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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 6 hours ago, melodicrock said:

    The single is very safe - but it's there due to that gaming tournament tie-in.


    Next single Viva La Victoria will blow your ears off. 

    Sounds good.  Still feel like it's a strange song title though and I'm kinda having a hard time getting excited about singing a "Viva La Victoria" chorus....

    And for some reason Living La Vida Loca keeps popping in my head :lol:.

    Hoping it turns out great though and looking forward to the album.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I think Glen was actually the only person on the planet that didn't like 'Eden.' Great song and I did ignore that minor detail for the correct point he was making. 'Battlegrounds' is definitely shit though. 

    Just looking at the track list, I actually don't think there was a bad tune on 'Momentum.' But generally speaking they do have a shitty viking-style song on their albums. Maybe they'll have two this time to make up for the last album?

    Eden probably was my least favorite song on the album.  I think what I didn't like about it mostly is just that I'm tiring on the whole Kings/Queens/Battle type songs from Eclipse.....They've been there, done that.  It's kinda like I never want to hear another Bon Jovi song talking about living your life your own way.  Well, maybe that's a bad example because I don't want to hear any new Bon Jovi songs period anymore lol.

    I don't mind the new tune from a musical perspective.  To be honest though, again the theme of it is very worn out.  And we just had Harem Scarem do a United song a couple years ago.  

    I'm sure there will be better and that the album will still be great. This first song makes me wonder a little though if Erik might be wearing himself thin on ideas with all the stuff he's been involved in.

  3. 11 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

    See I disagree with the whole " respect them for just trying to create what they felt. "

    In cases like this, why revive the band name if you are just going to do something that sounds nothing like that band?

    It would be no different to Nikki Sixx trying to push Sixx AM as Motley Crue.

    Just leave the band name in the past and release this stuff under a new name, simple. All they are doing by using the RB name is trying to sucker people to buy it for nostalgias sake.

    I see your point.  Yeah, they're probably just using the name.  I do feel like in listening to the samples there are a few more classic sounding Roxy songs on it though.  But yeah, the majority is modern rock and not what most would be expecting based off that debut.

    But Roxy Blue only had one album and it was nearly 30 years ago.  It wasn't like they had a long standing style of music and were a real well known band anyways.  That debut album happened during a different era and probably Mike Clink & Geffen records had a lot to do with it.  And let's face it....They basically failed with that style of music outside of fans like us who really dug for those kinds of bands :)

    I do agree though....The easy and smart thing to do would've been to try and make a big sounding melodic rock album.  I'd have much preferred them trying to do something like say Crazy Lixx did with Forever Wild.

    But I do respect them for going against the grain even if I don't think it was a smart decision.  Maybe if they would've had a series of releases they would've evolved to this exact style anyways? 

    I can't really blame them for using the same name as it is 3/4 of the original members.   Yeah, sound is different but that happens with lots of bands.  If we're using that, we should be saying Bon Jovi shouldn't be releasing Bon Jovi albums anymore....No Richie and they sound nothing like they did in the 80's.  Same argument would probably be for Warrant....They shouldn't be using the Warrant.  Heck, maybe even that Born Again album with Jani shouldn't have been Warrant ;)

    I guess I just see both sides here.  I'm just taking it for what it is and trying not to get hung up on what I wanted it to be.  People will either like it or not like it.....And most probably won't like it lol. 

    • Like 1
  4. Below is a pretty good (and pretty long) interview with Todd Poole for anyone that wants to check it out.

    He seems like a good dude and they were keenly aware of what they were doing on the new album.  I do think the wiser and easier approach probably would've been to try making Want Some #2.  On the other hand though, I also kinda respect them for just trying to create what they felt.  I'm not artistic by any means but it's tough doing anything if you're not really into what you're doing.

    At the end of the day, at least what they're doing is still "rock".  It's not the same kind of rock they used to do but at least it's still something with some attitude and balls to it.  At least they haven't turned into adult contemporary artists like say Bon Jovi for example.

