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Everything posted by T-BONE

  1. I'll take the original Abba version and Peter Cetera version over this...
  2. Really digging this. Good to hear Dennis rocking it up.
  3. Singer sounds like he inhaled helium. Great music, but annoying vocals
  4. I can't quite remember, but that sounds right. Terry was very polite about it. I've met him 2 times and he was a very humble and gracious guy. Loves his fans.
  5. This CD was released by Terry himself. At the time, his old guitarist had released a CD of XYZ Demos without Terry's permission so Terry decided to get in front of it and do it officially. Terry contacted me directly and was VERY nice explaining the situation of the old guitar player and offered to send me an official version with autograph in exchange for me sending him back the one the guitar player released, which I did.
  6. Lynch had an Ace-In-The-Hole to make a guitar driven rocker with this CD and he fell off the golf cart. Why does he have to tune down so low and play bland trudgy grungy distorted BS? Has he forgotten his roots?
  7. Hena isn't in the video and their new FB Profile pic doesn't have him in it either. Did he quit?
  8. Not too bad... Black Widow is a Motley Crue demo from the early 80s.
  9. Pilson doesn't have much time for a full Dokken reunion because of the Foreigner thing, but has time for this? Another "supergroup" that'll have a revolving door lineup like The Dead Daisies and a few others? and... WTF is going on with McCauley's "sharpied in" eyebrows?
  10. Booo Hissss https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/dennis-ward-quits-pink-cream-69/ Bassist Dennis Ward has left PINK CREAM 69, the band he has played with for more than three decades. The American-born, German-based musician announced his departure in a Facebook post on Monday (November 25). He wrote: "Attention all PINK CREAM 69 Fans! It's time that I make the official announcement of my departure from PINK CREAM 69. "I've had a wonderful time over the past 32 years meeting so many fans and making music with fantastic people. "I want to thank all the guys, Alfred, Dave, Uwe and Chris, for the years of fun and adventure. I hope that they continue to carry out the legacy of PC69 and I wish them many great concerts and musical experiences. "This departure is in no way a spontaneous decision. Many of you might have noticed that I have not performed with the band (other than a couple of shows) over the past few years. Fortunately Roman Beselt was able to step in for me often. "I had been contemplating my departure for awhile now but have held on for no actual reason other than to not make any waves. "My decision has nothing to do with my other activities; performing with Gus G, joining MAGNUM or my studio work as a producer/engineer. I have no hard feelings towards anyone in the band either, I just wasn't enjoying the very few shows we've had the past few years and quite simply did not feel comfortable on stage anymore. I hope that will be reason enough for anyone curious. "So let's all wish the guys a great future and please continue to support the band as much as possible!" A few weeks ago, Ward spoke about his status with PINK CREAM 69 while he was in Greece playing with Gus G. At the time, he told Rockpages TV (see video below): "Today PINK CREAM exists, but it doesn't. It's there. We play two or three shows a year, maybe. So we're still there. We made a record not long ago [2017's 'Headstrong'], which I'm a little unhappy we did so little 'cause, I was really, really, really happy with the last record, and we did nothing to promote it — nothing. One short tour and that was it. Which bothered me, to be really honest. And I expressed my feelings to the band and said that I wanted to do more and I don't think there's a shot to come farther unless we work on it. We played our little tour, and that was pretty much it. But the guys also expressed to me that they're not interested in doing many shows and they're happy with it like it is. And I said, 'Okay, that's fine. It's your choice. Absolutely. No problem.' "There's no life in PINK CREAM right now," he continued. "There's nothing to lose. We have no loss. It's not like the band fell apart and [it's such a] sad story. Nothing like that. It just sort of slowly dissolved, like bubbles in your beer. It's still a beer, but it has less bubbles. Like I said, the band has told me — they were vocal about it that they don't wanna do too much, because they're happy with the way things are, and I have to accept that. What I don't enjoy at all is like, for example, here [in Greece] playing with Gus… Originally, we were supposed to be here for one show, and I said to Gus, 'You know what? After three months of a break and then playing one show, it's kind of a pain in the ass. 