last summer I drove from Las Vegas to Glendale, Arizona to see him. It was another great show, spot on. Jani looked happy to be doing what he does, joking with the band members, etc.


    When I heard The original members of Warrant were back together I was stoked to say the least, so was my wife. $51.00 a ticket...and you know what, I would have paid $100.00 each. Yea, I really like Warrant. No I'm not an over obsessive psycho fan, just someone who enjoys the music.


    I could tell something was amiss before the show started when I noticed Jerry Dixon, standing at the rear of the stage, looking bothered to be there. At one point I watched Jani walk up to him and Jerry shook his head and walked away. Steven Sweet was also there and wouldn't even look at Jani.


    Finally the music started with "Down Boys". The crowd was into it and the energy was intense. Then Jani came out. The vocals were out of pitch and about a half beat off the rest of the music. I thought, 'please, let there be some kind of delay in his ear monitors that's throwing him off'. Then I watched his right hand holding the microphone shaking badly. Shaking to the point I thought for sure he would drop it. Joey Allen and Eric Turner were trying to help Jani catch up by singing into his ear. This was painful to watch.


    Over 20 years of being a faithful fan, at least 7 or 8 live shows, albums, tapes, CDs, videos, being ridiculed for being a Warrant fan and convincing my band members to put a Warrant song on our set list had just been thrown back in my face with a big 'loser' trailing behind. I'm sure Jani isn't the only lead singer that this has happened to.


    Actually, I really don't feel as bad for me as I do for my wife who last saw the original Warrant in 1992 and my friend, who works in the biz, that loves Warrant but never had the opportunity to see the original line up. Or the parents at the show who brought their kids to see one of their favorite bands from their past. Or the large number of the 'Guitar Hero' generation that came to see the band that does "Cherry Pie". What a shame. And, it got worse. Forgetting lyrics, stumbling around and just being so out of it he won't remember anything.


    Is this the end of Warrant? It sure looks like it to me. The sad thing is, I left after the third song. I stayed because I hoped, really hoped, that this was some kind of joke and he would snap out of it. It didn't happen. When Jani walked into the crowd during "All My Bridges Are Burning", I walked out. I walked out on one of my favorite bands, a band that has influenced me with their music. A band I respected.


    Twenty plus years of respect, influence and memories crushed by one man's inability to stay sober. Not much more to do now but face it and become the 'closet' Warrant fan I guess I should have always been.

  8. Received this week...

    Banshee - all 3 re-issues

    Poison - 2cd+DVD box set


    Somewhere in the postal system...another cdbaby order including:

    Gemini Five - Sex Drugs Anarchy (hoping it lives up to the hype)

    Bastardz - Jungle Outlawz (their debut is one of my favourites of all time so can't wait to give this one a listen!)

    Grayson Manor - Back on the Rock

    Confederacy of Horsepower - Vagabond Cabaret

    Bad Biscuit - We Still Belive The Hype

    Bad Biscuit - American Dream -Deluxe Edition

  9. They seem to be getting some pretty good gigs. Thanks for bringing this band to the attention of the HH board. :beerbang:


    The new EP is only available in digital format (through CDBABY and ITUNES). If anyone would like to get a physical copy, we did press a very limited amount...you can send a payment via paypal to management@berettajane.com and we can hook it up for $5 with shipping included! Otherwise, we really appreciate your showing support by downloading it from CDBABY and iTunes!


    Thanks again for the feedback guys.




    Hey Danny, guess I should check before I send the $$$ but this apply to Australia too? $5 and you'll send it over? :) Thanks.


    $10 to OZ.

  10. They seem to be getting some pretty good gigs. Thanks for bringing this band to the attention of the HH board. :beerbang:


    The new EP is only available in digital format (through CDBABY and ITUNES). If anyone would like to get a physical copy, we did press a very limited amount...you can send a payment via paypal to management@berettajane.com and we can hook it up for $5 with shipping included! Otherwise, we really appreciate your showing support by downloading it from CDBABY and iTunes!


    Thanks again for the feedback guys.




    Hey Danny, guess I should check before I send the $$$ but this apply to Australia too? $5 and you'll send it over? :) Thanks.



    I've sent him an email about the postage to Australia so will let you know what I heard back (unless he posts here first).

