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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Don't recall seeing this shared here.  Just one I've had my eyes on and kinda growing on me.  Kinda reminds me a little of something like a Maverick.



    Track listing:

    1. Love Ain’t Here
    2. Dead & Gone
    3. Chains
    4. New Bad Habit
    5. Next 2 Me
    6. Damage
    7. Fallin’
    8. All I Want
    9. Haunt Me
    10. Born to Rock n Roll

    GIN ANNIE have launched a pre-order campaign through Pledge Music: www.pledgemusic.com/projects/gin-annie

    GIN ANNIE is a hard melodic rock 5-piece from Wolverhampton, England, featuring heavy guitar driven songs whilst maintaining a melodic vocal style; hook-laden choruses and classy melodies.

    GIN ANNIE are based around the nucleus of cousins, Dave Foster (vocals) and Byron Garbett (guitars). In November 2017, the Black Country rockers saw a change of line-up to form MKII of the band, with the addition of Brian Green on guitar and Phill ‘Hammer’ Burrows on bass. Drumming powerhouse Jack Ryland-Smith completes the group.




  2. 51 minutes ago, Glen said:

    as always Degreeds music absolutely rules.

    But these songs should so have been sung by RE. 

    Ted's vocals just don't fit and it will forever be the shame about this album is that we will never hear it as a full blown Degreed album which it so painfully obviously is. 

    That said the album is still pretty nice and (because 2018 is so weak) is actually scraping my top 10 or might just miss ;)


    Agree on this.  For me, what makes Degreed work is the grittiness RE brings to the mix with the vocals.

    For me, Ted's smoother voice just doesn't work with this style.  I listened to 3 or 4 of those songs and never had any desire to listen to them again.

    I like Ted with DD, Tokyo Motor Fist and some of his solos stuff....But the pairing with Degreed just didn't work for me.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    Of the ones listed, I'm looking forward to hearing the same ones you mentioned :drink: plus some that they left off like Kane Roberts, Tesla, Find Me, Roxy Blue, Spread Eagle, Work of Art and First Signal, assuming those are still on schedule

    Oh...forgot about Tesla.  Looking forward to that one also.....Curious to hear what impact Phil Collen has on them.  And must be putting a lot of work into the album considering it seems like they've been working on it a couple years now.

  4. Only Eclipse and Defiants are blind purchases for me.

    Surprised they left Kane Roberts off the list.  I kinda liked the first tune I heard from that and have that on my radar.

    I did have Tora Tora on my radar but that first single was putrid to my ears.  I'll need to really be won over with the next song I hear to get that back on the radar.

  5. Got this album yesterday and been through it a couple times....

    Have to say I'm digging this mostly because it's a tiny bit different than much of the other stuff I've listened to this year.  It's more of a straight ahead rock album with a bit of a classic vibe to it.  It's kinda like Tango Down combined with Bigfoot or something.

    I do think Is Anybody Listening is probably my favorite tune, followed by Gasoline....which are the two songs above.   I also really like the ballad Feet To The Fire....Might be my favorite ballad this year, excellent tune.

    There's some other good tunes though....I quite like Something Inside, Maybe Tonight, Rockstar and Til The end.  There's also a couple tunes that aren't doing too much for me but overall it's a pretty solid album that's well put together.

    If I had one nitpicking criticism, I personally would've just liked a few more backing vocals, oohs, aahs, etc to enhance the melodic feel...I'm a sucker for that stuff.  But still a good album with some excellent guitar work.

    Need more listens to let it sink in but could challenge for my top 10. 

    Here's a link with samples for all songs for anybody that is inclined to check it out.  


  6. New tune released.  Can't say this song is doing much for me but here it is.  Also puts me off a little being that Treat just released a song with the same title not long ago.  Couldn't somebody at Frontiers have suggested using a different title?  Or at the very least picking a different lead song?



  7. 1 minute ago, lettard said:

    Yeah sounded good to me too,didnt like the track Manhattan though.

    Agree....Liked the first 2 songs but didn't care too much for the third.

    I get the feeling there will probably be 3-4 songs with each of the vocalists sharing the load.  I guess it's basically like a project type CD more than a true band.

    I'll probably check it out though as it's a good roster of musicians....Could be an interesting listen.

  8. Re-visited these songs and they're growing on me a bit.  Still like the second one more than the first but the first isn't too bad.

    Have seen a couple solid reports on the album.  Little bored at the moment with no new releases on the horizon, so put an order in for this to check it out.  I could easily still go either way with this but what the heck....I like tossing some support behind this kind of stuff.

    Will report back after it's arrived and I've had a chance to listen.

  9. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    no killers? you lot are mad.

    At least half the album is killer 

    I'll join you here.....for me it's my favorite of the last 3 albums.

    All great and all 90+ albums, but I just really dig the new one.  There's really nothing on it I dislike whereas there's 2-3 songs on each of the previous couple albums I didn't care much for.  


  10. I had never gotten this album and really never spent any time checking it out much in the past.

    Digging the album quite a bit.  Really some good backing vocal and harmony type stuff on this album and now see how it perfectly led into New Religion.

    For me this album might be third on my list of CL albums behind Ruff Justice and New Religion.  I'd put it ahead of Riot Avenue and the S/T.

  11. 29 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I'd go back and listen to Coup again if I were you.

    I listened to it this morning and the pacing is identical throughout with the exception of the insipid ballad and We Own The Night which is sublime and borders on AOR.

    There's no more variety than on the new album.

    But to each their own.