'Cause I prepare well. And I don't wanna prepare well for one show and then just go home. So we arranged three shows — thank God — and it makes it all worthwhile. "PINK CREAM is still playing a show here; half a year later, another show... I'm not into it, 'cause I know that that show is not gonna be as good as I want it to be, and I'm not in the mood to do that anymore. So, I told the guys I think it'd be a good idea to get someone to replace me in this situation. I'll be there — if you wanna do some touring, some real stuff, I'm ready to go. If not… "There is no emotion in PINK CREAM right now," he added. "There is nothing there that's fighting to stay alive. Okay? It's individual people that come together to make PINK CREAM every now and then… It's sad, but it is what it is. That's why I keep doing my thing and working with people like Gus, so that I can still have my life as a musician, because I still enjoy doing it and I wanna keep doing it. And if I can't do it with my own band, then I'll do it with somebody else's. No problem." PINK CREAM 69 was founded in 1987 by singer Andi Deris, guitarist Alfred Koffler and drummer Kosta Zafiriou, who were later joined by Ward. Deris left the band in 1994 and after auditioning various singers was replaced by Englishman David Readman. In 2001, news emerged that Koffler suffered from focal dystonia, a serious disease that affected his left hand and his playing. For their live shows, the band recruited second guitarist Uwe Reitenauer to help out Alfred on stage, and he would eventually become a full-time member. Drummer Chris Schmidt would later step in after the departure of Zafirou in 2012. Released in November 2017 via Frontiers Music Srl, "Headstrong" was PINK CREAM 69's 12th studio album.
  11. I had my hopes up pretty high for this and while it's ok, it's definitely missing something.... Balls.... And more driven guitars. And a little more production.... Bormann still sounds great, but this sounds like a watered down MB solo album at best. The guitar sound is very bland and weak as well as the riffing. Good Lord, MB needs to call Baris Kepic! He had the sound and riffs that really pushed Jaded Heart on the IV, Journey, and Trust albums. The production is rather weak on this as well. It's like they did everything in one take. It's missing that wall of sound that his Jaded Heart years had. Maybe I'm wrong for thinking this would be a continuation of 2004 Jaded Heart? I guess the way it was hyped up, that is why I had my hopes up...
  12. The difference between a ACDC and these guys is that AC DC at least wrote about different things. This whole release has ridiculously similar subject matter and most songs and it usually consists of somebody is fighting a battle of some kind and some sort of inclement weather.
  13. Looking forward to this release. Hopefully Ronnie can beat the big "C" word... https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/pretty-maids-singer-ronnie-atkins-diagnosed-with-lung-cancer/
  14. Looking forward to this release. Hopefully Ronnie can beat this "C" word https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/pretty-maids-singer-ronnie-atkins-diagnosed-with-lung-cancer/
  15. They seem to have run out of ideas. I just listened to it all the way through today and it does sound like one long song. Someone is fighting a battle in the middle of a storm. Musically it's the same guitar riffs over and over. I never thought this band would get boring but they have succeeded
  16. I've been following this band for a little over a year. Melody has a killer voice and the oldest siblings have some great talent. I do however question how much input the youngest 2 have in the actual recordings. Considering their father is a music producer, I assume he fills in the blanks Their YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheCristeas
  17. I've never been a fan.... He always seemed like a complete toolbag
  18. The bands name was 3-speed. The song is from the movie Once Bitten with Jim Carrey http://www.hausegenealogy.com/films/ob/Index1.html
  19. 1. My first thought was "WHY?!?!?".... Leave the classics alone B. Second thought... this dude is nailing the vocals on these 2.0 versions Thirdly... Where will Leoni go with this? Was this an experiment for fan reaction to test a possible new Gotthard vocalist? Maybe return them to the more powerful sound of the first 3 albums?
  20. I halfway agree with you on this... After 1 full listen, I thought it was OK... Freeman is a great singer, but he doesn't seem to fit on many of the tunes. It's like the songs need a little cleaner voice with more power and range. I do love Slamers playing though.
  21. Still not too impressed... It's nice to see him back, but I truly hoped for more Ozzy/Badlands type of shredding
  22. Sounds much better than I expected... With the right songs and choruses, she could easily move into the hard rock area
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