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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. On 5/30/2019 at 10:41 AM, Geoff said:

    Oh dear, sounds rough as dog testicles. Essentially, I don't mind it too much in a Buckcherry / Backyard Babies kind of way - in that it's probably better than both of those bands.

    But what this has in common with, and why they needed to call this Roxy Blue - I couldn't think of an explanation in a million years. No one would associate the two bands ever, so why keep the name? 


    I normally wouldn't judge too much based on one track but listened to 90 second samples of all songs on Japan I tunes and the rest is similar.  There's a couple more classic sounding tunes though....Collide for example sounds pretty good.

    I've gotta say that I've softened my stance a bit after more listens to the samples.  Yes, it's the complete opposite of the spectrum from the debut....And it's not what I normally would like as it's missing big choruses, melodies, etc.  But I do have to say it rocks pretty good and is different than my normal stuff.  I at least may not totally dismiss this yet.  

    I totally get anyone hating it though as I was surely there in posts above..  But the more I forget about the debut though and just approach this as a modern rock record, I don't mind it too much.

    I don't know.  Maybe I'm just in the right mood as I type this.  

  2. Here's the first single.  Not really working for me initially and no resemblance at all to the debut album.  Have also listened to 90 second samples of all songs on I Tunes Japan and most of it is in this same style.  

    Not sure why they even chose to release this album with the Roxy Blue name.  Probably should've called it Poole's Project or something else.

    I don't know....maybe it'll grow on me if I can get passed the fact that it sounds nothing like their debut album.  It's not a horrible modern rock style tune and it does rock pretty good.  But it's just way off what I was really hoping for.


  3. On 5/8/2019 at 7:58 PM, AlphaMale said:

    Took the words right out of my mouth! I expect to be be rubbish to be honest.

    I think you're expectations are correct!

    I checked out samples of songs on Amazon Japan here::


    Basically, it sounds exactly like I was afraid it might sound.  Heck, might even be worse than I was afraid of.....Very modern....Almost power metal combined with grunge in quite a few songs IMO.  It's a long ways from the fun, Tesla combined with Warrant type style of that debut album.

    I didn't think it could be worse than those FNA Records lost songs/demos that were released but it might be.

    Bummer as I was hoping for something better.  I just don't get why they'd think it would be a good idea to come out with and album like this.  I mean, whatever popularity they had was based off that first album and that's what most people who check this out will be hoping for.  They should be trying to come out with an album in the style of something like Crazy Lixx just did with Forever Wild....big, fun album with backing vocals, harmonies, etc.  

    Instead it sounds like discarded Nirvana demos or something.

    This will be an easy pass for me.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I love the tune 

    Yep...Me too.

    Really love every tune on it.  If I had to pick my least favorite song, it would probably just be Love Don't Live Here Anymore.  That's still a solid tune though and not one I consider skipping.

    Just a fantastic album that will be very tough to beat for my #1 album this year.  I'm sure the Defiants and Eclipse will make a run at it but it's going to take a monster effort to top this one.


  5. Next thing on my radar is the new Nitrate album due June 21st.

    Then the H.e.a.t live CD/DVD in July...

    Might check out the Roxy Blue album August 9th but not expecting much from that.

    Then the Defiants in September with Eclipse probably shortly after that....both automatic purchases.

    Also waiting for more news on Degreed....Expecting they'll probably have something out in the fall.  Thought Art Nation was coming out with something too but haven't heard anything concrete. 

    That pretty much lays out the rest of the year for me that I'm aware of.

  6. 5 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

    The band has changed their themes, songwriting and production on almost every album. 

    The debut sounded like a debut with meh production and some decent songs. 

    My Religion showed us they could copy styles from the 80’s legendary acts....the first 5 tracks on that one still blow me away nearly 10 years later.

    They then took a dark turn and tried to go sleazy with some awful production on Riot Avenue. 

    The follow up had some highlights but to me ended being fairly forgettable.

    Ruff Justice went 80’s Horror film themed. It was slick, glossy and spectacular. 

    Wild Frontier is just as glossy with a Top Gun/Iron Eagle 80’s theme. I much prefer the ballad on this one than the one on Ruff Justice....but both releases are very similar in sound. 

    Give me the last two releases and the first half of My Religion and you have one of the best bands around.

    Yep...Well said.

    I just think they've embraced what works for them.

    What's impressed me a bit is listening to Danny Rexon on some of the recent live Q & A videos he's done.  He's very clear about who his influences are and how the band has settled into embracing those influences.  They've figured out what sound works for them and they've embraced it with flying colors on these past two releases.

    They were a band I used to be pretty lukewarm on.  I mean, I liked New Religion quite a bit, but Riot Avenue sort of took them off my radar.  Then the self titled album was pretty good but didn't overly blow me away.  At that point they were a band I liked but if I were listing my favorite bands they would've been a bit of an after thought.

