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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Yep....This one is high on my watch list for 2019....Will be a blind pre-order when it launches.

    These guys just really have a unique sound to my ears with the way they combine pop and rock elements and what Robin's voice brings to the mix.

    Still feel like they're a pretty underrated band.

  2. 31 minutes ago, kourosofsteel3 said:

    Why, sweet mother of jesus, gave this opus to White Widdow? Of course H.E.A.T.'s version wipes the floor with the WW  version.

    Hope they'll play it in their Athens' gig. If a state of affairs like this occurs, this will be my first stage diving since Suffocation in Wacken 2005. 


    Good tune!

    I like We're Gonna Make It To The End also.....Sounds great with Erik singing it.

  3. Another tune released.  I suspect many may not like these new tunes if they're wanting a classic Tesla sound.  Personally, I'm a bit on the fence but still kinda liking it for something different.  Probably helps that I'm a Leppard fan that likes overproduced stuff :)


  4. I appreciate reading all the lists I can....always helps me find people with similar tastes and maybe discover some music I was unaware of.  I've discovered a lot of music in recent  years solely because somebody else shared something or I saw somebody else talking about it and checked it out.

    It's pretty obvious that a lot of time went into those lists and there is a whole bunch of stuff on those lists I haven't even got around to checking out.  Love digging into lists like that to find a hidden gem I missed.


  5. 1 hour ago, phaffas said:

    I reeeeeeeeeeeeally hope this is better than album #2. Their debut just blew me away. One of my favourite albums for yeeeears! Then the followup came and it utterly bored me.

    I'm probably in the minority here as I know many liked that debut but was the exact opposite for me.  I thought the debut was okay but I liked the heavier, modernized direction they went for on album #2.

    I'll have eyes on this one.

  6. On 1/17/2019 at 4:44 AM, Geoff said:

    I got an EP worth of keepers from this album in my playlist in 2018 and thoroughly enjoyed those 5 songs every time they came on. Good stuff;

    Electric Rider

    My Sanctuary

    You Can't Kill My Rock N' Roll

    The Others

    Have Mercy On Me

    Would be the songs I'd list also.

    Really dig Electric Rider...And My Sanctuary sounds like a lost Guns N Roses tune....excellent stuff.  Basically, I really like the first half of the album and then it loses some steam for me in the last 3-4 songs.

    Have never been into these guys and this is the first album I've really given any attention to.  I'm thinking I'll probably just pick up their greatest hits album that came out a couple years ago to hit on the rest of their highlights.

  7. On 1/4/2019 at 9:45 AM, PeterS said:

    One of the positives of getting older is that I won't have to deal with the whole streaming thing for too very long and I'm glad I was around when music was a physical product.

    I just loathe the whole streaming thing.  Spotty bluetooth connections, annoying ads, randomly playing stuff I don't want to hear, having to fumble around trying to find specific stuff in my digital library while driving, compressed, low quality tin can sounds....Really not much good to say about it.


  8. I have a tough time responding to this....Mostly because I know what I like and generally aren't buying or listening to stuff I don't like.

    I guess one that sticks out for me is the Dallas disc.  I thought I'd really like that but found it pretty terrible outside of a couple songs.   

  9. Heard this album....I was initially a bit on the fence after the first two songs...Thought they were okay and I kinda liked Forever Out Of Place.

    Well, after hearing it I feel like those two first songs are clearly the best on the album and the rest is all downhill.  Lots of modern-ish effects ....Not really very melodic, not really very heavy....Not really very AOR.  I'm not sure who this is really geared towards.  I guess mostly it's very Nickelback-ish.

    No longer on the fence....easy pass.

  10. Didn't see a thread started for the new Tesla album....

    New song out there....looks like the title track.

    I need more listens to decide how I feel about this one....Initially not overly blowing me away but kinda like the groove and vibe....little different than maybe I was expecting.

    Could see this one being a grower.....Kinda depends on what's around it on the album.

