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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. The Elder - despised when it was released because it deviated from what was expected.

    Belly To Belly - Probably still hated because it was so different. I love it because I didn't go in expecting Cherry Pie

    Slang - People seem to like at least some of it these days, when it was released, not very well regarded.

    Motley S/T - still has a tonne of people who hate it, even though Mick and Tommy think of it as the best album.

    Van Hagar - I know heaps of people who just won't do 'no DLR VH'


    I look at every release with fresh ears and as few expectations as possible.


    I've been guilty of this in the past as well. Never gave Chinese Democracy a fair listen. Probably should, many say it's pretty good.

    But then I listened to HCSS new album 4 or 5 times until I gave up. I really tried, but couldn't do it.


    Yep, I tried, but maybe next time; if the location gets changed to Sydney. ;)



    1) Sorry Geoff, but Sydney is a horrible city for melodic/hard rock gigs. No draw at all.

    2) Once this is done, I'm done. Too much work/stress for not enough return.



    Yeah Sydney sucks for music :)

  3. Rocky IV - Had no recollection of all the filler in this one. Only 1hr 28mins odd and there is like at least 15 mins of compilation flashback clips through it, which is a shame because it didn't need that if it looked deeper into Drago's story. Other than that it was ok


    Rocky V - had forgotten most of this one. Average all around.

    2 movies to go, and they are goodies


    Hail Caesar - turned it off after 1/2 an hour. Boring as fuck

  4. Aussies have had their fix of the Loaf.

    Last proper concert I saw was maybe 10 years ago and it was frustrating as he sung the songs differently, so you're singing along and not with him.

    More of a sit down and clap along type concert I guess.

  5. See I love the radio songs. And I love songs like 5150.

    But it's all good.

    I think I am partly biased by Sammy Hagar, who seems like an awesome dude.

    The tequila, the money it made after the VH brothers lost interest and he bought them out, the Cabo lifestyle.

    He's one pretty happy guy who does what the hell he likes.

  6. I just think it's an open and closed case. Very rarely is it this black and white. This new stuff is just shit, and there's no way of getting around it.




    I'd personally always urge someone to check something out to make up their own mind. I guess the difference in this case is that absolutely no one is positive about this music.







    Anyway, I'm not butthurt or anything like that.

    My favorite band is Hot Action Cop - a band that would probably be slammed to shit here.

    I have ABBA, Sarah Brightman and Yanni in my CD collection

    I like that I like, and often the majority don't.
    Like I just said in another thread, I'm not taken with The Defiants. I didn't post it on that thread as I may be seen as starting shit, particularly as I'm still kinda new here.

    The music sounds OK, but probably too true to 20 or 30 years ago, and I guess my tastes have changed a bit.

    I still like the old D2 stuff, but their new stuff that I didn't grow up with, I find hard to get in to.


    So I seem to like this SOTO (not an amazing album by any means, but I dig it) and I seem to be the only one.
    On the other hand I seem to be the only one not having wet dreams about The Defiants.

    I could start to think I don't belong lol


    Just a couple of differences in tastes though.

    I think we'll find that I am not a huge fan of the more AOR music, and I'll pretty much just leave it alone rather than rip on it as there's no point in pointing out over and over that it's not my style.


    The person who is going to suffer most through all this is JSS.

    He'll be googling around looking for kind words about his latest piece of art and he'll come across this thread with 5 pages of replies.

    Then he'll open it.... lol

  7. FUCK was amazing for me at the time, but like many records over time (Hysteria, Rock Of Life, Screw It! spring to mind) - looking back they are a but too well rounded and a little overproduced. Missing a bit of rawness I guess.


    Maybe my tastes change, as I love early D2, even Paul Laine D2 as well, but am not taken at all by The Defiants.

    Anyway, The Dream Is Over is one of the tracks that holds up best over time for me. Right Now and Judgement Day are two of the others.

  8. I'm a big JSS fan, but I really have no desire to check this out after reading these posts. I have little free time as is, no use wasting it.


    So you're letting others' opinions define your music choices?

    Not sure if any of these negative posts were made AFTER listening to the whole album.

    Weird to me, but if your free time is that scarce, then I guess you do what you've got to do.


    Interview With The Vampire

    Haven't seen this for a while, and I think I enjoyed it most this time.

    Seems to get better with age.


    I just can't take Tom Cruise seriously as Lestat ...



    I remember Anne Rice was completely opposed to him and then after she saw him in it changed her mind.

    I think he works out ok.

  10. The Force Awakens was basically A New Hope remade.

    Still a great movie though.

    Will progress from here.


    Last night we did Rocky II
    I actually prefer this to I, so did my wife.

    Amazing what a successful movie and 3 years can do in presenting a more 'traditional' Hollywood movie at the time

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