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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I was gonna say, that Blotz could never play that Rockenfeld stuff ever...
  2. Again this morning with that Shinedown song, "Bully", I believe its called and I really want to hate it, but it is getting played on the radio so frequently that it is attempting to grow on me...
  3. Reading the third book in that zombie apocolypse series by Mira Grant. GREAT SERIES!
  4. THANKS!! Really happy to see so much postive feedback on this one song. Cant wait til you all hear the cd!! Which might be even sooner then you think Oooooohhhh, do I smell a hidden message here? (insert giddy schoolgirl smiley here)
  5. YEAH! That sounds brilliant. As you all know I am waiting very patiently for this releases and now I am even more excited than before to get it. Kudos to all involved, it certainly appears that the wait is going to be well worth it. Thanks for the updates and patience with us (especially me).
  6. John and I have been wheelin' and dealin' for years and he has great cd's (some thanks to me) and I don't know how it happens, but the shipping he has is ludicrously quick...
  7. Again with the unknown, to me tune...At least whoever it is, they encourage me to get up and turn the shit off.
  8. Over the past few days: X-Men First Class: good stuff, especially enjoyed the Wolverine Hugh Jackman cameo... Edge Of Darkness: This was done well, good tension, tons of violence and the whole government conspiracy plot is always nice...
  9. Again with the unknown nu metal... Gonna have to find a new station.
  10. I can't recall the title, but I know there is a second movie in this series that came out years ago with a Caulkin in it... Didn't have anything to do with Christmas though, just the fued with the Gypsy neighbors.
  11. Not a movie but we just watched the first, and I don't know maybe the only season of the mighty cheesy, but OH so tasty: Todd and The Book Of The Pure Evil Camp to the Nth degree, with corny dialogue and d level special effects, but the fact that the whole thing revolves around heavy metal and of course a town of devil worshippers, makes for a good watch for me...
  12. Up and adam for me again, unfortunately I was and never will be familiar with the nu metal tune that disrupted my slumber...
  13. No wake up call til Thursday, when I start my new job...
  14. Few came in the mail yesterday from Master Saxon, thanks bro! Slave One-S/T (different than the one on the HH site) Axemaster/THe Awakening-1985 to 1995 split Seven Witches-Second War In Heaven Seven Witches-Amped And completing my Balaam And The Angel collection Days Of Madness!
  15. How's about them Damn Yankees? Quite like both their releases.
  16. That's funny, but how many people that see this add even know who Ed Mahony is? And is it me or is Ed and Richard Lewis looking very similar...
  17. Ahhh a talented skin flautist at your house eh my friend... Today: Pearl Jam's Don't Call Me Daughter. This is one of the dissadvantages of living in the greater Seattle area, you can't go 10 minutes and not hear one of the big Seattle/grunge bands... Dude i wish :) A wise man once said, even the worst sex is great, cause its sex! Woken to the stylings of an advert for something i am unsure of what.... No alarm for 3 days as Monday is a holiday.
  18. Unfortunately: Smashing Pumpkins, some song about a "Rat In A Cage!"
  19. Ahhh a talented skin flautist at your house eh my friend... Today: Pearl Jam's Don't Call Me Daughter. This is one of the dissadvantages of living in the greater Seattle area, you can't go 10 minutes and not hear one of the big Seattle/grunge bands...
  20. I'm sure you do buddy, but start your own thread to yell it from the rooftops... Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  21. Another unknown to me Nu Metal band screemed me out of my slumber this AM... Well at least tomorrow id Saturday no need to wake up.
  22. Just veiwed this last night myself and it was funny, not to the level of the first 2 movies, but it had its moments.
  23. Yesterday it was: Avenged Sevenfold-Welcome To The Family & Today was: Mama I'm Commin' Home-Ozzy
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