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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Don't you just love a heat wave!


    The next 4 days are aslo forecast to be atleast 40'C (105'F).

    And we're meant to get it here too in the next day or two. Just in time for the weekend. :tumbsup: Surf's up, dudes.


    How hardcore are the nights, though? Are you getting it down there where it is still literally 30'C at midnight? I picked my wife up from a place on Friday night at 1:00am (Saturday morning, technically) and the temperature was still 30'C!!!



    I think last night it dropped down to about 28'C. And the house doesn't even have a/c apart from 1 room. Give the house 2-3 days to warm up and it'll be horrible.


    Last year was killer when we had 15 days straight over 35'C. Now they are saying that we might rival that.

  2. From their myspace page.....




    USA type peoples!!!


    Heya to all our friends from the US, we need your help!


    We're going to South by South West in March 09 in Austin Texas but while we're flying around the world we want to do more shows around the country if we can


    If you're in a band and could help us out with a show (or a bunch of shows), or you're a promoter or know someone that is that could help out a bunch of clowns from Australia we'd really appreciate it very much


    We ain't looking for much more than to borrow backline, get a couple of dollars for petrol and maybe a floor to sleep on!


    please hit us up here or at mgmt@hellcityglamours.com


    Love, HCGx

  3. Baby Animals hitting the road again.

    I think i may go and have a bit of a look. I think tix are $26 which is pretty good i thought.


    Apr 5 2009 8:00P

    The Governor Hindmarsh Adelaide, South Australia

    Apr 7 2009 8:00P

    Prince of Wales Melbourne, Victoria

    Apr 8 2009 8:00P

    Prince of Wales Melbourne, Victoria

    Apr 9 2009 8:00P

    Doncaster Shoppingtown Hotel Melbourne, Victoria

    Apr 11 2009 8:00P

    Chelsea Heights Hotel Melbourne, Victoria

    Apr 12 2009 8:00P

    Hallam Hotel Melbourne, Victoria

    Apr 15 2009 8:00P

    Waves Wollongong, New South Wales

    Apr 17 2009 8:00P

    Revesby Workers Revesby, New South Wales

    Apr 18 2009 8:00P

    Doyalson RSL Doyalson, New South Wales

    Apr 19 2009 8:00P

    Rooty Hill RSL Rooty Hill, New South Wales

    Apr 21 2009 8:00P

    The Metro Sydney, New South Wales

    Apr 23 2009 8:00P

    Caloundra RSL Caloundra, Queensland

    Apr 24 2009 8:00P

    Mansfield Tavern Brisbane, Queensland

    Apr 25 2009 8:00P

    Coolangatta Hotel Coolangatta, Queensland

  4. Heaven's Basement - Heaven's Basement EP.


    Roadstar under a new moniker (+ new extra guitarist) and this pretty much carries on where the fantastic 'Glass Mountain' left off. Only a 6 tracker, but quality songs all the way, especially the mega rocking 'Executioners Song' & 'Saint Routine'. These boys produce a hell of a good noise and really are one of the best bands of their type around. Head over to http://www.heavensbasement.com/ for details.


    Snag a copy pronto, because this will probably be like the 2 Roadstar cd's, that after a few months, were not easy to get hold of and now go for silly prices. Truly EXCELLENT.


    I got this one about a week ago and finally gav eit a listen. A very solid ep.

    Bordering on Punk'n'Roll (Backyard Babies), but not really, with a bit of ACDC classic rock thrown in. They've definitely got that sleazy, dirty rock sound flowing.

  5. cool story.


    All the folks on this board love digging up obsucre rock bands around the globe.

    just becuase the bands never made it big doesn;t mean that they weren't any good, and it's often possible to dig up some gems amongst these independantly released cds.


    Every now and then a former band member such as youself finds this board and are amazed that people know of still seek their music.


    Glad we could help keep the dream alive.

  6. LOL.....


    Free shipping. how's that?


    here's the deal.

    I'm just happy people found the music.......period.

    I sweat blood and tears trying to get that band to higher places, and I'm very proud of it.

    even more happy that you guys are diggin it and found it two years later.


    Dirty Little Secrets - is direct from Factory. Pressed, packaged, etc.

    Revolution - is out of print, so I'll have to burn it, but direct from the master.

    same with the DVD which I'll throw in for free with every order.


    If ya'll lived in America, I'd probably just ship it for the postage. which I'm assuming will probably run around $10.00 for me to send over sea's.... so, if it sounds fare to any of ya'll, here'sthe deal....


    go to www.warrenvonkruck.com

    and order ONLY "Your Dirty Little Secrets" for $10.00 us.

    I'll take care of the rest for you guys only. Ok?


    and thank you for continuing to spread the word.


    feel free to email me at warrenvonkruck@optonline.net



    THANKS SO MUCH !!!!!



    What a great deal.

  7. Hey Ya'll


    Thanks for the wonderful response.

    SOULSHAKE's been dead for about two years now, and it always amazes me that people find stuff, when I'm ready to forget about it. :)


    Thanks for keeping my dream alive, and showing interest out of the wood work.


    feel free to emil me any time in the future.

    ( I got a couple of your orders....I'll send DVD's along with the CD's next week)





    Warren - soulshake




    are the cds and dvd silver pressed.

    what are would the shipping cost be to australia.

    (I sent you a PM thru myspace, but never got a reply)

  8. Wow, that was a pretty cool match yesterday. I obviously didn't see it all, but the end was most intense. I thought for all money we were looking at a repeat of Friday night's showing, but good to see the Aussies at least making for an interesting 3rd match.


    Allowing the batting team to choose when they use one of the power plays certainly has a major effect on the game. Just when it looks like they are out of it they can just bring the powerplay into effect and get and get back on top.

  9. i find discs and inserts can be damaged more often with broken cases than if packed PROPERLY in paper sleeves and cardboard. (just stuffing the discs and insert in bubble wrap envelope doesn't count as properly)


    don't know how many times I had discs is cases crushed and then all the little bits of plastic from the centre fixing point are floating around with the disc. Just what I want, little bits of sharp, shattered plastic floating around on the playing surface of a now unsecured disc.


    You've got to be kidding me right????? Cardboard and paper sleeves are the ultimate CD protection now!!!!


    correct. The combination of a STIFF piece of cardboard (ie u cannot bend it easily) and a cardboard mailer provides far more protection than a shitty plastic jewel case manufactured in china out of the shittiest waste plastic they can lay their hands on and a bit of bubble wrap. Bubble wrap stops imapct damage... not bending or twisting which is where the cds and inserts get damaged.


    I've never had a cd damged if packed correctly with cardboard.

    Correctly is the important term, as just using flimsy card and bubble wrap provides no protection at all. I cut a piece of board just larger than the ineserts, put inserts in a plastic sleeve and fix this to the card so they cant move, and then do similar with the discs in paper sleeves. If i'm unsure about the strength of the card, I will double it up, and then put that in a cardboard mailer. If you can bend that I'll be damned.


    Old jewel cases had a bit of strenght to them whereas the newer ones just crack and break if you look at them.


    I'd back the way I pack my cds any day, over a jewel case in a bubble wrap envelope.


    'Quality and quantity' James even complimented me on how I pakced the discs I sent him, and I'm pretty sure he's sees as many CD packages as anyone around here.

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