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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Since the first album, I've called out this band for being far too samey. Hearing this song on its own, it sounds ok, but mixed in with a bunch of songs that all have the same tempo, tone and vibe will probably just bury it. For me there are too many words in the chorus. Not everything has to be... Everything.
  2. So I gave this a listen. First listen overall pretty mid. 4th song was nice, and I got to the second last song before I got to work and wondered why that (possibly best) song was so far down the list. Next few listens will give a better assessment. Jask sounds kinda different for some reason. Some songs he sounds the same, but he seems to have lost some of his voices individuality. Not a good or bad things, just a little different.
  3. Just reading this thread for the first time and stopped here. I haven't heard the song yet,but I love GW with and without Jack, and even though jack is kind of incapacitated now, his voice seems more on point than most his age. Always been take it or leave it with most LA Guns, with the exception of Never Enough/Ballad Of Jayne era stuff, and the killer Visvious Circle album. But I'll go in to this new song with an open mind. If it's good, it's good, don't care about the rest...
  4. DiAnno is touring here. Just got a message that he'll be here in a week. Not sure about this one. I've never seen him and possibly a bucket list concert as he'll be playing maiden apparently. Would love is he played some DiAnno and gogmagog as well. Maybe I'll look up his average set list and decide based on that.
  5. They haa a decent ballad a couple of years ago. Home Sweet Home?
  6. I like most of what I heard from them but hard to get much info or consistency in the past and I guess I kinda lost interest. Will give this one a go,my type of music.
  7. Fuck, I'm shit at the best of the year polls. I'm still getting through a backlog from 2022. Time has been a killer, even though I started walking to and from work (about an album each way), I'm still behind. One that springs to mind is Eclipse an probs the most solid. Also... Station First signal Midnight City Ronnie Atkins Extreme Probably more to list but overseas and can't access my library. If I listed more, some would likely be 2022 or even earlier lol
  8. There are probably other bands I've missed out on. It was a little different in Australia. I remember buy stryper at a record store because they looked different in yellow and black. Get home, put it on and it was my first (and pretty much only) Christian rock experience. Metal Edge and Hit Parade etc were always on the shelves a month at least after the US There were no music forums to have bands recommended, no YouTube, radio was just mainstream rock. I'd got to Bali and fill my suitcase with bunches of black market cassettes and buy the records if I dug them. That's how I got into Heavens Edge, LA Guns, XYZ, Faster Pussycat, and heaps of others.
  9. I got my tix, even though the Skid Row haven't been refunded for over 2 months. I'm overseas at the moment but will chase that up when I get back. I never did Tyketto, excepylt from hearing forever young on some compilation. Love the song, but for some reason never explored the band. So now I get to have a completely new band to me, and I'm pretty impressed. I made the average setlist playlist from setlist.fm and have been loving them Songs have aged well. Also gave the cruel intentions a go and they pretty much suck balls.
  10. She doesn't really get it. She's heard heaps of slaughter growing up but she won't realise until the show. Had dinner with her tonight and they are doing all 3 shows which surprised me, I thought they'd only do Melbourne. I've been trying to get them to do a cover to kind of engage the audience. Will depend on how many songs they get to do though. But yeah, it's kinda cool to have her on the same gigs as bands I grew up listening to.
  11. I'd never heard of this band before a few days ago. Then they came up in my Facebook feed twice so I gave the most recent album a listen. It's killer, with some crazy good songs on it. Will have to eventually listen through their back Catalog.
  12. Yeah fair enough, probably the reason I haven't listened to any of his recent stuff. Same with stryper, for me, they are heavier than they need to be and the music suffers. Same with Pop Evil. Give me an album full of Bosses Daughter, Trenches, Torn To Pieces, 100 In a 55, Beautiful, etc. their newer stuff is good, but not great.
  13. Lately most of the great Bach songs have been ballads. And he knows he does them well, so he does them a lot. This song is killer. Good on him.
  14. Glamfest 2024 announced. Slaughter and HEAT
  15. At the next Glam Fest. US bands still being announced, but nothing from OS really interesting me so far.
  16. Oh, shit, Paul Stanley really does look like an imbecile...not
  17. As somebody who likes 5he phone number album, I'm looking forward to this
  18. Videos will come up in my YouTube feed and I'll watch them. I like them, they give a different vibe to the song. I mean I like the new falling in reverse releases, and I sure look forward to the videos for them.
  19. Yep. Pity they aren't doing the cancelled best of the beast tour. I think this one is basically somewhere in time album.
  20. Skid row no longer rescheduling Australian dates. My wife bought us tix to maidens tour next sept. Myles Kennedy and slash coming back so may hit that up. Year of the tiger was a great album, hopefully plays some of that.
  21. Easily their best song so far. New single from my daughters band.
  22. Listened to this album a couple of times and from what I saw earlier in this thread, pretty sure people were calling it mid I disagree, as good as the others IMO so far. Some great songs that will get better, and others that will pop after a few more listens.
  23. Gave this a first listen walking to work and loved it. Looking forward to a few more goes.
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