    These last two releases though have really bumped this band up on my list and they would probably be in my top 3 current bands now.

    Pretty amazing journey with all the band member changes and given that they were seemingly close to closing up shop a few years ago.  I give Danny Rexon a lot of credit for plugging along and having the vision to guide the band in the direction they've went.

  7. For whatever it's worth I thought I'd check this out and gave it a listen.

    Not bad but also not really very memorable.  I basically listened to it and got to the end and really had no desire to listen again.

    I was hoping it might be something like One Desire but don't quite put it in that category.  It does have a modern vibe like OD but doesn't feel very melodic to me.  And it's a bit more poppy/punk in spots IMO.

    Basically, if I want to listen to modern melodic rock I'd rather listen to Degreed or One Desire.  This one just feels very ordinary compared to those other bands.

    I think what could've helped this in my opinion would be more harmonies, backing vocals, hooks, etc....The songs just don't feel very catchy to me.

    Maybe my problem is that I've been listening to Crazy Lixx all weekend and this pales in comparison to that :)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Glen said:

    2nd half is better imo.

    top tracks : It's You & Weekend Lover

    For me it's all awesome and not a weak spot on it.

    It's You is probably my favorite tune but I really dig Silent Thunder too.  Heck, I like every song here.  

    I suspect that if somebody wants to be critical they might say it's not as heavy as some of their older stuff and is kinda lacking some balls.  But you'll get no criticism from me.....I love the vibe of it.  I freaking wish Def Leppard would put out an album with tunes like this.

    I think this fits perfectly in their catalog while expanding it.  Just really dig how melodic this one is.  I know there's some great stuff coming later this year but the bar has been set high with this one.

  9. On 5/14/2019 at 2:41 AM, simo said:

    I'm baffled by how little (close to nothing) has been communicated with the release date so close.... cdjapan still says June 5, I'm expecting my CD to ship that day

    I think that date has been changed to September 11th now :(

    Bummer but they were never making that June 5th date as Frontiers definitely will take 2-3 months to crank out singles for this.  Eagerly awaiting this one....

    Maybe we'll have the first single released on June 5th B).

  10. Listened to this album this past weekend...

    Just okay for me.  There's a few tunes I kinda like but not much really grabbing me.  For me though, I was never a huge Whitesnake fan.  I liked a couple albums back in the mid to late 80's with their "hits" but not really a band I ever heavily got into for whatever reason.

    I could see fans of Whitesnake digging this album though.  It does rock pretty good and features some excellent guitar work.  As a Def Leppard fan, I'd probably be on cloud 9 if they came out with a rocking album like this.

    I kinda find it like the new End Machine album.  Both sound good for what they are....basically straight ahead, guitar driven rock with a little bluesy style mixed in.  Neither really excited me though....I'm a sucker for a big melodic sound, harmonies, backing vocals, hooks, etc....And not hearing a lot of that. 

    Part of my problem might also might be that I was listening to the new Crazy Lixx album this weekend and that album was knocking my socks off.....tough to focus attention on something else when I can't get that album out of my head :headbanger:

  11. 10 hours ago, kourosofsteel3 said:

    Love'em all! But...

    what about Eagle, mate? With a strong reference to ABBA's masterpiece!  What an anthemic piece of melodic bliss! 

    Eagle is really good....cool, different vibe with that one.  It just gets a little long for my attention span but it's really good and suspect it'll be excellent to see live.  

    Album is just superb and whole thing is basically melodic bliss if you ask me.  

    The only thing I could see anybody maybe being critical of is that it isn't an overly heavy album and is a ways away from their earlier, sleazier style.  For me though, I've always liked their more melodic stuff and this album hits that sweet spot perfectly.

  12. 7 hours ago, lettard said:

    Nice.im looking forward to next weeks release,although I did hear the track "Eagle" on a rock radio channel online,can't remember which,only reason I know it was Eagle is because he said it quite a bit,,,sounded good,very Leppardish intro also from what I could make out...really looking forward to the full release landing on my doorstep next Friday  :)

    Yeah....That one is a bit different and kinda Leppardish.   It's like a 6 minute long track.  Pretty good tune although I feel like the last minute is a little bit unnecessary.

    I think if I picking my early favorites it would be Wicked, Break Out, Silent Thunder and It's You.

  13. Loved their debut and wish this would be a huge melodic rock album with the same style.

    Not really expecting that though as they've sorta hinted at a different sound.  And those FNA Records releases with the lost tracks were pretty terrible.

    Not sure what to really expect here.  Guess I'm expecting more of a heavier, southern rock type thing for some reason.  I'll plan to check this out though and remain cautiously optimistic.

  14. New album is out in Japan and got a chance to listen to it....

    Only one listen but absolutely loving what I'm hearing.  They've basically blown up the backing vocals, harmonies, melodies and hooks.  

    The last album had the 80's horror movie vibe and this one has an 80's cruising with the top down summer vibe.

