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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Yep, very good album. Seems a pretty safe bet these days, but the overkill is a slight concern. 'Too Young' would be my pick from a very good album.
  2. Yeah, never heard an album from All Time Low that I don't enjoy, and this is another good one. That's my favourite tune too, with 'Sleepwalking,' 'The other side' and 'Lost along the way' being my other faves.
  3. Awesome tune. I think this album might have escaped my attention. Going to rectify that immediately. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Not sounding very inspiring, but I'll have to give it a listen out of curiosity, if nothing else.
  5. This one seemed pretty pointless to me. As above, it's not really bad or anything... just pointless.
  6. Cool. Yeah, hoping they can deliver the goods again. Generally very reliable.
  7. Yeah that seems more promising than his recent output.
  8. Hmmm, don't think this one's going to be for me, at all.
  9. Nice. I'll be sure to check the album out.
  10. I like that it seems to be more of a band thing again rather than him just doing everything. At least I hope that's how it is, as per the video. I actually really like that. Good, hard song with a strong chorus. I completely dig it.
  11. Not a bad album. Obviously not on par with the first few, but I'd have to say it's their best in a while. 'Friends with Benefits,' 'On Your Instagram,' and 'Pornstar' are my preferred cuts. Could still be a lot better, but it's okay.
  12. 'Mixed emotions' and 'A Smile To Make You Weak(er) At The Knees' are nice. Overall not their best album, but pretty solid as usual.
  13. Yeah, fan here too. I was hoping you were going to say they have a new album.
  14. Oh shit, that's cool news. I will definitely look out for this. Love what I've heard from them.
  15. I thought the album was absolutely dreadful. Can't express how disappointed I was. Well, I can because it was a sensible amount. But I expected something good here - instead this is by far the worst shit I've heard from RS yet. So disappointing. Not even a song I half-liked. Hate them all.
  16. Yeah good news. The new song is extremely "familiar," shall we say, but looking forward to a new album of undoubtedly strong material.
  17. Pretty solid album. Can't say much more either way about it, but it's solid. No keepers from me from it, but I didn't dislike it.
  18. I still enjoy touching base with each new tune, but man the video imagery is such a hard cringe. Don't know if anyone cares to follow that sort of stuff, but the dude he's making these songs and this album with swore blind he'd never rap again a few years ago. Said he was completely done and dusted, end of story. lol.
  19. Absolutely, simply, immaculate.
  20. lol, yeah, that only took a few years. The whole thing's a bit strange - the whole massive video and everything for the song. I dunno, I guess the whole thing is a passion project, but all fluff aside, it's a pretty nice song. I'd rather they just concentrated on making new songs, though, lol, without all the rest of it.
  21. It's hard to fathom how bad this album is. Completely unlistenable drivel.
  22. Bored shitless by this one, I hate to say. Skipped through it and have no desire to ever give any of it a second chance. Hard pass, from a band I enjoyed only a few years ago.
  23. Not a bad little thing. Very nice sound and some sweet tunes. Very pleasant surprise.
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