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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Bought this on jap import from a seller on ebay and it arrived yesterday,finally got a chance to listen today on my ipod at work...brilliant album,now for defs my number 1 of the year so far,just so good to my ears even the tracks featured here that I didn't at first take to sound great in the context of the cd,fav song so far is  "Heartmath City"

    Thanks for sharing you thoughts!

    Have seen a few reviews and sounds like there are some more upbeat melodic rockers on it than we've heard with the first couple tracks so far.  I mean, Build The Love was pretty good but a fairly laid back tune.  And Rose Of Jericho even more laid back.  I've felt that both are songs that might work better in the context of the album if there are some more upbeat melodic rockers around them.

    Feels a bit like what H.e.a.t did when they led off with Time On Our Side and Redefined.

    I guess these bands are figuring they want to hit you with something different.  I'd prefer they just come out of the box with something rocking and familiar.

    Anyways, good to hear on Treat and looking forward to it.


  2. Got this Cd today and been through it a couple times...

    Few good songs but overall not doing too much for me yet.....maybe it'll grow after more listens. It's almost like Rick Springfield meets Blue Tears meets Def Leppard.  Definitely has a late 80's/early 90's vibe.  Heck, feels like these songs might've been written and recorded back then.  

    Production is a little strange....Lots of effects going on....Sometimes feels a little poppy with some of the effects.  Vocals seem pretty low in the mix sometimes and also strained. 

    However, still not bad though.  I like the first 4 tracks with Bring The Light probably being the tune that stood out most, the ballad Close My Eyes is pretty good, Miles Away isn't bad and I kinda like one of the Japan bonus tracks, Forever.  The rest just sort of went under my radar.

    Not bad though...I expect this to grow a bit as I do like the sound....well worth at least checking out.



  3. Wow...Can't believe they're turning another album around so soon!  Although, it sounds like only the single is out Sept 7th.  I seem to remember last time that Shakedown came out a few months before the album officially released.  I saw a post on FB that they don't have a release date for the album yet.

    New sample sounds good.  I was a little iffy at the start of it but then it kicked into gear some.  Love how these guys blend so many elements in their music....You think you might be getting a poppy song and then they hit you with some heavy riffs to reel you back....

    Excellent news!


  4. 46 minutes ago, Kristian said:

    I rarely go to concerts these days, BUT, I just bought two tickets for me wife and I to H.E.A.T in Hamburg, on Dec 16th.

    Support acts are Shiraz Lane and One Desire, so it should be a tremendous night ?

    Very nice....Be sure to share your thoughts on the show!

    I'd absolutely love to see that show.  I toyed with the idea of even travelling to Europe from the USA to catch one but the wife promptly shot it down.  I feel lucky to have seen H.e.a.t a couple times in Chicago though.....Easily among my favorite concerts ever.  The energy in their shows makes me feel like I'm 30 years younger :)  And such good guys to talk to if you get the chance.....Very humble and appreciative from everything I saw.

    And to see Shiraz Lane and OD too....Wow, that'll be amazing.

  5. 6 hours ago, RockinSockinRobots said:

    Saw Tempt live last night and have to say - if you ever get the opportunity to see them, GO!   Very very good live band - one of those rare bands that is on an entirely different level live

    Nice guys also..



    Looked like a great show with them and Station.

    Hope those two play a few more shows together....They need to get a bit upstate in NY so I can catch them :)

  6. Nice tune, well produced and Steve sounds pretty good.  If I'm being honest it doesn't really do much for my personal tastes though and isn't something I'll be buying.

    It's nice to see him back making music though and I'm sure it will appeal to many.



  7. 56 minutes ago, RockinSockinRobots said:

    I'm not feeling what I am hearing at all..  none of the energy of the Treat that I love.  Safe and , dare I say, boring. 



    Feeling pretty much the same....Build The Love wasn't too bad....But was pretty safe.  And the next song feels even safer.

    Hoping these are the more "commercial" type songs and they get back to rocking a bit more on some other songs.

