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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. I am biased against people who can't like Van Hagar.

    Especially those who like his pre VH staff and then refuse to acknowledge anything but DLR VH

    How can someone not like at least some Sammy VH songs?
    It's just the height of stubbornness and/or poor taste.

    I'm not a big DLR VH fan. Pretty much the 3 hits of 1984 and a few others.

    I much prefer his post VH stuff, but there's nothing wrong with any of the early VH stuff.


    Same with anti Bon Jovi people.

    I get it. They were cool when you're a 17 year old and they were new on the scene and you used to bang your head to Livin' On A Prayer.

    And then they stuck around, he cut his hair, they went more mainstream, and now the music is boring.


    But don't go back and say you never liked their music, if you were listening to the radio when it was released. Of course you did

    There's nothing wrong with admitting that, and even in still playing their old songs you used to listen to religiously.

  2. Maybe.

    We get to the point where minor differences between genres are made and nobody really wants that.

    I consider myself traditional 80's hard rock. Some will say hair metal, glam metal, heavy metal, cock rock, etc etc

    Nut I simply class myself as hard rock and I like variations from there.

    I consider this a variation, and not too far from hard rock.

    In fact I hear a lot of hooks etc that are pleasing after one listen.

    I'm not a big AOR fan, although I do like some of it. Probably leaning more the Guiffria side of AOR than a lot of what I see here.
    Most of it is syrupy with the synthesizers etc to me.

  3. So I'm listening to the songs off this album and enjoying them.


    Like I said, never a big JSS fan - always thought his music was a bit mundane.

    To me this album stands out as something better.

    Will appeal to fans of bands like Saliva, and also Weight Of The World time Harem Scarem

  4. Holy christ, I was hoping to stay awake for about 15 more minutes. That almost sent me to sleep immediately. Man, that is just absolute shit; all of them. Even 'Undone' is still so bland I want to leave the room. Who would bother actually listening to this?


    ...looks like Glen and I will, even if that lessens our taste in your eyes.

  5. Not gonna bother with the ratings system that seems to be in place here.

    For me it's a great solid album, with much diversity and a fresh enough sound.

    Not as 'country' as I was led to believe. One song is leaning towards that, but I didn't really notice any others in the couple of listens I've given it.

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