  11. By 1 per address, I meant 1 of each CD ordered. We have had a few people buy as many as 5 of each.


    Hi Terry


    I'm guessing the reason that people bought was multiples was becasue many were buying for people like me.... not based in the US. I arranged for a US resident to order them for me and then forward them onto me here in Australia (as the website said that you woulndt mail overseas at this stage).


    So if he ordered say 3 copies of each disc.. say one for himself, one for me and one for another friend... the only ones that will be replaced would be his copies (and I'd be stuck with my cdrs)? Is this correct?

    No, you and your friend will be okay.


    I remember that specific order in fact, as he told me why he was buying multiples and where they were going. That won't be an issue. I'm only trying to prevent people from exploiting the offer, that's all.




    Terry Dunn

    Lead Guitar - Banshee




    Thanks. :banger:

  12. By 1 per address, I meant 1 of each CD ordered. We have had a few people buy as many as 5 of each.


    Hi Terry


    I'm guessing the reason that people bought was multiples was becasue many were buying for people like me.... not based in the US. I arranged for a US resident to order them for me and then forward them onto me here in Australia (as the website said that you woulndt mail overseas at this stage).


    So if he ordered say 3 copies of each disc.. say one for himself, one for me and one for another friend... the only ones that will be replaced would be his copies (and I'd be stuck with my cdrs)? Is this correct?

  13. Wow, another super busy weekend. I'll be very brief, with the hope to expand in other threads:


    Motley Crue - 'Saints of Los Angeles' ; Good stuff. I admit there were some straight-up blatant fillers which actually surprised me, but there are also about 5-6 of Motley Crue's best songs since about 1989. So for that I loved it. I need more time to digest this, but my thumbs were up.


    Touris - 'Big plans' ; very nice - almost like the AOR version of Roxus. His voice reminds me a lot of Juno and the songs were very strong, generally. A few fillers but overall I liked it.


    Askari - s/t ; Ouch, pure crap AOR.


    Big Dismal - 'Believe' ; by name and by nature. These guys sound like a lot of the modern rock bands did in 2003, like July For Kings etc and that whole sound. But this is pretty dismal and piss-poor overall.


    My Land - 'The time is over' ; Wow, as I said elsewhere their new CD 'No man's land' has blown me away. My advice - stick to that one. I hate to say it, but this was terrible. Just poor, weak AOR.


    Gypsy Pistoleros - 'Wild, beautiful, damned' ; A post from Jacob got me thinking why I hadn't heard these guys yet - a song in I knew why. I continued for about 5 or 6 songs before turning it off. The music is nice, but foreign vocal CDs just hold 0 appeal to me.


    Agnes - 'When the night falls' ; WOW! I remember Tim and Jez talking about this one a few years ago, and now I know why. I loved this. Killer melodic hard rock with female vocals.


    Blessed by a Broken Heart - s/t ; ARGH! Absolute CRAP! Heavy, heavy screamo stuff that just sounds like I Killed the Prom Queen. Awful, turned it off after a couple of songs.


    Blessed By a Broken Heart - 'Pedal to the metal' ; Wow, wow wow! What a turnaround. People are going to love this thing! I forget what Tim (2) called these guys, but I'd call this modern hair metal. What a sound. It has keys, 80's synth-type drums on occasion, big choruses, juicy riffs, solos in every song - it's is pure 80's hard rock - BUT, it also has a couple of screamo parts (mostly towards the end of the album) and it still has that slight modern vibe. But man, those keys and the solos are bringing it back to the 80's. This is a must for all, imo. Reminds me of Bullet for my Valentine, I guess. Killer.


    Shinedown - 'Sound of madness' ; Wow. I admit it, I had fully written these guys off. They proved me a fool, though, because this album kicked my ass. Maybe not quite as excited as Lennie is about it, but it's very good and 1000 times better than the other two combined.


    Throw the Fight - 'In pursuit of tomorrow' ; Oh wow, what a delicious disc!!! A MUST for Silverstein fans. This sound was big just a couple of years ago - the borderline screamo. I still adore this stuff when done well, and this ranks right up there with the best of Silverstein and Funeral for a Friend's heavier side. Hugely recommended to fans of the heavier side of modern rock.


    Kids in the Way - 'Apparition of melody' ; I remember someone talking about these guys on the board and man do I wish I listened then. This album is good solid catchy modern rock but...


