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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. From memory all original stars will be in the three sequels.

    Blade Runner should be OK set decades in the future

    Flash will be hard to come close to the original

    Top Gun 2 - I saw Top Gun recently with my kids and we all loved it. Has held up pretty well. Tom Cruise as an instructor?

    Toy Story just brings back good memories from when my kids were young.

  2. Lot's of great stuff coming through.

    Aside from the usual superhero sequels, I'm looking forward to....


    23 Jump Street

    3 Guns

    American Pie 5

    Bad Boys 3 and 4

    Bad Neighbours 2

    Bad Santa 2

    Beverly Hills Cop 4

    Bill & Ted 3

    Blade Runner 2

    Bourne, J 4/The Bourne Legacy 2

    Clerks III

    Crank 3

    Die Hard 6 / Die Hard: Year One

    Dodgeball 2

    Dredd 2

    Edge Of Tomorrow 2

    The Equalizer 2

    The Expendables 4 (and more)

    Fast & Furious 8

    Flash Gordon 2

    Guardians Of The Galaxy 2

    Independence Day: Resurgence

    Indiana Jones 5

    Jack Reacher 2

    John Wick: Chapter Two

    Journey 3

    Jurassic World 2

    Jurassic World 3

    Kingsman: The Secret Service 2

    Layer Cake 2

    MacGruber 2

    Machete Kills Again… In Space

    Men In Black 4

    Mission: Impossible 6

    Now You See Me: The Second Act

    Now You See Me 3

    Predator 4

    The Purge 3

    Rambo: Last Blood

    Salt 2

    San Andreas 2

    Star Trek: Beyond

    Star Wars: Episode VII - IX

    Super Troopers 2

    Taken 4

    Terminator: Genisys 2 and 3

    Top Gun 2

    Toy Story 4

    Tucker & Dale Vs Evil 2

    We're The Millers 2

    World War Z 2



    Full list is here....


  3. I'll remember them how they were thanks - live and disc


    Yeah I'm pretty much the same for the most part.

    Unless they can offer up something unique, they're generally just beating a dead horse (pun intended) and hurting their legacy.

    I never saw GNR live. Soon after they toured I heard the live CD's and was pretty happy with the decision.

    And that was as good as they were gonna sound live, and it pretty much sucked.

  4. Buckcherry this upcoming Tuesday at my local watering hole.


    Extreme playing Pornograffitti cover to cover followed by a greatest hits set on the 29th in Minneapolis.


    Can't wait!



    Buckcherry are touring here soon, and it's supposed to be a great show.

    I'll be in China :(



    What i dont grasp is how one persons 'opinion' can rate so many albums so consistently high when the general consensus across many peoples top listings for 2015 is that there was a pretty wide difference in quality between say the top 3-5 albums and the top 10-20.


    Stats dont lie.





    There are always exceptions.

    Warrant 96 was slammed, but over time, people started to listen to the songs on their merits, rather than being disappointed not getting 10 versions of "Cherry Pie"

    Same with Kiss - The Elder. To a lesser degree, Firehouse - O2 Def Lep - Slang, Motley S/T etc

    One of my favorite bands is Hot action Cop. Massively underrated, but their last album was very mainstream compared to their previous. I expected heavier harder rock, but after a few listens got into it and love it.

    But if I posted songs here, people would likely hate them, which leads back to my point about time and repeated listens and letting the songs work their way into your head.



    Sorry mate, but I'm pretty sure everyone always has, still does and will always hate Warrant's 'Belly to belly.' Not sure who you know you decided it wasn't a trainwreck? Because it is.


    Alternatively, I feel like 'Slang' and Motley Crue's s/t have always been quite well regarded.


    Not sure where the majority of people stand with Firehouse's 'O2' but it's a piece of fucking dog shit. So hopefully for the sake of people's ears they just agree with that. ;)


    'The Elder?' Don't care enough about that one to know what people think about it. :)


    When Slang and Motley S/T came out, they were slammed. That's my recollection anyway.


    But aside from that, you kinda made my point re: tastes

    I don't really like Rush, or Toto, but I like Rick Springfield.

    I also like Sarah Brightman :)

  6. The Kiss things seems to be the one that was the final straw, but also Bach said he wouldn't sing the new songs brought to him by the band. The band told him to quite. He said no. He was fired.

    Also during the Kiss thing he apparently told on of the band mates he's 'kick their ass'

    Ironically Skid Row Supported Kiss on the Farewell tour - must have really pissed of Bach


    From what the band have said, there was much more over the years that the eventually relieved themselves of when Bach left.


    It's been 20 years now, so a fair amount of time.

    The band says that since then, there have never been any talks of reuniting.

    Lots of people want it, and it is in the press every year (usually initiated by Bach), but if the band are turning for half a million dollars for a 2 show reunion, then you can bet the issues are pretty deep rooted.

    Snake has said that he has no relationship with him because of drams and stress that was created, so I guess that's where he stands.


    I like some of Baz's solo stuff, never really took to any Skid Row after Slave. A couple of decent tracks on Subhuman Race, but that's about it.

  7. What i dont grasp is how one persons 'opinion' can rate so many albums so consistently high when the general consensus across many peoples top listings for 2015 is that there was a pretty wide difference in quality between say the top 3-5 albums and the top 10-20.


    Stats dont lie.





    There are always exceptions.

    Warrant 96 was slammed, but over time, people started to listen to the songs on their merits, rather than being disappointed not getting 10 versions of "Cherry Pie"

    Same with Kiss - The Elder. To a lesser degree, Firehouse - O2 Def Lep - Slang, Motley S/T etc

    One of my favorite bands is Hot action Cop. Massively underrated, but their last album was very mainstream compared to their previous. I expected heavier harder rock, but after a few listens got into it and love it.

    But if I posted songs here, people would likely hate them, which leads back to my point about time and repeated listens and letting the songs work their way into your head.

  8. Having said that, you're gonna find that most people rate Appetite For Destruction very highly, and most will say the new Hardcore Superstar is shit :)

    People may differ slightly (or greatly) on songs within an album, but a great disc is a great disc.


    Every now and then you'll find someone that things Appetite is average, and the new HCSS is amazing

  9. http://metalsludge.tv/mick-mars-drops-music-teaser-for-1313-project-featuring-ex-motley-crue-singer-john-corabi/


    Great to see these two together again.

    Mick always said that S/T was the best Motley record.

    Interesting read (also the original linked article at sludge, where Corabi said that being dumped from Motley almost made him suicidal.

    Also talks about how muck Mick lover having a rhythm guitarist to help out.

    Song sounds pretty good.

  10. She's into a lots of cookie monster vocal music at the moment.

    Ranges from Beach Boys, Robbie Williams, One Direction to Slipnot, The Amity Affliction, Cannibal Corpse etc

    Whilst she's been exposed to a heap of 80's type bands, and she likes a lot, she kind of refuses to listen because she's trying to be 'herself' and have her own music.

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