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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. I too would love to own pretty much all Suncity releases but sadly even here they're still out of my price range. :(



    Same here. At $US18 + shipping it works out to about $A30 each disc.

    That's nothing against the label, but if I'm making a decision between 2 lots of discs, and 1 lot of discs if $10 per disc cheaper, and I'm ordering say 5 discs at a time.... that $50 difference makes all the difference to my buying something from suncity, or something from say swedmetal, hangloose, myspace, cdbaby, or wherever.


    I wish there discs were availabe in store, say thru JB Hifi, where you could walk in and pick up the disc without incurring the postage. I wonder if David has ever looked into Australian distribution thru someone like JB Hifi. Even worldwide thru CDbaby would be of benefit aswell.


    BTW, first 2 fashion police are killer. Third one, not so goo IMO.

  2. the "t-shirts by mail site" had them really cheap about a week ago, but I can't see them on there anymore. It may be worth emailing them to see if they had any left.


    They had a special.... buy 1 for 200Kr ($US 24) or get both for 250Kr ($US30). Great deal if it's still availabe!!!


    The look a little expensive on swedmetal Maybe it 's the last of the stock and they've bumped up the prices.

  3. just tried the link at the topof this page and it works perfectly fine.

    it directs you here http://www.islandreefjob.com/en/

    that link also works, I just went to it.

    That one worked! Awesome. Thanks. What a dodgy looking site. Now, none of you guys apply, y'all hear.


    EDIT: Okay, I take that back. That site is f*cked. None of the links work on it. This whole thing seems like a rort to me.


    or maybe it just a publicity stunt.

  4. Dumminy champion one minute, chump-ion the next.


    He took that screamer of a catch, but then messed up the easy one.

    Was it White he dropped? If so, the next 10-12 balls White faced musta gone for about 30+ runs and sealed the match for the aussies.


    It looked like a good pitch last night, but every batsman had trouble scoring freely with big hits.

  5. Last year Hardcore Superstar produced 2 official limited edition dvds (only 500 of each) which were only available at their gigs. Dvds were professionally made silver pressed, proshot, soundboard recordings and were from the Loud park Festival Japan 2006, and Sweden Rock 2007. Top quality items.



    Remaining stock was being sold at the following 2 sites:








    Definitely worth picking up if you are a fan (or just a collector). Remember what happened to that crashdiet dvd... now fetches well over $US100.


    I believe almost all stock is gone but if you're qucik you still may be able to grab one.






  6. i recall about 10 years whe I was doing my scuba diving course we were about to go into the sea for the first time off a reef. The instructor jumped in and we were to follow. All of a sudden he told us to wait and he disappeared under water before returning to the surface and finally cueing us all to jump in. What he didn;t tell us until afterwards was that he thought he saw a shark but didn;t want to say anything at the time to a dozen first-time divers.


    BTW, the job is real. It's bene adverstised on the news the past few days.

  7. I'll let lindsay hook you up with the 19 roxus unreleased traxx cdr doing the rounds...... with all the liner notes containing line up details etc..


    sorry mate, I don't have this.


    the only cd I've seen doing the rounds is just a compliation with the 4 track live ep and some other live b-sides. Nothing that scarce on there from memory.

  8. this was your quote from the Houston thread


    "those types of songs that are along the lines of 'We're going out on the town tonight to drink and party, Yeah Rock!' ... that kind of stuff really shits me if it's done averagely"


    Maybe it's 'the done averagely' part that differs in your opinon.

    HAHA! Good to see me come through for myself. Yep, I fully stand by my statement. I hate that kind of stuff if it's done just to be done, but I think Dirty Penny nail their market and I don't even think there's any/many going out to party songs on DP at all anyway? Am I wrong? But yeah, Hinder is all about that but they do it amazingly and I like how DP operate too. Houston just suck, plain and simple. :lol:



    Maybe you'll like the new tracks Houston have up on their myspace?

  9. this was your quote from the Houston thread


    "those types of songs that are along the lines of 'We're going out on the town tonight to drink and party, Yeah Rock!' ... that kind of stuff really shits me if it's done averagely"


    Maybe it's 'the done averagely' part that differs in your opinon.

  10. i like DP, but it's so cliche. You said you didn't like Houston (partially) because all they sang about "parties, girls, oh yeah"...ect

    Well, DP take this to the extreme even to the point where it annoys me a bit... so i fail to see how you think it's better than the likes of Johnny Lima and hardcore superstar.


    DP have 2-3 killer songs, and the rest is filler...but good filler. I think they're far from consistant.

    It sounds liek from that i dislike them, but relative to all the other bands you mentioned, they are a few classes below. At this stage anyway.

  11. Say hello to SMASH




    Sleazy glam from Adelaide, Australia circa 1989.

    Amazing that a band like this can go undiscovered.


    Their original reels were coverted a short while back and they have launched a myspace page to feature the tracks.

    Unfortunately the tapes suffered a bit of damage in storage but they are doing the best to restore them. Depending on how well they can be recvoered, one of the current crop of re-issue labels have gotta jump on these guys.


    Is that Stevie Rachelle on vocals, or just his twin brother?!?!? These guys were sleazy glam, and lsitening to their songs... they make the candy harlots sound like church choir music.


    Check them out!




  12. Theres a big difference in the quality of these tracks..



    going by how many time each track has bene listened to, they have obviously been uploaded at different times.... so maybe recorded at different times.


    they are definitely the same tracks as on the cd, plus antoher called 'wildcat', but possibly different versions if there is a qulaity difference between the myspace tracks (I cant recall hearing a variation in quality of the tracks on the cd).

  13. I bet Hayden was breathing a sigh of relief when they took that last wicket.

    He would have been crucified if the aussies didn't win after he dropped that absolute sitter a few overs out from the end.

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