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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 2 hours ago, Glen said:

    I honestly can't see how anyone can't  love Falling and Go ?

    just 're listened. 2 killer melodic hard rock tracks. easily up there with the last 2 eclipse albums.

    There are 3 or 4 songs on the debut which bore me tho. 

    I'm with you here :)

    Falling was my favorite tune off the album....Followed by Every Heartbeat, Go, Wide Awake, Hypocrisy.  Every Heartbeat is pretty awesome and a great ballad.  I do think New Life Begins on the new album follows along with the same vibe.

    I'd probably say True Love Awaits is my least favorite song on the album lol.  Just bores me and one I normally skip past.  Didn't really care much for the Other Side either.  Basically, I got a little lukewarm on the second half of the debut outside of Falling and Go.

    With the new album, I'm not sure I'm feeling any stand out tracks like I did with say Falling from the first album.  As I said above, New Life Begins is a solid ballad.  Breathtaking is a pretty good mid-tempo number.  Outrun You has an interesting arrangement that I like.  Final War sounds like a heavy PM tune.  Rocks Still Rolling I find myself kinda liking as it has a little different vibe.   

    I can understand the safe and formulatic comments on the new one though as it pretty much is.  Not sure much really stands out but it's still pretty good and listenable and nothing I'm really getting the urge to skip.  By the same token though, not sure I'd take more than 3-4 songs to my "best of" USB playlist that I have in my car.  By comparison, I just put 10 songs from the new Midnite City on that playlist.

    Still some decent melodic hard rock though.

  2. Not a bad tune...One that I like in it's spot on the album after 3 more upbeat songs.

    Still like this album quite a bit.  Good, solid melodic rock/AOR album IMO.  

    Glenn's probably right above....Bit safe, pretty solid.  I also felt like the second half was a bit stronger than the first....Falling Into You might be my favorite tune and like how it seems to pick up the pace a bit in the second half with Rainbow's End, Lost In Paradise and Live and Learn.  

    I still like this album though and finding it enjoyable to listen to.

  3. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    The debut wasn't perfect imo, but contained several great songs. The best were, in no order -

    Hypocrisy, 21 Guns, Go, Wide Awake, Falling and Every Heartbeat.

    If there are 6 equally good songs on the new album, I will be pleased and that will be a pretty awesome playlist



    Those are most of my favs off the first album....

    Not really feeling like my favorite songs off the new one are quite as strong as those songs.  I'd probably say New Life Begins, Because Of Us, Breathtaking and Outrun You are my early favorites.

    I get where Geoff is coming from here though.  It is a little bit like everything is pretty good and listenable but nothing really stands out and overly grabs you.  By the same token though, nothing here I find myself disliking either.  It's still an enjoyable listen but not overly wowing me.     

    I do think some of it has to do with the over-saturation of Martensson's style.  I mean, 5 years ago I probably would've thought this album was beyond awesome.  But now as we've had a couple new Eclipse albums, a Nordic Union album, a couple Pretty Maids albums, a recent W.e.t album....It sorta just becomes a bit safe/predictable.  Still good stuff though and I happen to dig Martensson's song crafting style so not a big deal to me.

    At this point probably feeling like it'll fall in the 6-8 range on my top 10 for this year.    

  4. On 10/27/2018 at 6:37 AM, kourosofsteel3 said:

    Can't stand the acoustic version of "Because Of Us". 

    Safe/predictable/prefabricated is the new stuff.  Far inferior to the previous or any of Eclipse/Pretty Maids albums

    Agree it's probably safe and it's predictable.....It's basically just more of the same from the first album IMO.  Martensson has a formula and he's sticking to it.  I for one like his formula and haven't really tired of it.  

    I wouldn't say it's far inferior to the first album...pretty similar if you ask me.  Maybe the highlights from this aren't quite as strong as the highlights from the first but still a well put together melodic hard rock album.  Overall, I think I like the first half of the first album better than the first half of this.  But I think I like the second half of this better than the second half of the first.

    Not sure it's fair to compare to Eclipse and PM as both of those bands have been around a long time and get much more attention by these guys than this side project.  For me personally though, this isn't far inferior to those at all....I like all of it :headbanger:

  5. 53 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Harsh. I haven't heard it back to back with stuff like Groundbreaker, but to me it sounds very good. Definitely a hell of a lot better than the debut - miles ahead... production-wise, of course.  

