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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Twilight - better than I expected. Without the mushy stuff it woulda been good. One of the more different vampire movies I;ve seen.


    Transformers - on dvd. Crap. I tried watching twice. First time fell asleep. 2nd time justturned off half way thru. Is that the worst movie made or what? ...and I'd heard it was pretty good.

  2. This is the piece of crap i paid 10 bucks for!



    Just think... when they're famous you have an original hand written copy.


    Imagine having a John Lennon demo with his own writing on the front... priceless.


    Like those panties Geoff gave you with his number on them...


    .... and the hole in the rear

  3. This is the piece of crap i paid 10 bucks for!



    Just think... when they're famous you have an original hand written copy.


    Imagine having a John Lennon demo with his own writing on the front... priceless.

  4. then again, their last tour was a greatest hits tour, maybe theyre in gear to go back to the classic sound but with a modern edge.....i think theyre hyped after the classic tour they just did and theyre actually gonna put some feeling into this



    You can go back over the last 10-12 years and every tour has been a greatest hits tour as they have continually played Bad Name, Prayer, Sleep When Im Dead, Wanted, Bad Medicine, KTF, Bed of Roses...ect


    I thought the recent tour was the most different tour they have done cos they mixed up the set list far more and included some of the less commerically successful stuff like Die For You, Wild Is The Wind, Runaway, Say Goodbye, I'll Be There 4 U....

  5. Sorry to report that none of them are hotties. Well, unless you pick your chicks up from outside the gates of the local Drug Rehab Centre that is. I can see why Sweden wanted to export this bunch of munters. Decent music, though the vocals don't really suit the aggressive material...



    Are you gay?

    Fuck... all 4 of them are stunners from my point of view.

  6. After watching a rock n' roll show last night I then proceeded to walk 18km home, which took me over three hours. I got in at 4am this morning and awoke at 7am this morning for work. I could not possibly feel worse. F*ck Sydney buses.

    You are an idiot!

    You said it Matt. Idiot!

    When you get told you have to take 6 days unpaid leave over Christmas the last thing you're going to do is fork over $70 for a taxi fare. Or wait until 4:51am in a bus shelter for the first bus of the day. Or call my wife or mate from a slumber. It's not the way I roll. It was my only option. I honestly thought I'd still be walking now. I don't think I can ever use my legs again.

    They have invented bicycles, you know! :whistle:

    Yes, that is obvious. Please note, I did not go to the gig thinking I would be walking home. All times I checked suggested I would be out in time to get the last bus of the night - 12:20am. This did not happen and that was plan a, b, c and d all f*cked in the ass. I didn't even bring my Ipod as I also thought I may have a lift with my mate lined up. That too fell through.


    if you had friends, one of them could have driven you home.

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