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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. The English can now be relieved of the title 'whinging Poms'....

    The Kiwis can be relieved of the title of 'Sheep Shaggers'....


    cos now we have the "Sooky-Sooky-La-La Ass-Fucking Indian Fuckwits"

  2. It has also come put that this was the 2nd racial taunt from Harbhjan. He was doing it in india aswell, but they talked it out and smoothed it over between themselves. No wonder they reported him this time round.


    Then you hear all these indian fuckheads saying that a monkey is a sacred animal in indian religion, and that the monkey taunts from the crowd were not directed at Symonds, but that they were praying to or summonsing the good fortune from thier monkey god. Fuck-you, you monkey-worshipping power-hungry racist bastards!


    Looking at his ICC cricket profile picture below, Harbhjan should be the one we are calling monkey-boy.



  3. He looks like Lee Harding after too many pies.

    Backed. Ugly as sin.


    These guys almost sound like a pop-punk version of prime Jovi at times.


    I checked out thier myspace, and they do list jovi as one of their influences. WIll have to have a listen to the tunes. Pretty cool band name i reckon.


    I remember seeing their disc somewhere and was gonna pick it up cos of the band name. I think i looked at thier picture and thought... "maybe not".

  4. I was just gonna bring up Penny Lane.....


    I've seen that going for over $100 on ebay, when you can buy it direct from the band on myspace for about $15. That was a great release.... silver pressed, and good quality.


    In regards to the sound qulaity of the Revlon Red... I haven;t actuallyha d achance to listen yet. Just recevied it about 2 days ago. I believe it is a compilation of old stuff wiht a few new tracks... but don't hold me to that.

  5. Revlon Red.....Our Bubbleglam Era


    from their myspace for about $10....

    or you can try ebay and pay $50+



    Man I love stuff like that... I remember buying the Mae West cd directly from the singer for $10.00 and at the same time seeing them sell between $50 and $100 on Ebay.

    Thanks for the heads up!



    Note... it's a cdr - not a silver pressed cd.

    Printed disc (not stick on label) and reasonably good artwork.


    I think it's being pressed by the same people who do the Peppermint Creeps dsics, cos I have a feeling Billy Blades (who is playing with the creeps) also play with Revlon Red.


    I'm after the Mae West disc. Is it still possible to pick up for $10 or was that a while back?

  6. I guess CD inspector Geoff & his partner in slime matty are on the case as we speak seeing as they've both been silent about this.

    what are you trying to say?

    Silent on this because we dont actually sit on the internet 24/7. Nor had i read this thread.



    No... silent becasue this is your bootleg label!!!!


    GEMMS - surely this has to be short for Geoff & Matts


    Your silence only speaks volume of your guilt!

    By the way, Lindsay, our bootleg label is actually called Assrocket Recordings. Wanna buy our latest CDR... uh, I mean release - Friction - 'Baby Talk'? It's the super light edition without labelling on the CDR, uh, I mean CD and there's none of those pesky insert things. Easy to carry round!


    And only $45!!!



    How much is the megaupload.com version?

    Any cheaper?

  7. So does Koogles actually have PJs stock, or has he just listed it for him?



    The reason PJ's rep had taken a beating over the last little while was the slow as hell shipping, if he did ship it at all. I'd imagine Koogles has the cd's with him, because I'm sure he wouldn't take a chance and sell under the great name that is Endangeredcds and hope PJ ships the cd's.


    exactly what I was thinking

  8. I guess CD inspector Geoff & his partner in slime matty are on the case as we speak seeing as they've both been silent about this.

    what are you trying to say?

    Silent on this because we dont actually sit on the internet 24/7. Nor had i read this thread.



    No... silent becasue this is your bootleg label!!!!


    GEMMS - surely this has to be short for Geoff & Matts


    Your silence only speaks volume of your guilt!

  9. Also has anyone seen pictures on tv atm of little Indian business men obviously involved in Indian cricket in some way back in India getting upset over the issues at the moment.. dont they look funny :)



    I thouhgt the funniest thing was when one of the indian supporters was buring an effigy of Umpire Steve Bucknor and when it went up in flames a chunk of burning stuff... hopefully molten nylon.... could be seen dropping into his eyes and he immediatel;y grabbed his eyes and went to ground. :nyanya:

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