    I agree...Sounds better than the debut production-wise and don't really notice it sticking out as being bad by any means.  I kind of like a "richer" sound though.  I'd much rather have it be in that direction than say the Tokyo Motor Fist album that sounds like the drummer is playing tin cans in spots.

    By the same token though, I'd agree too that it doesn't sound as crisp as the new Treat by comparison.  That album has a great sound to my ears.  

    Haven't heard Groundbreaker or Creye enough to comment on those as didn't like those enough to listen to them ;)

  6. Got a chance to listen to this....Happy to report it's pretty awesome :)

    Picks up where the last album left off.  My initial impression is this one might even be more solid top to bottom but will need more listens to see how it settles.  I just know the debut had a couple songs in the second half that I was a little lukewarm on....But almost feeling like this one gets stronger as it goes along.  I think it feels a little bit more varied this time too.

    Really no surprises here though....Just more excellent melodic hard rock.  I freaking love this combination and hearing Ronnie sing these types of songs.  For me the best part of Pretty Maids is the more melodic stuff and this project highlights those types of songs.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I bet you think it means -

    Hoping Eternally American Tour




    That sounds good :)

    I consider myself lucky to have seen them twice here :)

    Americans would rather go watch 60 year old has beens year after year than great, new bands who would blow those older acts away and who are actually putting out good, new music.  It makes little sense to me.

  8. 2 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Except every album isn't weaker than the one before. Address the nation is a million times better than the first two albums, and Into the great unknown is better than Breaking down the walls.


    Not sure I agree about ITGU being better than TDTW.....But do agree that the Gronwall led H.e.a.t albums are all WAY stronger than the earlier two albums.

    We've been through this before though and there's some that liked H.e.a.t with Kenny that don't like them as much with Erik, some that like them better now and some that liked them with both singers.  I'm squarely in the category of liking them with Erik. 

    I go back and forth on what my favorite album from these guys is....Some days it's ATN and others it's TDTW....depends on my mood I guess.  Either way, they've went to another level with Erik in my book.

  9. Updated list :)

    1.  Midnite City - There Goes The Neighbourhood

    2.  Kissin Dynamite - Ecstasy

    3.  Shiraz Lane - Carnival Days

    4.  Treat - Tunguska

    5.  Maverick - Cold Star Dancer

    6.  W.e.t - Earthrage

    7.  Nitrate - Real World

    8.  Station - More Than The Moon

    9.  Hearts On Fire - Call Of Destiny

    10.  Halestorm - Vicious 

    Honorable mention missing the cut - Dangerous Curves, Perfect Plan.

    Nordic Union might be the last one this year that could slot in somewhere.


  10. 8 hours ago, simo said:

    I don't think it stands for anything, just Heat but they chose to write it like that

    Wholeheartedly agree with Erik that the last record wasn't that great, but I'm not as optimistic as him in regards to their next album. I'd love it if they did but I'm not sure they'll be able to deliver next time round

    I think I've heard them say it in interviews that it does stand for something but I'm not sure what.  I used to think it had something to do with the founding members real names but I have no idea.

  11. 1 hour ago, Captain Howdy said:

    I think it is fine for an artist to not like an album as long as they accept that some people do.

    I think the big problem here is the reaction they got from the die hard crybabies the minute the first single hit.


    Overall I thought it was an incredibly strong album and  while maybe not as strong as ATN, it ranks above BDTW for me (and that is a really good album as well). For a band that I have very little interest in pre-Erik, if this is an album Erik does not like, that at least gives me hope that we will never actually hear a bad album from them.

    I agree with you on that first single.....I'll admit I was one that was scratching my head with that song.  Really, it's not a bad song....Just wasn't at all what I was looking for.  I think that song combined with the suggestive nature of the album title being a stylistic change sent many people into a tizzy.

    If they would've led off with Bastard of Society instead of Time On Our Side, I think it would've changed everybody's initial impressions.  In reality the album really didn't end up being much different than the last album if you ask me.  But first impressions are sometimes hard to break.

