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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Album is out in Japan.

    Listened to the album and digging it.  I kinda feel like the first half is a bit stronger than the second half.  For me the first 5 songs are just fantastic.

    And the one song I really don't like is the Japan bonus track Forever....Pretty boring, sappy ballad.

    Can't say much after one listen but good stuff and just picking up where they left off with the debut.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, The Rocker said:

    Not bad. I want more " My Soul To Take, Face The World" type songs myself.

    Have you checked out the song samples in I Tunes Japan or Amazon Japan?

    Sounding to me like those kinds of songs are definitely on it.  Firesoul Fly is definitely a "Face The World" type tune IMO.

    To me this is sounding like it might be a very "melodic" album. 

    I'm one that was late to the Pretty Maids party though so I'm probably not the best judge lol.  I've really liked what they've done with their last 3 albums but I'm very hit or miss on stuff before Pandemonium.  I basically only have 2-3 songs per album that I find myself liking for some reason and it's generally the more melodic tunes.  I've got one CD put together of everything i liked pre-pandemonium....Songs like Clay, Hell On High Heels, Live Until It Hurts, Never Too Late, Die With Your Dreams, Walk Away, Savage Heart, etc.  I have a harder time getting into the Jump The Gun/Future World stuff for whatever reason.

    I loved Kingmaker though outside of Civilized monsters and Sickening which didn't do much for me.

    I think I'm really gonna dig this new one as I liked every sample.

  3. Armageddonize for me.  I just like every song on it and it feels pretty varied to me.  The Storm and Wide Open are just awesome tunes.

    Bleed & Scream and Monumentum bother very good too.  Bleed & Scream has a few songs in the second half though that just don't do much for me.

    Based upon samples I've heard, I'm feeling like the new one will probably fall behind the last 3 albums but maybe I'll change my mind after hearing it all.

  4. 3 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Killer production. Good vocals. Great musicianship. But, and sadly there has to be a but... bog average songs. :(

    Sadly, I just find the songs really bland and uninspiring. I did think 'Forever' was a pretty cool ballad and the sole keeper from the album... but a shame, as everything else is in order. Except the songs. 

    I get that a bit about the songs...It's not really bothering me though.  They've got some cool hooks and musicianship like you say that sorta keeps it interesting to me.  At least they're not battle/king/queen/fight/Unite songs :lol:

    Not blowing me away by any means but I'm enjoying it for a new discovery that's helping me kill some time until the Defiants comes out.  I can see it squeaking in my top 10 with how things have went in this down year to this point.

  5. I checked out the full 90 second samples of all songs on I Tunes Japan....My thoughts based on the samples...

    Viva La Victoria....We know this one.  It's okay I guess but another fight/battle song with overdone subject matter.  I'll admit it's growing on me a tiny bit but still not loving it.

    Mary Leigh...Another goofy subject matter tune.  I can sorta get behind "Live The Victory" in the first song....But this one I can't see myself connecting to at all.  I had to google Mary Leigh and she was some civil protester in the 1800's.  This song has all the makings of a skip for me and seems like a horrible choice for track #2 on the album.

    Blood Wants Blood....Another fight tune.  Outside of the subject matter again I kinda like it musically.  But again, how many times do they need to cover this similar subject...

    Shelter Me...The ballad on the album.  Okay I guess but not grabbing me.  I honestly didn't care for Hurt much on the last album and I think I'll probably feel about the same with this song.

    United...We've heard this.  Not a bad tune, again overdone subject matter.  I like it better than Mary Leigh or Shelter Me though.

    Delirious....Now this one is sounding good.  Kinda reminding me of Jaded a bit from the last album.

    When The Winter Ends....Another good sounding tune.  Maybe the album picks up steam now?

    38 or 44....Nope...Another fight type tune of some sort.  Doubting this one does much for me.

    Never Gonna Be Like You....Sounding pretty good....melodic rock tune.

    The Masquerade....Another interesting sounding tune with a bit of interesting tempo to it.  Think I could like this one.

    Take Me Home...Not sounding too bad.  Initially I was thinking John Denver's Country Roads Take Me Home when hearing this but it got better lol.

    So I don't know.  Think it'll probably be okay but based upon samples I'm also feeling like this might fall well behind the past 3 albums.

    I guess we'll see.

  6. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    He could be singing about toothpaste for all that does for me. :(

    LMAO but true!

    Samples up on amazon here.  Think there are longer samples in I Tunes Japan but haven't checked that out yet.


    Samples sounding a bit "meh" to me.  It's tough to tell much from these but it all sounds very familiar.  I think I might like the second half more than the first half just based on the samples.  I just always struggle a little with weird song titles and songs like "Viva La Victoria" and "Mary Leigh" don't set me off on the right foot in terms of connecting with the songs.  They just seem like odd choices to be the leading songs on an album.