    I think we are losing my original point which is Tunguska is a fine album, great songs throughout, and a killer production.

    Easy top 10 for me :)


    Love Tunguska and agree.....Better than Coup for me.

    Not a single song on Tunguska I get the urge to skip past while there's 3-4 songs on Coup I skip.   And honestly, I'm not even sure what I'd say is my favorite song on Coup.  I'd probably say We Own The Night or Paper Tiger.  Don't get me wrong...I like Coup and it's a solid melodic rock album.  Just not much that overly stands out for me.  Part of my problem though might be that I was very late to the party on Coup and didn't go back to listen to it until after GOG had come out.  

    There are probably 4-5 songs on Tuguska that I like better than my two favorite songs off Coup.

    For me Tunguska is easily my favorite of the past 3 albums.  I'd rank them Tunguska, GOG, Coup.  All are basically 90+ albums for me though and a great collection of music.


  12. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    No sample or anything on this thread anymore... did it get taken down by Kivel or something? It's a very interesting band line-up - I like it. Would love to hear the music. 

    Yeah, appears it was taken down.  I looked around a bit and can't seem to find it anywhere.

    Sample was good....Basically sounded like old Tyketto if I remember right.

  13. Got an update on this project today.

    Will not be released by Kivel Records but will be released independently.

    See Duane Morano's FB page for info.

    Think pre-orders will be starting next week.

    Have this on my watch list as I liked the first tune I heard.

  14. 11 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Not bad,will keep an eye out but it aint grabbing me enough atm.

    Feel the same.  Like the second song more than the first but not overly grabbing me.

    Not bad though and could be something that grows if I hear a couple other tunes I like.

  15. Updated list....Might be my final one for the year unless I go back and find something I missed.

    1.  Midnite City - There Goes The Neighbourhood

    2.  Kissin Dynamite - Ecstasy

    3.  Shiraz Lane - Carnival Days

    4.  Treat - Tunguska

    5.  Maverick - Cold Star Dancer

    6.  W.e.t - Earthrage

    7.  Nordic Union - Second Coming

    8.  Nitrate - Real World

    9.  Station - More Than The Moon

    10.  Hearts On Fire - Call Of Destiny

    Honorable mention just missing the cut - Halestorm, Dangerous Curves, Perfect Plan.


  16. 3 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Interesting thoughts. I'm not quite on the same page. 

    For one, I think the songs are fantastic. Not every one is perfect, but, I can honestly say that every single song has at least one really, really awesome part. Whether it be the chorus, just a repeated verse hook or one of the dozen amazing pre-choruses on the album... every song has at least one part that makes you stop in your tracks. To me, that is the work of a guy who really knows what he's doing when he writes a song. 

    I said it in another thread, but I think this would be my favourite album of the year... just because it's fresh; it's raw and the hooks and melodies are just so well executed. It's a really nice album, song-wise. However, the problem here is glaring.

    These songs are basically just demos. I don't know how many different years and sessions are involved here, but I'd guess this is a collection of songs from about 5-10 years of this guy recording music, many with a different sound/production... and they're all thrown together on this album. 

    It's not like the production is horrible, and the 5 songs from the previous EP sound pretty good, but there is evidently a quality missing to the production here. It's a real shame, because song-wise I absolutely love it. I still think this will be in my top 5 this year, but if these songs were all re-recorded in a single recording session with proper attention, who knows what this album would be. I hope to shit he records another one... with a good producer in a studio all nicely put together as a cohesive album. 

    This was an album that I just seemed to find myself liking less the more played it. 

    It was strange...kept feeling like I should've liked it more than I was as it had all the elements I normally like.  I think a big part of it was the demo quality feel like you mention.  And the vocals bothered me a bit with how screamy they were in parts.  Also was put off a bit by some of the poppy effects. 

    It does start off pretty good with the first few songs and the ballad is pretty good....but for me it just tailed off quickly in the second half and really didn't find myself having any desire to return to it.  I sold off my CD and didn't even want to keep it.

    I do think the production impacted my views here.  There's some good songs and potential but production and vocals just knocked it off my radar.  I don't think it's helped either that I've had a lot of good new stuff to listen to in the past couple months that really just tossed this on the back burner quickly.

  17. 7 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Oh shit... I'm getting the album mixed up with the Heartwind album!!! lol, I can see why. Same artwork pretty much and same kind of vibe. Oh dear. But this one is far better. 

    Well ignore my comments, Lettard. I actually quite like this one. It isn't a ball tearer, but it's actually a fine album. 'Falling into you' is killer, but the whole second half of the album is quite strong. In fact, to a good degree, I like every song on the CD. Yeah, this one is nice. 

    Agree with you on this one...Good, solid album.  Yeah, not a ball tearer but still a solid listen and I was pleasantly surprised with it as it was a bit better than maybe I was expecting.  Well, actually wasn't sure what to expect lol.

    Second half definitely stronger than the first.  I almost feel like the first half is a bit more AORish and the second half gets into a bit more balls going.  Ends up being a good mixture of stuff I guess.

    Currently sitting at my #10 album this year.

  18. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    I do hope it's more up to Pandemonium standard.

    Motherland was excellent but a slight step down

    last album had a few fillers imo.

    Fingers crossed 


    Last album was pretty good but I didn't care for the last 1/4 of it.  Didn't like Sickening and Civilized Monsters back to back....Both skips every time for me.  Motherland had a few songs too that I never listen to.

    So excellent stuff spread across the 3 albums though.  I think each one has 5-6 absolutely killer tunes.  

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