    I get why they did it as it's probably the most commercial and radio friendly song on the album and they were probably hoping to get some airplay with it.  

  12. 51 minutes ago, Glen said:


    The hooks on the new album are bigger. Why? Cos I can actually remember the songs after about 3 listens.

    I still can't remember the songs off the debut and I've owned it for months.

    Love both but the new album is more memorable imo. 

    songs like gave up giving up just won't leave my head. 


    I do feel like the songs have bigger hooks and are a bit more memorable....Especially in the second half compared to the second half of the first album.  Although, I never had any issue remembering the songs on the first album :lol:

    Basically, I feel like the first halves are about the same....Both fantastic!  I think I like the second half of the new album a tiny bit better than the first though.  Gave Up Giving Up is great, really like Until The End and the heavier vibe of Takes One To Know One too.  And depending on if you consider Tonight You're All I Need to be in the second half, absolutely love that tune.  And the ballad Heaven's Falling is excellent too.

    For me right now, the only song not overly striking me is probably We're Gonna Make It.  I think part of that though might be that it's stuffed between two of my favorite songs on the album with Life Ain't Like This On The Radio and Tonight You're All I Need.  It's not a bad tune by any means though and might grow on me.....Just getting overshadowed at the moment.

    Either way, both fantastic albums.  Their debut was my favorite album last year and feeling like this will probably be my favorite this year.  These guys are crafting some good, fun melodic rock tunes and putting out the kind of albums that Poison or Firehouse should be putting out IMO.

  13. 8 hours ago, melodicrock said:

    The footage I have from our recording is pretty damn good!

    I know!  Looks fabulous from the sample I've seen and can't wait to see more!  Would've been awesome for them to do an official release from that show!

    Do you know if the Live DVD/CD they're preparing is from a show they've already done or is it from an upcoming show on the Nov/Dec tour?

    I was hoping they'd have a new album out by the end of 2019 but if they're planning a live CD/DVD release I'd have to wonder if they'll actually release 2 different things in the same year.  Probably will push the next album into 2020.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I really like the last album. Love the variety on it. Some of those so called 'pop' songs are fantastic live 


    While I definitely put ATN and TDTW ahead of it, still enjoy the album plenty.  And for me, it adds variety to their entire catalog.  I mean, each of these past 3 albums has it's own character while still all being great melodic rock.

    I do prefer the heavier side of the band but absolutely need the variety to keep it from becoming stale....like say Eclipse does to me at times.

    Agree on the live part too...new songs all sound great live.  Although, pretty much everything they do sounds great live :)

  15. 5 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    Some interesting comments by Erik on his thoughts about "Into the Great Unknown" according to a recent interview with AOR Watchtower


    The next album was "Into The Great Unknown" , released last year. Undoubtedly, it is HEAT's most experimental work to date. What was different while composing the album that sets it apart from others, musically?

    Erik Grönwall: I think the big difference was that we did not spend as much time together as we did while working on the album and even while writing material. We were all spending time with other people in the middle and I think that somehow influenced the compositions. I honestly do not like "Into The Great Unknown" , I think we could have done something better ... but it was something we needed to do.

    I believe you already have some material being worked on for the new album. How would you define the musical direction of what is coming?

    Erik Grönwall: No antics. Hard & Heavy ...

    I got a nice chance to chat with Jona Tee back in May at MRF5 in Chicago and funny enough, he said the same thing when I was asking him if they had started working on the next album and what the direction might be.  He said he wanted to make an in-your-face, kick ass melodic hard rock album.

    He had also said that they had a bunch of songs ready to go and were hoping to start recording toward the end of 2018 but tour plans were probably going to push recording off until the spring.  He said they were aiming to have the next album out by the end of 2019 and that they couldn't afford to take so much time off like they did between TDTW and ITGU.  He commented that while a couple guys in the band have other sources of income, some guys only have the band so they need the band to be working.

    Can't wait!

  16. On 10/15/2018 at 11:19 AM, lettard said:

    Mine arrived today and ive had it on repeat pretty much ever since...wow...brilliant disc,really like it,its right up on par if not better than the debut so if you like that you'll love this too,just so summery and top down driving melodic hard rock :)

    Got mine..only one listen so far but agree!