    While I like most of what these guys have done I'd say my favorite CL songs have been the more melodic stuff....Want It, Blame It On Love, Walk The Wire, etc....And that's basically the vibe I'm getting from most of the songs on the album.  

    Need more listens to let it sink in but great stuff IMO.

  15. Just had to say I'm stoked to be attending this for the first time next year.  


    Not sure if the lineup is final yet but absolutely loving it so far:

    H.e.a.t, Shiraz Lane, Pretty Maids, Tyketto, Tokyo Motor Fist, Firehouse, Slaughter, Kix, Lynch Mob, Thunder, Stryper, Heavens Edge, Winger are my highlights announced so far.

    Just nice to see some of these European bands getting the chance to play.  I know Pretty Maids has been on before and Eclipse was on last year.  It's a pretty damn nice trifecta this year with H.e.a.t, Shiraz Lane and Pretty Maids :headbanger:

  16. For me it's been a horrible start to the year....

    Only new release I've spent any amount of time with is the new Tesla.  Have been sampling lots of other stuff and nothing has grabbed me. 

    Things should pick up in the coming months though starting with Crazy Lixx next week as I'm sure that will set the initial bar for me this year.  Looking forward to that new Nitrate album in June too as I like the new sound with the vocals.

    Hoping to hear more regarding the Defiants, One Desire, Eclipse and Degreed soon too.  And H.e.a.t has been really quiet.  I know Andrew suggested a live album/DVD was coming and I've seen a couple band interviews saying that a new album is supposedly in the works but not hearing anything on them.  Shiraz Lane is another that seems to be recording and possibly could have something out toward the end of the year.

  17. On 5/4/2019 at 8:56 AM, Geoff said:

    That sounds miles better than the debut and more or less completely on par with Midnite City. Whether or not the new guy is a better singer or not that Joss (and technically, he's probably not by a long stretch) he's a much better fit for this band. Love it immensely. 

    Agree ..great point....this voice is just a much better fit for the style of music.

  18. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Nice,sounding pretty good,some of these definitely keep busy,that'll be 2 Midnite City & 2 Nitrate cds in just over a year!! nice   :)

    These new songs are sounding even closer to Midnite City IMO.

    I expect I'll like this as it's right in my wheelhouse.

  19. This page has links to sound bytes.....Sounding pretty good to my ears.


    Nitrate is back bigger & better with their second album ‘Open Wide’ following on from their successful and highly rated debut ‘Realworld’ from 2018. The album will bre released on June 21st, 2019 on AOR Heaven.

    Inspired by the late 80’s rock scene with bands such as Def Leppard, Europe, Motley Crue, and Bon Jovi, Nitrate is the brainchild of song writer Nick Hogg (bass guitar/keyboards).
    Once again, Rob Wylde (Midnite City/ Tigertailz/ Teenage Casket Company) co-wrote, produced the album and played rhythm guitar. Back on drums & mixing is Pete Newdeck  (Midnite City, Eden’s Curse, Blood Red Saints, Newman). New to Nitrate are Marcus Thurston (Vega) who  took over lead guitar duties and on lead vocals and, all the way from Sweden, Philip Lindstrand (Find Me, East Temple Avenue, Strong). The mastering was once again handled by Harry Hess (Harem Scarem).

    Nitrate’s follow up album packs more punch than the first, with a more edgier, in your face feel complete with 10 hard hitting Hair Metal/AOR/Melodic Rock tracks with all out hooks and big backing vocals.

    Line up:

    Nick Hogg – Bass Guitar & Keyboards

    Rob Wylde – Rhythm Guitars, Keyboards, Backing vocals

    Philip Lindstrand – Lead & Backing Vocals

    Pete Newdeck – Drums & Backing vocals

    Marcus Thurston – Lead Guitar

    Produced by Rob Wylde; Mixed by Pete Newdeck; Mastered by Harry Hess ; Engineered by Leon Bailey & Pete Newdeck

  20. 1 hour ago, The Rocker said:

    Really like the debut. Not that he 's bad or anything, but change of vocalist could/should be a good thing and improve the band.

    I was going to type the same exact thing :)

    I liked the debut also but it did take me some time to warm to the vocals.  Basically, the songs and music were pretty instant with the whole "Midnite City" vibe....But I had to listen a few times to let the vocals sink in. 

    Really interested to hear how they sound with Phil.  


  21. 3 hours ago, simo said:

    I think I speak for everybody when I say I can't wait for the first sample to drop...

    You think we'll maybe hear something this week with the album release being only 6 weeks away?

    I think I saw Frontiers post something on FB saying the album release will be pushed back and won't be early June as originally reported.

    Not 100% sure on that but seems to make sense since it seems like they usually want at least 2-3 months to promote and roll out singles.

    I'm wishing/hoping it's still out in June as I can't wait to hear it.....But kinda expecting something more like July/Aug at this point.

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