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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. After watching a rock n' roll show last night I then proceeded to walk 18km home, which took me over three hours. I got in at 4am this morning and awoke at 7am this morning for work. I could not possibly feel worse. F*ck Sydney buses.



    yeah, why pay $15 for a cab when you can walk for free!


    edit: just saw your $70 cab ride post. Why that much for 18km?

  2. nothing on the inside.

    the printing quality is half decent. I've seen worse.

    dammit! this is just my luck when i buy a glam sleeze release...



    you parted with money for this but won't part wtih money for crazy lixx.... :rofl2:


    im doing this for you dammit!


    if you wanna do something for me... mail me a box full of bourbon, cool cds and some porn.


    you got those pics of Geoff right? you want more?


    Not sure which I liked best... Geoff with Tommy Lee, or Geoff with Bret Michaels

  3. nothing on the inside.

    the printing quality is half decent. I've seen worse.

    dammit! this is just my luck when i buy a glam sleeze release...



    you parted with money for this but won't part wtih money for crazy lixx.... :rofl2:


    im doing this for you dammit!


    if you wanna do something for me... mail me a box full of bourbon, cool cds and some porn.

  4. nothing on the inside.

    the printing quality is half decent. I've seen worse.

    dammit! this is just my luck when i buy a glam sleeze release...



    you parted with money for this but won't part with money for crazy lixx.... :rofl2:

  5. okay, here's the pix...


    as it arrived - disc + insert in plastic sleeve





    disc + insert opened up





    but put it in a jewel case and it comes up pretty nice (except no rear insert or spine)



  6. If it's as bad as you're saying, are you saying I could just have dropped the songs on a blank CDR here and printed out a copy of the artwork from the net and I'd pretty much have exactly what I'm getting in the mail?



    yeah, thats about right.


    I was hoping it would be pressed as it was billed as a big EP, and it has been pushed quite a bit.


    I guess I'm just used to getting cdrs from these sorts of bands.

  7. another swedish band.


    they toured Australia last year and are apparently gonna be back early next year



    Did you see them?



    yeah, they wre pretty good.

    a bit heavier than what I usually listen too but they were great to see live.

  8. the songs are good!

    california red is a killer track.


    think of it this way... it's no different than paying for a few downloads. You're still supporting the band.


    Agreed.... But I think most would agree that if it was packaged a little better it would sell better and the band could most likely raise the price slightly without to many complaints. I just think this product may turn buyers off. Even if their next release is packaged better many may be reluctant to take a chance on the product.


    Sister EPs are cdrs

    Damaged dolls EPs are cdrs

    Starlet Suicide EP is cdr

    pretty sure the original crashdiet Ep was cdr


    I'm guessing it's just the norm over there. I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

  9. Sweet action. I'm just hoping Faster Pussycat play stuff mostly off the first three albums. If they do, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I have no doubt in the world my mate will hate them. And The Deadthings.


    I really hope the Lynch Mob stick to the original sound... I hope.


    Comments tomorrow.


    Don't Change That Song, Slip of The Tongue, Bathroom Wall, House Of Pain, Babylon, Cathouse... and about 4-5 new tracks.

    Sound was very dirty and raw... opposite end of the spectrum to Lynch Mob. Just got a feelin' you won't enjoy them.

    Nothing off 'Whipped'? That'd be disappointing.


    I probably will find it rough, but hoping to get a bit of joy out of it. 'House of Pain' and 'Slip of the tongue' is promising news. And I pretty much like anything off the debut. But I guess I'll wait until I see the delivery.


    Did you meet Andre?



    Not sure if that was the entire set-list... that's just what I can recall.


    Yeah, I met Andre at the afterparty. Was pretty :beerbang::banger::drink::dance: by then

  10. Sweet action. I'm just hoping Faster Pussycat play stuff mostly off the first three albums. If they do, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I have no doubt in the world my mate will hate them. And The Deadthings.


    I really hope the Lynch Mob stick to the original sound... I hope.


    Comments tomorrow.


    Don't Change That Song, Slip of The Tongue, Bathroom Wall, House Of Pain, Babylon, Cathouse... and about 4-5 new tracks.

    Sound was very dirty and raw... opposite end of the spectrum to Lynch Mob. Just got a feelin' you won't enjoy them.

  11. Deadthings were superb. (apart from tech issues)


    Faster Pussycat were pretty good. I loved it cos they played heaps of my favourite songs. I have a feeling that others will think they are shit tho, so don't expect too much Geoff. The guy on bass was apparently in the Throbs (of theives and vagabonds fame). All the FPC guys were top guys.


    Lynch Mob... not my thing. Thought it was a bit of a guitar wank. Good musically tho.


    Top crowd... 500 tix presold I was told.

  12. he looks legitimate, and seems to spend a sh*t load of cash on cds.


    I see he paid $177.50 for trashcan baby (reissue direct from the band for $10), $120 for Fate, $52 for Edane (which you can get for $15 BIN), $50 for Ice Tiger, $81 for TLC,.. Smelly Boggs (for $65, whcih you can get from the band for $15)


    The Smelly Boggs purchase was from Adrianio who is a member of this board, so he can probably help you out.

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