    Not my normal cup of tea and I'm positive that most of the sites I follow won't be recommending it, but still liking it for some strange reason that I can't put my finger on.  I just think mostly because it's different than the ultra-melodic stuff I'm normally listening to.  


  5. 11 hours ago, shamus said:

    No need to close your eyes. With the blond hair and goatee, Poole kinda resembles Chad?

    I fucking loved their debut! People love to say Want Some? was a perfect example of why the genre died/was killed off. I disagree completely.

    I think they were literally the last band who got it exactly right. High energy, fun as hell, great sound, great look etc. No, they didn't reinvent the  genre but damn did they replicate it to perfection and put forth some kick ass sunset strip style bombast!

    Like Geoff, I hear a little Buckcherry in the first single and maybe even latter day Warrior Soul. I like it but it is so different from Want.

    I love this second single. Once again, not how we woulda expected a Want Some? follow up to sound but super catchy to these ears.

    Download the 714 power ballad World Breaks Down if you want to hear Todd Poole a little closer to the Want Some? album. Great song.




    Yeah...I loved that debut too and still play it from time to time. I suppose that's probably why I've given this new stuff more of a chance than maybe I would've if it were any other band.  I waited so long for another album from these guys that I really want to like it (I don't count those horrible FNA releases).  I do agree it's probably like a lot of modern rock bands but I don't listen to much of that style at all so to me this doesn't feel so worn out or overdone. 

    I do wish they would've tried to stick closer to that 90's style with this new album but not going to hold it against them.  It has been almost 30 years.  On the plus side, at least they're still trying to rock unlike say Bon Jovi.  And if I want to listen to somebody doing that fun, big 80's sound....I can pop in Crazy Lixx, the Defiants, Midnite City,  H.e.a.t, etc.  

    I get the negative comments and would expect that many here won't like it.  Honestly, a little surprised I came around on it myself after initially not liking the first single as it's a little outside my comfort zone for sure.

    Every now and then there's stuff that others like in here that I scratch my head on and wonder why.  I guess this will be one of those for me :lol:

  6. I like this tune....Good to hear a more aggressive tune after the first couple have been "lighter" tunes.

    These guys have lots of variety song to song and sometimes even within the same song which really keeps them interesting to me.

    Looking forward to the album.  I'm not sure when the actual release date is though....Have asked on FB and will see if I get a response.  I'm guessing it's still 2-3 months away since no details have been announced yet.

  7. A little bit more of a classic vibe to that one.

    This is something that I'm almost surprised that I'm actually kinda liking.  Yeah, it really sounds nothing like Want Some era Roxy Blue and probably is an average tune by all accounts.  But for some reason I'm kinda liking it.  And that first song grew on me too. 

    I don't know....Maybe it's been a slow year and I'm just desperate for some new music.  Or maybe it's just a bit different than the other stuff I'm listening to.   


  8. LOL....Yeah, tough comparing this and Eclipse.  

    What I've found this year though is that I'm having a tough time getting Crazy Lixx out of my player.  Not comparing this to that though :)

    As for Nitrate, I do like it quite a bit.  I do feel like the first half is much stronger than the second half though.  I really like the first 4-5 songs, then Never Surrender and Heartbreak Suicide are okay tunes but not overly exciting me.  I do like In The Night quite a bit and then Bad Girls is my least favorite song on this and a definite throw away tune.  The last tune Shot In The Dark is okay.

    Good album though and I definitely like the sound better with the new singer.  At this point in time it's still my second favorite thing this year but it'll likely have a tough time staying there with all the stuff yet to come.  I'd expect it makes my top 10 though. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    the first half of 2019 has been one of the quietest since the late 90s imho.

    However I do feel that the second half is going to be very special indeed. 

    Some of my favourite artists have new releases due and that is very exciting.


    My thoughts too.  Been a pretty slow 6 months for my tastes.  Really only Crazy Lixx and Nitrate have done much for me.  Tesla was okay but I know there are many mixed feelings on that one.