    Loved the first few albums from these guys but really haven't been into their past few albums at all.  So not sure if I'll be picking this up or not.  Will probably need to hear some bigger rocking and more melodic tunes to consider buying.



  11. On 3/24/2018 at 7:45 AM, Geoff said:

    I don't mind it again. This stuff may not be splitting ballsacks in half, but it's definitely going to be an album worth listening to. 

    I haven't really been into these guys over the years.  I don't know why....Just haven't really caught my eye for whatever reason. 

    Lots of negative comments above but I'm kinda liking this new album.  Some fun, pretty catchy type of stuff.  I'd agree that it's definitely simple stuff and pretty sugar coated and can see why people that loved some of their past output may not like this.

    By the same token though, I've been going back to their earlier stuff and still not finding a whole lot that's grabbing me.  I like a couple songs here and there but not enough to say so.  The only other album maybe I'll consider picking up is their greatest hits album that came out a few years ago as that would probably hit their highlights. 


  12. 55 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    The song's okay by me. Hell of a lot better than anything I've heard from this mob in a long time. At least they have a good idea come chorus time. But why the big hairy ballsack is this not just called Lynch Mob? I honestly don't understand. 

    In the original post is says 'This is a new sound." If this is a new sound, what was all the shit Lynch Mob were releasing after their first two albums? This sounds 100% more like the original Lynch Mob than any shit they've been releasing since that time. 

    Anyway, I hope this is actually a decent album because the doods can certainly play.  

    My thoughts too.

    I'm kinda on the fence with this tune.  It's okay but isn't really wowing me by any means and not really finding myself wanting to go back for repeat listens.  The guitars sound great and Mason sounds pretty good.  Just would've liked it to be more melodic with harmonies, backing vocals, etc.  I'll need to hear stuff that grabs me more to convince me to buy the album.

  13. 11 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    My "Best Of Pretty Maids" from Pandemonium to Kingmaker:

    Best Of Pretty Maids
    1. I.N.V.U.                    from Pandemonium
    2. Bull's Eye                  from Kingmaker
    3. Wasted                      from Motherland
    4. Deranged                    from Louder Than Ever
    5. Humanize Me                 from Kingmaker
    6. Hooligan                    from Motherland
    7. Beautiful Madness           from Pandemonium
    8. Infinity                    from Motherland
    9. Breathless                  from Pandemonium
    10. Kingmaker                  from Kingmaker
    11. Mother Of All Lies         from Motherland
    12. Little Drops Of Heaven     from Pandemonium
    13. I See Ghosts               from Motherland
    14. Face The World             from Kingmaker
    15. My Soul To Take            from Louder Than Ever
    16. Pandemonium                from Pandemonium
    17. Motherland                 from Motherland
    18. It Comes At Night          from Pandemonium
    19. Who What Where When Why    from Motherland
    20. Heavens Little Devil       from Kingmaker
    21. Innocence                  from Pandemonium
    22. Why So Serious             from Motherland
    23. Nuclear Boomerang          from Louder Than Ever
    24. Last Beauty On Earth       from Kingmaker
    25. The Iceman                 from Motherland


    That's a pretty good list and I'd probably have most of those on my list as well.

    I'd probably add Last Beauty On Earth, Bullet For You and Sad To See You Suffer maybe in place of Iceman, Nuclear Boomerang and Hooligan.

    Would be pretty darn similar though :)

  14. Final 2018 list:

    1.  Midnite City - There Goes The Neighbourhood

    2.  Kissin Dynamite - Ecstasy

    3.  Shiraz Lane - Carnival Days

    4.  Treat - Tunguska

    5.  Maverick - Cold Star Dancer

    6.  W.e.t - Earthrage

    7.  Nordic Union - Second Coming

    8.  Nitrate - Real World

    9.  Station - More Than The Moon

    10.  Hearts On Fire - Call Of Destiny

    Honorable mention just missing the cut - Halestorm, Dangerous Curves, Perfect Plan, Wild America

    First time in memory I remember the same band having my favorite album 2 years in a row!

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