    They're okay songs and for me, might be songs I'd like better in the context of an album depending on what's around them.  Neither are songs I see myself adding to any playlist for extended listening though.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Glen said:

    agreed ;)

    I wouldn't substitute one song on the MC debut for one of these.

    it's pretty good....just not as good.

    3 or 4 songs approach that quality but some are just a bit lacklustre (and overlong) for me.

    I predict the the new MC will destroy this.

    Sorry guys 

    You're probably right about the new Midnite City....fully expecting a killer album!

    I wonder how I'd feel if this had released before Midnite City and we weren't able to compare to that release?  I'm pretty sure this was actually mostly done with Rob singing lead vocals before Rob broke off and decided to do Midnite City.  Then they re-did things with Joss.  He does bring a slightly different flavor to the songs which took me a little to warm up to but they probably tried to get something that didn't sound "exactly" like Midnite City.

    Either way, I dig the vibe and style of this music and do think the overall sound is pretty good.  I also would agree that it's not as good as Midnite City....But that was my #1 album last year :) 

    Still way better than anything I can find on mainstream radio  ?    


  9. 35 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    I thought the Nitrate album was pretty good as well.  I would also agree that it hasn't received too many comments/reviews, here or elsewhere, which is a shame as it is worth checking out, especially for those who liked Midnite City. 

    Definitely similar to Midnite City and would think it would appeal to anybody that liked that album.  I can't help noticing how similar some of the riffs, arrangements and lyrics feel which I guess should be expected given how involved Rob and Pete were with this.  However, I think Joss gives it just enough of a different feel on vocals though to separate it a bit and give it it's own character.  I think maybe the keyboards are a tiny bit more prevalent on this too but not so much that it distracts from anything.  Maybe it's because I just listened to Hot Summer Nights before writing this....Digging that tune :)

    I've only been through the album a few times and seem to like it a little more each time I've listened to it.     

    Maybe more reviews will be coming....really would think it would be fairly well received.


  10. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    I have Nitrate lined up for a listen on Spotify.

    Something tells me it isn't going to live up to the hype. 

    It's pretty good :)  I just really like the style and late 80's vibe....Definitely follows the Midnite City formula. 

    Not sure it's really been hyped all that much though.  Frankly, I've barely seen it mentioned anywhere on most of the stuff I follow.  I've seen almost no reviews and wouldn't even really know about it if I weren't following Andrew on FB or through the mafia.  I know we can say that about many releases lol.....But to me it sort of feels like it's flying even more under the radar than some other stuff.

    As for my top 5, it's changed from a few weeks ago....

    1.  Shiraz Lane 

    2.  Kissin' Dynamite - Moving up...Damn I love this album.... 

    3.  Maverick

    4.  W.e.t

    5.  Nitrate - Just edging out Station at the moment because of too many ballads on Station :)

    Honorable mention - Station, Halestorm, Perfect Plan, Dangerous Curves

    I'm expecting Midnite City and Nordic Union could make some noise on this list by year end.  I suppose maybe Treat too.


  11. I can't name much....or any....music from 100 years ago.  

    It's like anything I guess....Time change, people change.

    I do think things will have a better chance of surviving though with the digital media.  And I also think music has evolved so much that I'm not sure how much more it can evolve.  

    I won't be here so it won't much be mattering to me at that point :)

  12. Okay version....I prefer the original though as it was among my favorites on the album.  I do like how they labeled it the "sellout version" lol.

    Speaking of this album, just pulled it out earlier this week for a listen and still digging it.  I do hope they add a little more variety on the next album but it's still excellent stuff.

  13. Big supporter of these guys and do like the album.....But it's fallen a bit for me.  It's been in my top 5 but I think it'll have a tough time staying there with recent releases and what's to come.  Should still be top 10 though.

    Mostly, I find myself really liking the up tempo songs but not really caring much for the ballads. There's a couple too many that just takes away from the pacing IMO...especially in the second half of the album.  I've gotten to the point where I find myself skipping past Lie To You, Losing You, Northport Sunset and Walking Away.  I still much rather would've seen All You Need Is A Heartbeat and Never Enough on the album in place of any two of those ballads.  

    I really like the rest though and still feel like these guys are one of my favorite new melodic rock bands, especially from the US.



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