    I'm not sure the next month or two really look much better.  I'm looking forward to the H.e.a.t Live CD/Blu Ray but that doesn't really count.

    Things will pick up though.  Can't wait for that Defiants album, Eclipse, Degreed, Pretty Maids, etc.  

  10. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    listened to the samples. great stuff. these guys just record effortlessly cool tunes. Can't wait for this to land 

    Yep....Sounding awesome.  You're effortlessly comment is spot on.  I'm not even sure these guys could record a bad song.

    Definitely going to be giving Crazy Lixx some competition for my #1 spot this year.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    I'm fine with a heavier sound to their music, but the chorus doesn't really grab me.  I'd prefer something more along the lines of the single "Infected" that they released last year.

    Kinda feeling the same here.  I personally prefer their heavier sound and musically it sounds great.

    Not a bad tune...pretty theatrical and well put together.

    Just not really finding it to be all that catchy or a song I'm rushing to listen to again.  

    These guys have sorta been a band I've always kinda liked a little but they don't overly grab me.  I mean, I liked a few songs off the debut and 3-4 songs off their second album but for some reason I almost never pull those CD's off the shelf to listen to.  Not sure why that is.  I think that sometimes the vocals get to me just a little bit on some songs with the accent or something.

    Not sure if I'll pick this album up or not.  Will probably need to hear something that grabs me a bit more.

  12. Hmmm....not really my style either but I still kinda like it for something a little different than my normal stuff.  Definitely a modern vibe....rocks pretty good though.

    Will probably give this a few more listens and see how it settles....could see it going either way for me depending on my mood and maybe what a few of the other songs sound like. 

    Something to keep an eye on.   

  13. 19 minutes ago, Y&TForever said:

    (Sorry, posted on the wrong thread!)

    I'm late to the party on Crazy Lixx...can somebody throw together a ranking of their cds?  I usually go on to YouTube to listen to songs, then if i like, I will go buy...

    Depends on your tastes....will likely get different rankings from everyone lol.

    For me, I'd rank them:

    Forever Wild 

    Ruff Justice

    New Religion

    Crazy Lixx (Self-titled)

    Loud Minority

    Riot Avenue

    For me they're all great though.  Riot Avenue is one that I didn't care much for initially but it's raw sound makes it different than the others and I've found it growing on me.

  14. 51 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Mine arrived this morning...alas I haven't got it yet as our arsehole postman must of hid and waited for me to go out after lunch before letting me know he'd been and I would have to collect from my local sorting office tomorrow :ahole:

    Mine arrived today :)

    For my tastes it's freaking fantastic.  Basically just follows the style of the first two Midnite City albums.  

    Definitely a little bit of an edgier feel to it than the debut IMO.  

    I'd say the videos above are an excellent representation of the album as a whole....Just full of stuff like that. 

    I need more listens to let it really sink in but initially I'd say the songs that stood out to me on my first run through were You Want It, You Got It, Night Time City, Only A Heartache Away, Heart Go Wild and In the Night.

    Either way, very solid release and for my ears, I'm feeling initially like this is the second best thing I've heard so far this year behind Crazy Lixx.

  15. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Ordered this direct from AOR Heaven earlier today,its already been posted so fingers crossed I have it by the weekend...that'd be nice...to sit at home looking out at the rain...but its summer inside with a cold Rockshore beer and some damn fine tunes :drink:

    LOL.....Ordered myself from AOR Heaven also this morning and got an email it was shipped.  Will take awhile longer to reach me in the US but should still have it well ahead of the "official" 6/21 release date.

    Very high probability I'm really going to like this one based upon the songs we've heard :headbanger:

  16. 1 hour ago, Ponen said:

    Agree with most of the comments above. I think we have an absolute gem here. Going by the 3 songs and if the rest of the album is as good or better than these songs then am sure this album will eclipse Crazy Lixx and First Signal by a long way. Might even be better than Midnite City's second album. Will see...

    I agree it's looking real good but highly doubt it's passing Crazy Lixx for me....absolutely love that CL album.

    Either way, looking like it'll be a very solid release.

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