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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Those "yoga" pants sure do look nice on the ladies...
  2. These stories kick dick! I love it and that feeling o fucking shit my christ when you find something amazing is just euphoric! I've had many but that is still the best part of cd'ing.
  3. I saw a call out for Junkyard, now that is a great band and the S/T (Hell, Sixes, Sevens and Nines too) was a GREAT GREAT record! Makes me sad that there's no love for Salty Dog, always thought that album to be really great and the guitar and drum work was top shelf!
  4. I see there is no dispute on the "awesomnisity" of Every Dog Has Its Day from Salty Dog. How's about Zodiac Mindwarp's first disc, Prime Mover sure is a tasty tune and the rest of the disc holds up real well... Oh and how's about Lil Caesar, not the pizza joint, the band!
  5. Oh and now that I'm thinking, scary huh?, Sea Hags debut is imho a better disc than the S/T by DT. And to clarify not knocking the DT's as I dig them, just making an observation.
  6. Chin up young man, remember you were looking for a job when you found this one... Don't be gone too long K?
  7. That's only 5 though... I do love me the DT's debut, but I think I'd put SPread Eagles debut above it and Salty Dogs as well. Like Cap'n I think I like H. Acres as much if not more than the S/T, Best Of Friends is a KILLER tune! BUt from the S/T I'd go with the obvious Teasin Pleasin and then Scared!
  8. The Mechanic- Good none threatening action peice about a hired gun who takes on a protege and then things get interesting...
  9. ??????? Ripping people off and I don't mean the fucking band, by trying to pass off bootlegs as original cd's is criminal. That behaviour has NOTHING to do with enjoying music. End of story.
  10. Can't pick a favorite... sorry. I only have 4 releases, want more, duh, but I like each disc equally. Kind of like picking a favorite TPOH disc, just can't do it.
  11. No its good, what can be bad about a gal singing about rubbin one out?
  12. Cool songs or shameless man crush brought on by the new seson of the Voice...
  13. Got mine and as I stated in another thread this album is epic! Easily top 5 albums of this year and for me easily the best of 2013! Here is what the release looks like, nicely done! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.496193427084017.99576.120160228020674&type=1
  14. Stone SHould have been called yawn, but that Resident Evil gal was full fronatl in it so I'll let it slide...
  15. That sucks! ANd obviously speaks volume's about this company's charactor. I'm sure you were quite pleasant in sharing your dissatisfaction with the product you paid REAL $$$$$ for, not that 10 or 15 bucks isn't real money, but sheesh... Tell us more...
  16. Wild Bitch-Streets Of Danger Easily the album of the year!
  17. For my brutha Keith, but I must say certainly enjoyable: The Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulu
  18. Can't fathom that this will be anything but highly enjoyable and an instant rock classic!
  19. http://www.hulu.com/watch/465352 I am no big fan of SNL as of about 15 years ago, but I caught the episode this weekend end and this bit was perfectly frickin' awesome! "You'll feel like your bouncing on the face of luxery..."
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