    Kids in the Way - 'A love hate masquerade' ; ... is f*cking magnificent!!! This album is SO good. I can't wait to hear it again. Killer modern melodic hard rock. Had me hooked from the first moment. Love it!!!


    Empty Crush - 'Social outlaw' ; this had a great song early on and got me into thinking it might be a good Hinder/TOAD style disc - but it's not. Something like 17 songs and I was praying for it to end before halfway. Crap, bland modern rock.


    Midnight to Twelve - 'XII' - damn the second song was great!! A few other great tunes and I don't think I paid to much attention to this, but I want to hear it again. It sounded good, if not a little too safe for modern rock.


    In Fiction - 'The Forecast' ; new Aussie band that sounds a lot like Spitalfield/Acceptance. A few gems, a few average songs. Overall, pretty standard. I wouldn't flock out to buy it.


    We the Kings - s/t ; Loved it. Dime a dozen band that sounds like Crash Romeo and Run Kid Run (and a million others) but the fact is, as long as they write good songs they have me hooked. And there were some KILLER songs on this. I enjoyed it a lot.


    Souls of We - 'Let the truth be known' ; I have to admit I turned this off after a few songs and will return to it later... but the reason I turned it off is because it was crap.


    is that all in one wkend?


    Saturday was busy for geoff by the looks, but not sure what he did on sunday...

  14. Glad to see you getting some Nasty Idols into you, mate. Killer band. That Scream Clan cover is different to mine... but another great band. 'American hair' is awesome.



    that's the sleeve I nabbed off of hh main site. I think it is the same as mine. I have seen 3 different covers for it too, and it goes under 2 different names - one self titled, and one by the title of the opening track (can't recall the name - citizen 'something').

  15. United Enemies - All The Sick Things We Do


    Picked this one up after hearing one track ona swedish sleaze compilation. Worth the $'s. Very sleazy, but unlike most other swedish bands of the moment, this one isn't very glam influenced. It's the album that Faster Pussycat should've made ...instead of going industrial. It's heavy, it's sleazy, and it's got some dark influences.


    Scream Clan - s/t


    Haven't quite listened to this one all the way thru yet, but I like what I hear so far. If I had to draw a comparison to the sound of these guys I'd have to say "form a triangle out of Cinderella, AC/DC and Crystal Pistol and these guys will land right in the middle somewhere". Heavier than Cinderella, not a sleazy as crystal pistol.. with the hard hitting rock riffs of ACDC .



    Nasty Idols - Cruel Intentions


    How these guys were overlooked for so long bewilders me. They are classic sleazy hair metal perching themselves somewhere between Candy Harlots and early LA Guns. Even thouhg this is a re-mastered re-issue, the sound qulaity disappoints me slightly though. Tracks like "The Way Ya Walk", "Hopuse of Rock n Roll" and "Can't Get Ya Off My Mind" should have been smash hit back in the day.



    Leaded Fuel - Inhale & Get Pale


    One that I've been looking forward to. Has all the sleaze elements, but not as melodic as most other scandi bands of the moment. It's need some bigger choruses to compete with others in the genre, and I'm guessing will be a bit of a grower as there are no big stand out tracks. In isolation this would be a super album, but when u look at who they are competing against, they seem to fall just short.

  16. 'Donnie Darko' ; We had a long weekend so I treated myself on Sunday night/morning by watching this in the wee hours. This just defeats all other movies (except 'Rock Star'). Love it so much. Brilliance.



    That movie is weird and awesome at the same time. I hired it about a year or 2 back. I watched it once, but then I wanted to watch it again with the commentary on so I knew wtf was going on half the time.

    And even then it's hard to understand... which is part of it's brilliance. I know what I think happens but I still have questions as to how it could have happened if what happens happened. I love it.


    I've been waiting to see that one in the bargain bin so I pick it up and watch it 34 times such that I can understand everything that's going on.

  17. 'Donnie Darko' ; We had a long weekend so I treated myself on Sunday night/morning by watching this in the wee hours. This just defeats all other movies (except 'Rock Star'). Love it so much. Brilliance.



    That movie is weird and awesome at the same time. I hired it about a year or 2 back. I watched it once, but then I wanted to watch it again with the commentary on so I knew wtf was going on half the time.

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