    Probably will still buy this based upon how much I liked the past few albums but my excitement level has taken a nosedive.


  7. I'm not caring much for this new tune.

    It's okay and sounds fine.  I think mostly I just don't like the subject matter and aren't really connecting with the tune.  Just don't find myself wanting to sing..."Viva La Victoria".  

    And like Glen says above it's just another battle/stand up and fight type tune.  And I'm usually not bothered with accent in their stuff but I'm hearing it in spots in this song.

    I'm hoping for better with the rest.  I had thought this album would be a blind pre-order but now I don't know.  I've gotta think there will be some better tunes...


  8. 29 minutes ago, Stefan said:

    Geoff, did you know Alex sang on the debut album by Reach (Reach Out to Rock)?

    Also think I read that he was a finalist on Swedish idol.

    He definitely has some pipes.  We'll see if they can attach some songs to it and get something going.

    I didn't mind their debut album at the time but I'm not sure I've listened to it once since I put it away on the shelf a few months after it came out.  It just hasn't aged well at all for me.

    I'll be approaching the next one with some caution.  

  9. On 8/16/2019 at 8:32 PM, AlphaMale said:

    As was I.... then it started to sink in for me. Pretty good stuff.

    I've been checking out their first album too.  It seems like their debut was a bit more 80's hair-band ish and almost had a Steel Panther type vibe to it only with original material.  I like a few songs and maybe with more listens it'll grow on me but I think I much prefer the direction of this new album.  It just sounds more original...Kinda mixes heavy, current, melodic and maybe a little pop in spots.  Really reminds me a lot of a cross between like Degreed and One Desire in style....Kinda modern melodic rock.

    Pretty good stuff and one of the more interesting things I've listened to in this poor year so far. 

  10. Better than the first song for me....But generally I'm not caring for either song very much.

    I've always been a little lukewarm on these guys.  Liked a couple songs on the first album but never bought it.  I did buy Liberation but I rarely listen to it.  And based upon what I've heard so far the next album probably will be off my radar.


  11. Just now, Dead Planet said:

    Sounds nothing like their old stuff but I don't mind it....

    Surprisingly that's how I've felt to.

    Agree, nothing like their old stuff and nothing like the ultra melodic stuff I usually like.  But for some reason still like these songs.  They still rock IMO....just a different style of rock

    Maybe I'm just desperate for anything new at this point as it's been a really slow year.

  12. New interview with Jona talking about Live At Sweden Rock Festival and a few tidbits on the new album coming soon.  As for Sweden Rock Festival CD/Blu Ray, I'm digging it.  But I prefer the Live In London release for the audio.  The Blu Ray is cool though.  It's well done and nice to see them on a big stage playing in front of a big crowd.


    One excerpt about the new album:

    Jona:  So anyway the next album is certainly inspired more by us being on the road and I guess more heavy and more rocking in a way. It’s a bland of ‘Tearing Down the Walls’ and ‘Address the Nation’ but with aspects of ‘Great Unknown’ in there too. We also looked back at our first album, but the songs here are really strong in my opinion. I don’t want to jinx it or anything, but it’s gonna be really cool. It’s like the 80’s influence is there for sure but the live influence is really big if that makes sense?

    Sounding pretty good to me :)

  13. H.e.a.t - Live At Sweden Rock Festival.

    CD is okay....doubt I'll really listen to it much though as Live In London is better IMO.

    As for the Blu Ray, that's pretty good and the main reason for anybody to buy this.  The Swedish banter kinda annoys me a little.  If they can sing in English in Sweden why couldn't they talk in English if they knew they were recording this for worldwide release?

    All in all, pretty good package but in honesty I'm not sure how much I'll really come back to it.  

  14. 41 minutes ago, lettard said:


    Yep.  For me that first Defiants album was above any Danger Danger album. 

    And album #2 is looking like it will just add to that.

    Don't get me wrong...liked Danger Danger back in the day.  But never really overly liked them for whatever reason.   

  15. 2 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Is the argument "Who's the better vocalist?" I don't think we're arguing who's better. I believe the argument is, and always has been, "Who is Danger Danger?"

    That's a good point.

    For me, Laine is way better vocally and I prefer the Defiants to Danger Danger if I had to choose.

    But, Poley is the voice of DD for me just because they had their biggest success and hits with him.  So if there were another "Danger Danger" album, I'd prefer it to be with Poley.

    All said though, I'm perfectly happy with the way things are.  The Defaints are great and Ted sounded as good as ever on Tokyo Motor Fist.  The more new, quality music we get the better.

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