    Bigger sound than the first album for sure...way more backing vocals and harmonies going on....And more hooks.

    Great fun, throwback melodic rock that just continues the formula from the first album.

  17. 20 hours ago, Glen said:

    Treat is close to no 1 for me. I love it.

    Creye is good but cheesy as hell

    very much looking forward to Midnite City on Friday :)


    Damn good album...Has moved up my list also.

    I think as of now my top 4 are probably:

    Kissin' Dynamite

    Shiraz Lane



    I'm not even bothering listing #5 as I'm saving a spot in the top 5 for Midnite City....Almost expecting that it'll slot in at either #1 or #2.

    And probably a good chance Nordic Union pushes the list also.

    Another release I'm really digging is Hearts On Fire.  Not officially out yet but have been listening to it for a month or so from doing a premium pre order.  Not quite making my top 5 but probably in the 6-8 range at the moment.

  18. Been listening to this band a lot lately....Went back to the debut as I never spent much time with that album and sort of rediscovering it....damn good.

    And still like the new one a lot also....Not quite as melodic as the first couple albums but still lots of interesting hooks.

    Really the only album that does little for me is Into the Wild Life.  There's a few good tunes...I dig I Am The Fire....But really not much that keeps my interest on that one.

  19. 5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Is there actually anything more frustrating than a great band not releasing music for several years, and then returning to the fold with a shit cover? I think not. Rubbish song - hate it. I don't know the original and hearing this I sure as hell don't want to know it either. Shut up unless you're recording new original music, I say. :)

    You hit the nail on the head for me.  The Yeah album was irritating as heck...Covers of a bunch of songs that I never liked to begin with when they should be doing new music.  

    Def Leppard has been absolutely terrible at releasing new music...What's there, 2 new albums in the last 15 years or something?  And 2 albums that were average at best with nowhere near the attention to detail or even focus they used to have.  They're always been my favorite band but they need a producer in the worst way if you ask me.  I mean, just put out a melodic rock album and stop screwing around with 70's influences and copycat Queen songs.  They irritate me that they've seemed to run away from the style of music that made them successful.

    Honestly...If they would just put out a melodic rock album in the vein of what Midnite City is doing, people would eat it up and say how awesome it is.  Instead they continue doing these hodgepodge albums with a few good songs and a bunch of bad experiments and/or covers.....with Greatest Hits albums or live released every other year.

    Sorry for the rant but they have been a frustrating band that was capable of much more the past 10-15 years IMO.


  20. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Not bad and the new Christmas track is on this also...Always been my fav band but I don't really see the point in another best of release myself but hey-ho each to their own,still lookin forward to the Hysteria & More tour in Dec in Belfast  :)

    My favorite band also....

    Can't say I'm really digging Personal Jesus much though.  Frankly, never cared for the original much either.  For me, this is about the same level as the Yeah album that I didn't like much at all.  To be honest, I think their constant playing of Rock On live has influenced me a bit and not in a good way.  I'm so tired of hearing that song live when they have so many other songs in their catalog.  Overall, just never been real big on covers.  They're fine as one off things or whatever....But don't need to see albums full of covers.

    And the Christmas song sounds pretty terrible to my ears.  This package will be an easy pass for me as I have no interest in another Greatest Hits offering.

    You're lucky getting to see the Hysteria and more tour though.  I'm stuck here in the US seeing the same greatest hits tour every year.  I should've went to see Viva Hysteria in Vegas when I had the chance. 

  21. 13 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Mine arrived today and ive had it on repeat pretty much ever since...wow...brilliant disc,really like it,its right up on par if not better than the debut so if you like that you'll love this too,just so summery and top down driving melodic hard rock :)

    Good to hear....Mine should arrive in the next day or two :)

    Trying not to set the expectations too high.....But expecting that it'll probably wind up being my #1 album again this year based upon the songs and samples I've heard.  These guys just seem to hit my tastes perfectly.

    Might be the first time in memory I've ever had the same band take my #1 album spot 2 years in a row :lol:

  22. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Yeah,if it had not have been for the fact that I ordered 2 discs from them I would've stuck with Amazon also.

    On the bright side though, I also ordered from AOR Heaven directly and got notification this morning that it's shipped.  So should have it a few days before the official release date :)

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