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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Can't believe 'Quicksand' didn't make that list of half the album either...



    Meh, each to their own I guess.

    Sometimes songs take on their own intrigue depending on what is happening around you at the time.

    I class Loud And Clear - Disconnected as one of my all time favorite albums. I assume it is because the album is great, but I do recall many of the songs really being appropriate for that time of my life also.


    This album was well ahead of its time to me.

    My favorites would be

    Sad Theresa

    Inside Out

    Let It Rain

    April 2031

    Andy Warhol

    Bitter Pill



    not the best song then ;)


    Cannot believe you would rate all those ahead of 'Bridges are burning'


    hey ho, to each their own.



    Bridges Are Burning never really did it for me.

    I like the song, but that's it.

  3. I read somewhere that Brian May stated that it has something to do with Freddie's own personal issue, so in this case, it's highly probably it's related with his sexual encounter. Perhaps 'I killed a man' also gave the meaning that the 'man' is himself, he's begging his mom for forgiveness because he can't fight the demon or something like that.


    Freddie's parents were a devoted ancient religion called 'Zoroaastrianism', man I just found about it today haha but perhaps this religion is totally against gay-stuffs so totally a huge conflict between him and his family, but he chose to be Mercury, that's why the lyric 'Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth' has something to do with him leaving his old and family behind and becoming the man he was in Queen


    Yeah, I either saw or read someone in or close to the band claim that it was Freddie's "coming out" song lyrically.

    Musically it was a mash up of 3 songs he was working on I believe.

  4. Dont judge on one song then. Simple.


    Well, there's so much music out there.

    I have a heap of music that really interested me and I haven't had time to listen to yet.

    Sometimes I see a song posted and I think "that sounds awesome" and I see that it's a couple of years old so I open my music folder and there it is - I already have it and haven't got to it yet.

    So for me, and many others I'm guessing, record companies need to do all they can to get new music heard, otherwise sales will suffer.

    Everyone here seems to love The Defiants based on one song.

    If they song they release first doesn't grab me, I'm guessing most of the rest likely won't

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